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Thanks for the additional links, but the ass to mouth msm has lost all credibility and most of us don't really care what they have to say.
Describing MSM as ATM is an insult to all the scanky, but hard working, performers on Porn Hub, Xnxx, Hamster Dump, and all the other reputable 'Adult' sites.
For the americans who continue to post political commentary on random websites I would suggest you read (or reread 1984) and then contemplate the actual electronic tenacles and computing power of the US government. Anybody heard from Snowden lately.
For the americans who continue to post political commentary on random websites I would suggest you read (or reread 1984) and then contemplate the actual electronic tenacles and computing power of the US government. Anybody heard from Snowden lately.
Which is exactly WHY we post political statements on random websites. 1984 is REQUIRED READING in most High School English classes. We are VERY aware of what Government and 'Big Brother' are capable of doing, and how insidious and incestuous the relationship between propaganda outlets (Big news and Big Tech) and the elitist Ruling class actually is. The fact that King Charles is a proponent of Green ideology and Global Warming/Climate Change is EXACTLY why use our free voices anywhere we want, and in vociferous and strident ways. You, in British Commonwealth Nations and the EU would be advised to follow suit. The euphemism 'Big Brother' comes from 1984 and we use it constantly.
Again, which is fine with me. The fact that you accuse me of being a shill shows how out of touch you are with this entire situation, going back to the dissolution of the USSR. This is just a continuation of NATO hegemony after the Cold War. You'd rather have a War, and Russia lose, than sit down and talk terms, and come to an agreement. NATO Expansionism has caused everyone else to react, much to the detriment of everyone else. NATO doesn't even need to exist any more. they should learn to get along with people instead of trying to overthrow governments and install their own puppet dictators, as they did in Ukraine and other Eastern European and Middles Eastern countries. The West doesn't want Peace. They want Dominance. Ain't happening.
Thank god there is an ignore button.
Said like someone ignoring the USAID Curfuffle currently occurring in Washington. The truth hurts so much you put people on ignore.
They are DEMOcrats, not there for the Republic, but for Mob Rule.. and THEY control the 'Mob'. 1984 anyone?
I get my information from about 25 different sources, and NONE of them are the legacy media or outlets like the Guardian and BBC rags. I always verify both sides of the story too, although I must admit that when it comes to Woke and Trans and other stupid ideas I already have my mind made up.
Gotta love how Dems had been destroying the economy for last 4 years by stealing tax payers money on DEI musicals in Ireland and DEI in Serbia.
That is some seriously funny stuff. The american economy is the currently the strongest in the world. The great depression had a republican in office, followed by a democrat who cleaned it up. The "Decider", a republican was in office in 2007 when the world economy melted down. A democrat cleaned the mess up. If our senate was not primarily a bunch of paid for corporate whores, if the provisions that Biden put into his legislation had actually all passed, ending the carried interest BS, establishing a 15% alternative minimum tax on corporations (amt on individuals was 28% last time I hit it), no more oil depletion allowance, etc. we would have been rolling back the deficit during the Biden administration in a significant manner. The first Fat Donnie administration tax cuts effectively (according to the CBO) decreased the average corporate income tax from 13% to 7%. Fat Donnie will again try to goose the economy thru tax cuts. Last time it worked a little this time it won't. The Buffet ratio is at the highest it's ever been, the big banks positions look like hedge funds, the short interest in the markets is immense. If these guys blow the economy up no amount of printing money (quantitative easing) is going to fix it this time.
That is some seriously funny stuff. The american economy is the currently the strongest in the world. The great depression had a republican in office, followed by a democrat who cleaned it up. The "Decider", a republican was in office in 2007 when the world economy melted down. A democrat cleaned the mess up. If our senate was not primarily a bunch of paid for corporate whores, if the provisions that Biden put into his legislation had actually all passed, ending the carried interest BS, establishing a 15% alternative minimum tax on corporations (amt on individuals was 28% last time I hit it), no more oil depletion allowance, etc. we would have been rolling back the deficit during the Biden administration in a significant manner. The first Fat Donnie administration tax cuts effectively (according to the CBO) decreased the average corporate income tax from 13% to 7%. Fat Donnie will again try to goose the economy thru tax cuts. Last time it worked a little this time it won't. The Buffet ratio is at the highest it's ever been, the big banks positions look like hedge funds, the short interest in the markets is immense. If these guys blow the economy up no amount of printing money (quantitative easing) is going to fix it this time.
Amen brother. Buy Bitcoin and never look back.
A bit of a correction if I may. The Dems have done a great job killing our Economy, but the only reason it LOOKS strong is because y9ou are comparing it to the EU economies, which are totally in the tank. Contrarily, however, the Russian economy is a lot stronger than the US economy, no matter what the neocons and right wing wackoes want you to believe. Their REAL inflation rate is much lower, their GDP is growing at a higher percentage than ours, they have a net surplus on exports vs imports, and their 'War economy' is booming, while their national debt is a pittance compared to the US debt.

Not saying I like the Russkies, but you gotta admire the and respect them.
What a booming economy.



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