Yeah, we were running 15 minute sessions, still though the new GPS with the air duct fitted held up all day under intense heat while the old one fail on the first hot lap on a day that was 20 degrees cooler.
+1 fir the H2O radiator today, it showed it worth today.
The heat was a challenge, I drank a two gallons of electrolyte water before I took my first whizz….was getting out of breath as soon as I put my helmet on, and I don’t know if it was the heat, or that I road a bit faster today, but I was actually getting winded on the bike.
Definitely gotta get in better shape…1st rule of zombieland….Cardio
I felt much more competent on some basic fundamentals today, started adding in trail braking, better throttle control and better command of timing and tip in points, and am starting to be much more aware of body position though next track day I need to spend all day working on just that I think.
I’m still really slow, but in my 3rd full track day, and the 2nd time at that track I was getting the line down fairly good.
The top guys at these track days are doing low 1:30’s lap times at that track, my fastest today was a 2:06…slow, but I improved by 20 or so seconds from my 1st day there to my 2nd, and went from being the slowest guy in the slow group to about middle of the pack in the slow group, next time I think I’ll be in the 1:50’s.