Don you will never get it...
There is 1 person that I am aware of racing a V4R at the club level. The point of this is to share the build then my experience racing/riding it. The more info that is out there the better. None of this kit is that crazy, its all off the shelf stuff that is medium to somewhat higher price points. We all know how quickly things get very expensive in this sport, this should be good example of what you can do before sailing off into the abyss of SBK susp and electronics... If id doesnt interest you dont pay attn.
Maybe that used to be the orderThe order of upgrading brakes goes something like this, and this is just in terms of making a difference...
I haven't used these particular calipers, I previously had GP4-RX and they were great. These are a notch above that being mono block.
Would a b group rider notice the difference? maybe not I would say you would notice pads and master before calipers etc
The order of upgrading brakes goes something like this, and this is just in terms of making a difference. It also somewhat true in regard to $$s to performance
they are GP4-MS
ok guys sure we can parse the order its little subjective
For me pads/lines/fluid and kind of rotors are not part of the equation for me at all. Its all masters/calipers
I am 660 and Z04s all day long