1299s shutting off?

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Happened to me this weekend for the first time after I filled up, I definitely spilled a tiny bit in the hole to the charcoal BS canister though. I noticed immediately that the bike was sluggish more than usual, stalled as soon as I clutched in.
Removing the canister helps some and diminishes some issues but I took mine off over a year ago and it still has the same issue (however it is not as often) Might be a coincidence.

Ive had it happen a number of times once I turn the bike on. I let her warm up a bit as Im putting my gear on. And it happens either when i put the bike into 1st gear or when i take off. It happens once in a while. However if I ride the bike and shut it off and turn it back say an hour later its never shut off. Began happening when I put the termi slip ons on. Wonder if its the termis. Was I supposed to do some sort of download?
Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that the shut-off problem on my girl's 1299 has been resolved (it shut off at least one time per ride, mostly at low revs)- in her case the throttle bodies were out of sync. The mechanic read out the map on my 1299, which has never shut off, and compared it to her's- totally different although both bikes were produced in the same week. Now it is running like a dream, also much smoother at low speeds.
That would be an issue as the synchronization of the two TB is for sure looked at by the ECU and if they are out, it may elect to shut down. That being said I'm not sure how this happens unless you have a TPS issue or an out of sync TB actuator. I have actually had those actuators apart. It's a pretty simple system. I was under the impression that at ignition, the TPS is automatically set to idle or zero value which It reads off the TB valve position which is set by the ECU to idle. Not sure how those things get out of sync. I got this info from Mikuni.
I've been watching a lot of videos on Tuneboy (never heard of it before) will it void my warranty?


After watching that video i am really interested in buying one.

My question is can i use it on both my bikes or only on one Panigale ???

Have you guys had good experience with your tuneboy?

Great video! Wish mine ran that smooth.. Mine will buck and kick like I am hitting a 30mph headwind every 10 seconds whenever I try to just cruise along.. the only time mine runs smoother is when I am accelerating. once I start to just hold a steady throttle it starts the surging etc... Mine has never ran that smooth!

No I just gave up ever even entertaining the idea it will ever get fixed.. That is why I rarely comment on this forum anymore..

I just ride it occasionally and have to put up with it's "Ducati Character" as so many call it.. This is my last European bike.. Too many issues too little help from the factory and too damned expensive for what you REALLY get..

Ahh...The Panigale... She is a beautiful bike, but alas.. just not worth the cost to me..

Like I said before.. It is kind of like dating a beautiful Italian model..

She is awesome to look at (and be seen with) and for best response she requires to be ridden hard LOL... However she is very expensive $$$$$ and a lot of crap to put up with (and most of the time a total bitch).. I have dated some women in the past just like that.. In the end just not worth it.

I might end up gong back to a Japanese mistress..! Less BS and a lot more reliable and less maintenance and offers a great performance and ask little in return.....

Too much money even for just regular service requirements... example I recently called the dealer about replacing a leaking fork seal (which by the way is NOT covered on the Ducati Extended warranty) The dealer wants $450.00 to replace the fork seals!

I have spent countless times in the their shop (and literally thousand of dollars) trying to get the bike to run decent and now this!

No more Ducati's for me..

Bummer that you never got it sorted. Im past 12k miles on Bike 1 and it runs like a Rolex. The fact that we have bikes in the "Speedy" category and bikes in my category pretty much excludes the bike as a hole being an issue. Its not a lemon bike. You got a lemon build. Is it possible to build an assembly line Panigale that runs like a watch? obviously since they are out there. I really believe that if we had parts from Ducati and assembled the bikes correctly lets say at Ducati Omaha that you would end up with a very high % of bikes without issues. It is my firm opinion (worth about 3 cents) that the quality control and assembly methodology at Ducati is the cause of the inconsistencies people are experiencing. Speedy I absolutely guarantee you that your bike can be fixed. The fact that there are essentially identical bikes out there that are running well just reiterates the fact that thus far, your bike has not received the right attention. I do perform a lot of maintenance on the bitch but that is because I chose to use some pieces that require it.Sorry it didn't work out for you. You really cant go wrong with the R1 or a new Yosh pimped GSXR. Bikes are fantastic and certainly easier to "hotrod" that the Duc.
Bummer that you never got it sorted. Im past 12k miles on Bike 1 and it runs like a Rolex. The fact that we have bikes in the "Speedy" category and bikes in my category pretty much excludes the bike as a hole being an issue. Its not a lemon bike. You got a lemon build. Is it possible to build an assembly line Panigale that runs like a watch? obviously since they are out there. I really believe that if we had parts from Ducati and assembled the bikes correctly lets say at Ducati Omaha that you would end up with a very high % of bikes without issues. It is my firm opinion (worth about 3 cents) that the quality control and assembly methodology at Ducati is the cause of the inconsistencies people are experiencing. Speedy I absolutely guarantee you that your bike can be fixed. The fact that there are essentially identical bikes out there that are running well just reiterates the fact that thus far, your bike has not received the right attention. I do perform a lot of maintenance on the bitch but that is because I chose to use some pieces that require it.Sorry it didn't work out for you. You really cant go wrong with the R1 or a new Yosh pimped GSXR. Bikes are fantastic and certainly easier to "hotrod" that the Duc.


Mine just obviously has some type of electrical glitch (or defective wiring/programming) and is probably a pretty simple fix. IF someone could figure it out..? That is the problem.. Unless a part actually breaks the dealer can not do anything and the way a bike runs is no concern for the most part to them
Evidently it doesn't matter that it can die on you from time to time (especially scary and dangerous in the middle of an intersection etc).

