What is it with you and your strange obsession with AI?
It’s a fair thing to look at, between robotics and AI nearly universally Economists agree that in the next 25 years 40% of all existing paid jobs are going to disappear. And the remaining 60% will be done more efficiently, so on most of our lifetimes we will see up to 60% unemployment.
9% sends us into a tailspin now.
With 60% unemployment we will have an interim Universal Income system where the government just writes checks to families. But that’s not sustainable over the long run, so within a couple generations there will likely be no monetary system as we know it.
Fame and notoriety will become the only currency for awhile, but I hoping we move to being a meritorious society before my grand kids grow up into adults, wherein merit and achievement are the currency of social hierarchy.
Over the next decade things may get pretty rough though, as we are seeing the last vestiges of the ability to gain wealth and power through business activities. So you can bet there is going to be a race to consolidate that wealth and power through business activity.
It’s not all bad…we are just going to go through a rough patch. On the other side of that rough patch we are going to have Nuclear Fusion providing abundant endless energy, and Quatum computing mixed with AI freeing up our time…
That’s a good thing, because the parabolic increase in technology and human advancement almost directly correlates to how much free time we have. After the first industrial revolution, our work week got shorter, after the second industrial revolution our work week got even shorter than that. As technology advances, we gain more free time, and as we gain more free time, we advance our technology more rapidly. Because it’s not just free time that we’re increasing. It’s also mental bandwidth that we’re freeing up.
In macro terms, the more free time and mental bandwidth humanity has to use as they choose the more we advance.
It’s gonna be a pretty fascinating next 50 years.