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Wow not sure if Sheikh could be more of a Russian bot.

Russia isn’t experiencing inflation because it’s experiencing significant retardflation. You do realize subtle inflation (~2%) is a sign of a good thriving economy? Biden got inflation down to 2.9% in 2024 from 4.7% when he took over from the Orange turd. Also, you do realize that the president doesn’t control inflation rates?
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LBJ said it best

"Prices have gone up 10% in the last six years. Wages have gone up 40%. So we’ve got 40 cents to pay for 10 cents and have 30 cents left—but we’re mad as hell about it.

“Now I don’t want to see these prices go up,” he said. “I don’t like to see bread and milk, that mothers have got to buy, go up—and I’m doing everything that one man can do to keep them from going up. … But I’m going to try my best not to do what Mr. Hoover did about it. I’m going to try my best not to make a fellow pay for it with his job. … I’d rather have a little money in my pocket, and be able to pay a little more for bread, than to have no money in my pocket—and no job—and still have to eat bread, too.”
Wow not sure if Sheikh could be more of a Russian bot.

Russia isn’t experiencing inflation because it’s experiencing significant retardflation. You do realize subtle inflation (~2%) is a sign of a good thriving economy? Biden got inflation down to 2.9% in 2024 from 4.7% when he took over from the Orange turd. Also, you do realize that the president doesn’t control inflation rates?

You have completely lost your mind. Even the Democratic Party acknowledges that we have crippling inflation - and yes it is all because of Biden. We've just had 35% inflation under just one president. In one four year period, you lost 35% of your savings, 35% of your current wages, and 35% of all the money you will ever earn the rest of your life.

Even the foolish, ignorant, and dems-koolaide drinkers knew they couldn't hand another four years of that and survive.

You literally do not know what inflation is, but you can learn. At any moment you can pull your head out of the sand and learn what inflation is. Then you can join the rest of is in reality.
this Super guy is your typical Liberal. never looks at the facts, only his desires.

You have completely lost your mind. Even the Democratic Party acknowledges that we have crippling inflation - and yes it is all because of Biden. We've just had 35% inflation under just one president. In one four year period, you lost 35% of your savings, 35% of your current wages, and 35% of all the money you will ever earn the rest of your life.

Even the foolish, ignorant, and dems-koolaide drinkers knew they couldn't hand another four years of that and survive.

You literally do not know what inflation is, but you can learn. At any moment you can pull your head out of the sand and learn what inflation is. Then you can join the rest of is in reality.

Florida schools need help. Your math is atrocious

2021: 7
2022: 6.5
2023: 3.4
2024: 2.9

Add that up and what does that give you? It’s not 35…


Also my portfolio is up 95% (75% inflation adjusted) thanks to Biden. Since Trump took office, it shrank 8% in less than 100 days. So yeah, I’ll take Sleepy Joe’s economy any day. Trump is literally trying to bend over the middle class.
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You have completely lost your mind. Even the Democratic Party acknowledges that we have crippling inflation - and yes it is all because of Biden. We've just had 35% inflation under just one president. In one four year period, you lost 35% of your savings, 35% of your current wages, and 35% of all the money you will ever earn the rest of your life.

Even the foolish, ignorant, and dems-koolaide drinkers knew they couldn't hand another four years of that and survive.

You literally do not know what inflation is, but you can learn. At any moment you can pull your head out of the sand and learn what inflation is. Then you can join the rest of is in reality.
This really bothers me. Complete BS. The primary cause of the inflation was the PPV legislation that the Fat Donnie administration signed into law. A horrid piece of legislation with zero safeguards. FBI has estimated that half of the one trillion dollars taken was fraudulent. I personally know cases of this in our local business community. This was a complete rip off of the average American taxpayer. Since this money was concentrated into relatively few hands and it had to be used, their spending started the inflation. Bunches of abusive congressmen and senators with respect to this, they knew what they were signing. The last Fat Donnie tax cut moved more wealth into hands of the mega rich and the corporations, 1.7 trillion according to the CBO. The robber barons were way to conservative. They were poor in comparison. The wealth of America is actually mostly owned by a relative few. This as with the trillion of PPV ends up in the deficit. Now they want to do it again. That ain't trickle down bud, they're pi**ing on you. Sociopathic oligarch's running around the Whitehouse WTF. When these guys blow up the US economy this time the bulk of the foreclosed properties will move into corporate hands and more of the chumps for Fat Donnie will become renters. What the nation truly needs is the second coming of Teddy Roosevelt.
This really bothers me. Complete BS. The primary cause of the inflation was the PPV legislation that the Fat Donnie administration signed into law. A horrid piece of legislation with zero safeguards. FBI has estimated that half of the one trillion dollars taken was fraudulent. I personally know cases of this in our local business community. This was a complete rip off of the average American taxpayer. Since this money was concentrated into relatively few hands and it had to be used, their spending started the inflation. Bunches of abusive congressmen and senators with respect to this, they knew what they were signing. The last Fat Donnie tax cut moved more wealth into hands of the mega rich and the corporations, 1.7 trillion according to the CBO. The robber barons were way to conservative. They were poor in comparison. The wealth of America is actually mostly owned by a relative few. This as with the trillion of PPV ends up in the deficit. Now they want to do it again. That ain't trickle down bud, they're pi**ing on you. Sociopathic oligarch's running around the Whitehouse WTF. When these guys blow up the US economy this time the bulk of the foreclosed properties will move into corporate hands and more of the chumps for Fat Donnie will become renters. What the nation truly needs is the second coming of Teddy Roosevelt.

