I do not think that justifies an invastion...and I hope most Americans agree. Let's compare ukraine invation to people for 1 second...:
- you start dating a woman who was previously married
- her ex-huband forces his way into her house saying...this is mine, you are mine to your new gf
- is this right?
What a country does is it's own right as a sovereign nation. No other nation should be able to dictate (specially by force) what that soverign nation does. That does not mean what a nation does in its own country is without international consequences (including occupation in some very rare instance) but invasion for forming aliances and trying to join a mutual defence organisation like NATO? really? You think this would be justified? You think this should not be opposed? come on...
I also do not agree with all actions taken by the USA...but that is another topic. Without searching extensively, I would guess over 80% of US troops in foreign countries are at the request of the host nation...but that is just a guess. When/if the USA invades a foreign country for something like China/North Korea forming a mutual defence organisation...or a trading partner joining BRICS - then I would hope most, if not all, other countries would join to oppose the USA.