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I've always said. . ."I'm not a Politician, I'm a Mechanic. I don't create problems, I solve them."
This is from the guy who thinks his Ducati has AI. Yeah, I'm the one who needs to wake up. 🤣
You know bud my point was that it was artificial to you. You didn't write the software did you? The "intelligence" supplied by the traction control etc. isn't your intelligence and that learning to ride without electronics is just better IMHO.
Dude, I have not seen so many foolish statements in one short post in a LONG time. You get the official "I'm just a troll' award. nothing you said made any sense.
Of course it wouldn't make sense to you. Who supports the military during and after their service? The US tax payor. That's socialism. At some point you'll be saying to yourself "some old guy kept trying to warn us about the adoption of AI". You lack imagination. Simple as that.
So, let's consider Amazon. In the future all the warehouse related jobs will also become automated. Automated loaders will load the deliveries into trucks that run from trucking hub to trucking hub thru the use of computers (testing that stuff right now). At the delivery hub, automation redistributes the load into the appropriate vans for final delivery. Of all the jobs to automate this one is the hardest, I think. So maybe drivers for a while before automated drones do the delivery. If you can't see this coming, you simply lack imagination. Bezo's is already funding this. Zuckerturd recently giggled as he described AI replacing programmers. What jobs are those replaced going to do? What use to society is a truck driver who simply isn't needed? You going to make him a clerk or a call center agent? Oops mostly already gone. And then you want to take away this guy's social security at the end of his life so he can starve? It concerns me that no one is looking at this looming problem in any meaningful way. If AI eventually evolves to a point where access to data and the ability to reiterate solutions rapidly is as effective/productive as human intuition (I'm speaking relative to science so no need for engineers, scientists etc) then what happens? I'm having another Bonhoeffer moment. Motorcycle forum Bagger.
You know bud my point was that it was artificial to you. You didn't write the software did you? The "intelligence" supplied by the traction control etc. isn't your intelligence and that learning to ride without electronics is just better IMHO.
Dude, you are so full of yourself. Nice back pedaling. This is no different than you referring to the “ETV maps,” which an actual engine tuner corrected you on, but you just stay stuck on stupid.
What is it with you and your strange obsession with AI?

It’s a fair thing to look at, between robotics and AI nearly universally Economists agree that in the next 25 years 40% of all existing paid jobs are going to disappear. And the remaining 60% will be done more efficiently, so on most of our lifetimes we will see up to 60% unemployment.

9% sends us into a tailspin now.

With 60% unemployment we will have an interim Universal Income system where the government just writes checks to families. But that’s not sustainable over the long run, so within a couple generations there will likely be no monetary system as we know it.

Fame and notoriety will become the only currency for awhile, but I hoping we move to being a meritorious society before my grand kids grow up into adults, wherein merit and achievement are the currency of social hierarchy.

Over the next decade things may get pretty rough though, as we are seeing the last vestiges of the ability to gain wealth and power through business activities. So you can bet there is going to be a race to consolidate that wealth and power through business activity.

It’s not all bad…we are just going to go through a rough patch. On the other side of that rough patch we are going to have Nuclear Fusion providing abundant endless energy, and Quatum computing mixed with AI freeing up our time…

That’s a good thing, because the parabolic increase in technology and human advancement almost directly correlates to how much free time we have. After the first industrial revolution, our work week got shorter, after the second industrial revolution our work week got even shorter than that. As technology advances, we gain more free time, and as we gain more free time, we advance our technology more rapidly. Because it’s not just free time that we’re increasing. It’s also mental bandwidth that we’re freeing up.

In macro terms, the more free time and mental bandwidth humanity has to use as they choose the more we advance.

It’s gonna be a pretty fascinating next 50 years.
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It's short sighted to say there's going to be 60% unemployment. It drastically misses developing and emerging segments where people are going to be converting their time to money.

Less cashiers are needed in grocery stores due to automated checkouts, self calculating carts, shopping services etc. There's even inventory robots that roll around and scan shelves.

Consider the boom in the insta-cart, food delivery segment. Who thought there was money to be made in shopping for people? The gig economy is real.

Whoever thought there was a dime to be made making videos on the internet?

If you are in one of those vulnerable segments and you don't see what's coming, shame on you. Learn a trade. Moreover, look to a trade which is tethered to government regulation. If I had to learn something new right now, I'd consider HVAC. You can't even buy a lot of that stuff without a license.