I imagine mine will run this way until something either goes bad and triggers a sensor etc.so they can replace something or the wiring finally shorts out etc..
Doesn't matter what the cause is as long as it doesn't run the way it should.. Some days it runs fairly well (doesn't surge quite as bad as other days) and is actually pretty fun to ride...Then I can park it and start it back up an hour later and it starts surging heavily and acts like it is running out of gas on and off etc..????
** I assure you they have checked the fuel filter Fuel pump injectors etc several times..* Last year they replaced the entire fuel injections system including the throttle assembly and ECU and it still did not fix it..

I have pretty much lost hope it will be repaired correctly. Who knows, maybe some day I will hit a bump just right and it will giggle some of the wiring and it will fix itself ? LOL...

Oh well it is still a sexy beast and gets a lot of attention.. I'm getting older and will just have to deal with it.. It is not in the cards for another bike...

I just laid out a bunch of cash for a new deck and hot tub at the house..! There goes my new bike LOL

Thanks for your reply..

I will be the first to admit that the electrical system on these bikes from a component perspective is straight garbage. From a design and integration perspective its a complete nightmare. Thats what you get when you "buffet" a system together. My 1299 only dies once in a great while when it is first started and then usually only once. Always fires back up and Im good to go. Yesterday, during starting it died 4 times before it settled. So in that aspect your right. It does what it does. Its a ...... bit of design and engineering and they have never figured out how to fix it as a whole.
1299 shutting off

Hi I had the same issue. I took it to the dealer who was helpful but was in complete denial that this problem exists. I emailed him a link to this forum and asked him to check. He finally dug up a service bulletin that indicated that the quick shifter has a sensor on it and if while riding you have your foot on the shifter there is a potential of the auto-clutch being disabled and the engine key off triggering while pulling the clutch. He also kept the bike for a day and could not replicate the problem, but I think they updated the software on the bike as the sport mode indicator used to be green when I took it in and now it is amber. But the bike has not stalled since. Not sure if it was the software update or the fact that I am careful to not put my feet on the quickshifter.

Hope this helps. My problem seems to have been resolved based on one of the scenarios I mentioned above. Safe riding!

BTW, my bike has only 600km on it, brand new build Jan 2016. Stalled 5 times randomly before I took it in. Always during downshift...so the quickshifter sensor issue makes sense...
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Mine has died on me just siting there idyling on the kickstand before. it is just an intermittent problem....However you just never know when it is going to happen...Very unsettling (an dangerous sometimes) while in a turn etc..
Mine has died on me just siting there idyling on the kickstand before. it is just an intermittent problem....However you just never know when it is going to happen...Very unsettling (an dangerous sometimes) while in a turn etc..

Kinda crazy if you ask me.
When you have throttle problems try turning off electronic controls that affect the throttle, even if it makes no sense that it should be connected to your problem.
My 2015 1299 was jerky going through corners and almost stalled between 4300 and 4600 rpm. I turned off EBC and the bike runs great now. Very smooth acceleration and deceleration.

Throttle setting High will eliminate some low speed jerkyness.
Hey guys, been a while since I replied to this forum. Still been following it though. :p

So the bike seems to not stall anymore with the quick-shifter turned off. I have 14k on the engine now, but sometime inbetween I did say "screw this" and turned the shifter back on. It did stall once I think while riding (coming down to a slowdown or something), but I have a very fast reflex so I quickly just pull the clutch in while it's gliding and fire the bike back up.

Few other issues that may arise from this issue is, fueling is tight while the bike is stock. A tune mod would perhaps help with the issue.

3rd, the engine breaking set to strong has another impact, being a twin (a large superbike twin that is), I think it has something to due with fueling again, which is funny because, I turned off engine breaking and kept the downshift/upshift "ON" and didn't notice the throttle lag, or power loss you begin to feel over time for some reason AND the power cutoff.

Conclusion to everyone, turn the engine breaking down or off, keep up/down shift on and test that out. This bike transformed for me! And I have a lot of SS bike experience to know the difference from small changes. Makes me feel like I just bought a brand new bike with even more HP! You guys will love it. :)

When you have throttle problems try turning off electronic controls that affect the throttle, even if it makes no sense that it should be connected to your problem.
My 2015 1299 was jerky going through corners and almost stalled between 4300 and 4600 rpm. I turned off EBC and the bike runs great now. Very smooth acceleration and deceleration.

Throttle setting High will eliminate some low speed jerkyness.

LoL, I just read your comment! You are so right, which is funny. Engine breaking also has a massive impact on this bike with smoothness and power. I feel this bike with engine breaking and a laggy throttle felt like my 2014 RSV4 which had major throttle issues at certain RPM. Not anymore! :D
Hallaleuah! IT fixed itself...!

Evidently whatever was making my bike shut off suddenly (and ride rough at slower speeds in town) for the last two years has suddenly fixed itself..!:D

I have had it gone through by the Ducati dealership countless times and they could never fix it.. All of a sudden the bike is running great and has not died on me even once... All I can think of is that there must have been some electrical short or bug in the system that has fixed itself.. I am so happy since it is now running like a scalded ape AND running pretty smooth at slower speeds

I have a rapid Bike unit on the bike Maybe it finally remapped/ fixed itself?

Of course this is after I went ahead and paid for another 3 years for the extended warranty LOL

I recently went over to the dark side and got a big touring bike.. I purchased a new 2018 Indian Roadmaster and have been riding it for the last three months..;) Getting back on the 1299 S Panigale is a real thrill when it is running right..!

The funny thing is after 2 years trying to fix the problem and countless hours in the shop etc.. No one could fix it but it healed its own problem.. I believe it is due to the RapidBike unit...:D


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