After seeing a lot of negative remarks and discontent with either non owners, 1st time buyers and other users all over the forum scene, I decided to share this with you guys as well. By far this forum has been the best to hang at, but I love meeting new people. Take it with stride or take it with a grain of salt, I think a lot of people feel this way and I think it should be said.
I have had enough of the trash talk, hating, flaming etc... so here is something I want everyone to keep in mind.
I wanted the bike. I didn't need the bike. I love the bike. I bought it. Thats that.
To some extent, I expected downfalls, disadvantages, problems and more, regardless of what I paid for it. Another amazing thing I have seen is people who do not own the vehicle actually criticize it for something as little as not taking first in a magazine in a liter bike shoot out. WTF?
On another note lets clear some things up:
1. Exhaust smoking: Ummm, either live with it and hope it doesn't break down. -OR- go kick the dealer in the nuts until they fix it. Sitting there and analyzing a motor is not the same as having a hopefully well qualified mechanic troubleshoot the issue.
2. Radiant heat to the rider - Ummm, give me a sec, I think there may be a motor by the seat. Yeap! There is one. So here is a couple options, a) go get some thermo tec adhesive heat blocker, you spent thousands on it, whats 25-30$
? b) move to Australia every 6 months out of the year, it's summer and some ....... invented stoplights, so it does get hot. It's f*cking amazing how people cry about a bike getting hot.
3. Hard start issues - refer to part 1. Repeat kicking motion until bike is fixed.
4. "Not having that low-midrange umphhh" - These superbikes are obviously made for cornering. Surprisingly, they come with headlights and DOT/state required equipment to be on the street. This bike is powerful, how f*ck is it not "umphh"-y enough? My bad, you must be referring to being in a wheelie at the beginning of each gear. I want to ride, not stunt.
5. Parts just vibrating off - Lol. Sorry, it's an extremely torque-ey motorcycle, haven't you heard twin motors vibrate? Seriously, I hate to tell you, I have had a 2006 R6, 2006 GSXR 600, 2007 R1, 2008 848, 2005 ZX6RR, and now a 2012 1199S, and they all have had loose parts after miles being put on, the Ducati's tend to vibrate more, but it is YOUR responsibility to PM (Periodically Maintain) (USMC jargon sorry) and check your fluids/settings. I eyeball my bike everyday, I check it like homework, it is a motorcycle, a vehicle that by far requires more attention than a car. Your life depends on it.
Bottom Line -----------
Ducati motorcycles are an enthusiast motorcycle. A smart person would research a vehicle before purchasing a motorcycle north of $17,000.
I try to get to meet as many other enthusiasts as possible on here and I am so tired of hearing about MV this and s1000 triple r type Z1b that... this is a Ducati forum, please let us enjoy our motorcycles. Please. All the bitching does for us is cause recycled hate, unnecessary flaming, paranoia and mass hysteria.
I hope someone refers to this when someone says "I really want tur gert me uh Dercotti bert I herd it blerrs up if you dernt tightern dem ferring bolts..." Guys, not everyone has issues. Sh*t happens and we should either work together to help each other out, or get to a tech as soon as possible to figure ou the issue. I love all motorcycles, except 'Busas. We all choose a ride to our taste, so like my mother always told me:
Don't say nuthin' unless you have something nice or useful to say.
Everybody, rock on and have a good one, back to the garage to heat insulate my seat so my ass doesn't get burnt