It's all merely shifting.
It's short sighted to say there's going to be 60% unemployment. It drastically misses developing and emerging segments where people are going to be converting their time to money.

Less cashiers are needed in grocery stores due to automated checkouts, self calculating carts, shopping services etc. There's even inventory robots that roll around and scan shelves.

Consider the boom in the insta-cart, food delivery segment. Who thought there was money to be made in shopping for people? The gig economy is real.

Whoever thought there was a dime to be made making videos on the internet?

If you are in one of those vulnerable segments and you don't see what's coming, shame on you. Learn a trade. Moreover, look to a trade which is tethered to government regulation. If I had to learn something new right now, I'd consider HVAC. You can't even buy a lot of that stuff without a license.

It's all merely shifting.
lol, gig economy otherwise known as low wage slavery. I think there is a massive wake up thats going to happen when society is comprised of hairdressers, food deliverers and dog walkers. As I said who is going to buy the stuff and who is going to pay the taxes so the govt can pay people?
It's short sighted to say there's going to be 60% unemployment. It drastically misses developing and emerging segments where people are going to be converting their time to money.

Less cashiers are needed in grocery stores due to automated checkouts, self calculating carts, shopping services etc. There's even inventory robots that roll around and scan shelves.

Consider the boom in the insta-cart, food delivery segment. Who thought there was money to be made in shopping for people? The gig economy is real.

Whoever thought there was a dime to be made making videos on the internet?

If you are in one of those vulnerable segments and you don't see what's coming, shame on you. Learn a trade. Moreover, look to a trade which is tethered to government regulation. If I had to learn something new right now, I'd consider HVAC. You can't even buy a lot of that stuff without a license.

It's all merely shifting.

What you are saying about ‘shifting’ jobs was true in the 1st Industrial Revolution and 2nd Industrial Revolution, where jobs eliminated by new technologies were replaced by new jobs in new technology.

But that’s the point I was trying to make, a point that has nearly universal agreement with all economists….40% of all jobs are going to be eliminated with AI and Robotics…AND NOT REPLACED in new emerging technology sectors like they were in the first and second industrial revolutions. This includes most but not all trucking and delivery jobs.

You did call it right about the trades though, many of those jobs will remain, that’s why 100% unemployment is not projected.

40% to 60% is though.
lol, gig economy otherwise known as low wage slavery. I think there is a massive wake up thats going to happen when society is comprised of hairdressers, food deliverers and dog walkers. As I said who is going to buy the stuff and who is going to pay the taxes so the govt can pay people?
You think that's different from working entry level fast food or retail? I hate to break it to you, not everyone can be an astronaut.
You think that's different from working entry level fast food or retail? I hate to break it to you, not everyone can be an astronaut.

The point is that all those type of jobs don’t pay a living wage. Everyone working those type of jobs have to survive from assistance from others, whether that’s assistance from the government printing money or family members is irrelevant.

I will correct something though, maybe it’s not 60% unemployment, maybe it’ll be 40%, but then add in the under employed that can only survive with assistance and you’re back up to at least 60%.
You think that's different from working entry level fast food or retail? I hate to break it to you, not everyone can be an astronaut.
Sure but there is a reason that China is on an upwards trajectory, they value education. STEM subjects are high on the list and they produce engineers, doctors and scientists by the truckloads; dog walkers not so much. If the US truly wants to be great again it needs to reinvest in education, not the so called gig economy which enriches the 1%ers.
Sure but there is a reason that China is on an upwards trajectory, they value education. STEM subjects are high on the list and they produce engineers, doctors and scientists by the truckloads; dog walkers not so much. If the US truly wants to be great again it needs to reinvest in education, not the so called gig economy which enriches the 1%ers.

Not 1%ers…I’m a 1%…..heck in the top 0.1% but still have to work for my money and I’m not getting rich from the gig economy.

The 735 billionaires in this country have increased their wealth by 4 TRILLION dollars since 2017….while all other Americans combined increases the cumulative wealth of all 340 million of us by 1.8 trillion dollars since 2017.