But these fücking retarded conservatives won't believe they're getting robbed when the thief has their hand down their pockets
Also, why isn't RetardRocket or Sheikh up in arms because their Orange Turd failed to lower egg prices? Since the Commander in Queef entered office, eggs are up 70% fücking percent

Typical left wing talking points. "Wealth into the wealthy peoples hands" is so cliched. Ripping off the Tax Payer, Fraud etc etc etc...

Obamacare. Need I say more? It's still stealing from the poor and middle class and lining the pockets of those evil insurance companies more than 10 years after it was implemented. And everything in the healthcare industry revolves around it.

Blame your God Obama, not the people who tried to stand in his way. DJT got rid of the MANDATE, which saved all of us a ton of money.
Let's list the major Democrat/Socialist/Communist agenda items that have, literally, destroyed the fabric of the USA in the last 175 years and squandered 10's of Trillions, most of the fraud going to friends of the Dems..

Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, the 17th Amendment, The New Deal, Establishment of the United Nations, The CIA (JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations etc etc etc), CRA of 1964, Viet Nam War, Welfare, Medicaid, USAID, Jimmy Carter's presidency.... Clintonomics, Obamacare, Prolonged Afghan and Iraq Wars under Obama, Every tax hike for the last 70 years, Green New Deal, Support of the Ukraine situation starting in 2009 and subsequent fraud/influence pedaling, The Arab Spring (Thanks Hillary), and every lefty Judge appointed to the Bench. That's just off the top of my head.

Socialism fails every time. Trump is 'De-Socialismizing' the US Government ATM. I don't particularly like the guy, but at least he knows how to run a business properly.
Let's list the major Democrat/Socialist/Communist agenda items that have, literally, destroyed the fabric of the USA in the last 175 years and squandered 10's of Trillions, most of the fraud going to friends of the Dems..

Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, the 17th Amendment, The New Deal, Establishment of the United Nations, The CIA (JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations etc etc etc), CRA of 1964, Viet Nam War, Welfare, Medicaid, USAID, Jimmy Carter's presidency.... Clintonomics, Obamacare, Prolonged Afghan and Iraq Wars under Obama, Every tax hike for the last 70 years, Green New Deal, Support of the Ukraine situation starting in 2009 and subsequent fraud/influence pedaling, The Arab Spring (Thanks Hillary), and every lefty Judge appointed to the Bench. That's just off the top of my head.

Socialism fails every time. Trump is 'De-Socialismizing' the US Government ATM. I don't particularly like the guy, but at least he knows how to run a business properly.
Let's list the major Democrat/Socialist/Communist agenda items that have, literally, destroyed the fabric of the USA in the last 175 years and squandered 10's of Trillions, most of the fraud going to friends of the Dems..

Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, the 17th Amendment, The New Deal, Establishment of the United Nations, The CIA (JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations etc etc etc), CRA of 1964, Viet Nam War, Welfare, Medicaid, USAID, Jimmy Carter's presidency.... Clintonomics, Obamacare, Prolonged Afghan and Iraq Wars under Obama, Every tax hike for the last 70 years, Green New Deal, Support of the Ukraine situation starting in 2009 and subsequent fraud/influence pedaling, The Arab Spring (Thanks Hillary), and every lefty Judge appointed to the Bench. That's just off the top of my head.

Socialism fails every time. Trump is 'De-Socialismizing' the US Government ATM. I don't particularly like the guy, but at least he knows how to run a business properly.
He's filed Bk7 seven times; you socialism do you work, do you get a check that's socialism? I noticed your USMC; last I checked, they stand up for people who can't. Your views are one-sided; Republicans are pretty much just as guilty. Elon doesn't know squat about efficiency, and the way they're going about it has a bad ending to that movie. We can only speculate unless we have first-hand views. Back to Elon, I used to work for that MOFO. His knowledge comes from OTJT; we engineers did all the work. He uses people and pits people against one another. Waste in GOV does need to change. Every office operates at 50% efficiency, manufacturing at 55%, Dr. Denning rebuilt Japan's economy after WWII, and that is how you make change, methodically. Ducati is great quality, why because they're ethical and methodical. I'm bored now, so I'll leave it here.

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