These numbers are hard to visualize:
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Its unreal, people dont realize that a billionaire can never ever go broke and money is meaningless except for its ability to buy power. Hence a whole team of wealthy but stupid people enacting their ideas on society. As for the rest of society, Machiavelli wrote in The Prince:
Men will not look at things as they really are, but as they wish them to be - and are ruined
It’s a fair thing to look at, between robotics and AI nearly universally Economists agree that in the next 25 years 40% of all existing paid jobs are going to disappear. And the remaining 60% will be done more efficiently, so on most of our lifetimes we will see up to 60% unemployment.

9% sends us into a tailspin now.

With 60% unemployment we will have an interim Universal Income system where the government just writes checks to families. But that’s not sustainable over the long run, so within a couple generations there will likely be no monetary system as we know it.

Fame and notoriety will become the only currency for awhile, but I hoping we move to being a meritorious society before my grand kids grow up into adults, wherein merit and achievement are the currency of social hierarchy.

Over the next decade things may get pretty rough though, as we are seeing the last vestiges of the ability to gain wealth and power through business activities. So you can bet there is going to be a race to consolidate that wealth and power through business activity.

It’s not all bad…we are just going to go through a rough patch. On the other side of that rough patch we are going to have Nuclear Fusion providing abundant endless energy, and Quatum computing mixed with AI freeing up our time…

That’s a good thing, because the parabolic increase in technology and human advancement almost directly correlates to how much free time we have. After the first industrial revolution, our work week got shorter, after the second industrial revolution our work week got even shorter than that. As technology advances, we gain more free time, and as we gain more free time, we advance our technology more rapidly. Because it’s not just free time that we’re increasing. It’s also mental bandwidth that we’re freeing up.

In macro terms, the more free time and mental bandwidth humanity has to use as they choose the more we advance.

It’s gonna be a pretty fascinating next 50 years.
I cannot convey the depth of my wish that it happens as described above and gently. And that the sociopaths in their last attempt to satiate their lust (or simply maintain the proceeds of) for power and wealth doesn't destroy us all. When the world was truly harsh, we needed sociopaths to lead us to do things we normally won't in our quest for survival. But at this point of our evolution, they're the ones who cause us all the grief. When you start to get rank in corporations, the higher you go the more they are. I wonder what the true percentage in our populations really is. The dumb ones are easy to see, the clever ones not so much. Hopefully this is a human trait that can be recognized in a gene sequence and we devise a humane way to remove them for our gene pool. Without them we may be able to achieve a true meritocracy.
Dude, you are so full of yourself. Nice back pedaling. This is no different than you referring to the “ETV maps,” which an actual engine tuner corrected you on, but you just stay stuck on stupid.
I think I need to address this so you actually understand what was said. Woolich had mislabeled a fuel restriction map in their software as an ETV restriction. I went in and increased those values and saw a performance increase. And said so. Me bad. But since then, I truly have gained an understanding of the ETV maps and as I have said just undid all the throttle manipulation in the demand maps (Daniel and I can argue over the name) and use the race ETV limiting map three in all map positions with only changes to the throttle pick up point in the clowncar. So full throttle all gears just like a cable throttle. And without that weird throttle pick up Ducati delivered. The idea of using the maps to provide a restriction (thereby increasing port velocity) at WFO in the midrange may be useful when I adopt the 56mm throttle bodies from the R's.
Not using the right terms, be it an ETV map or a fork camera, saps your credibility.

Sure but there is a reason that China is on an upwards trajectory, they value education. STEM subjects are high on the list and they produce engineers, doctors and scientists by the truckloads; dog walkers not so much. If the US truly wants to be great again it needs to reinvest in education, not the so called gig economy which enriches the 1%ers.

You need to educate yourself more on China. They have big problems looming, and the upward trajectory is a myth. They have a huge population problem with an aging workforce and not enough working young people combined with a gender disparity. The one child policy really hurt them long term.

There are so many subsidies that exist for education. What reinvestment is really needed? That horse has been beat to death. Before the government started creating subsidies for college, it wasn't as hideously expensive. Higher education is the biggest scam going. Institutions indoctrinating young people is whatever nonsense the staff is pushing instead of creating desirable job candidates.

An over educated workforce with no practical experience isn't in demand which results in well credentialed dog walkers. Reddit is full of threads with grads who can't get a job, let alone an interview.

Meanwhile, if you need a fender fixed on your car, every shop is months out.

My advice to any young person in this day and age would be to learn a trade or skill, get some experience, and start your own company.

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