The test might be conducted objectively...but your test is wrong.

You had full system + air filter installed at the same time. An accurate test would be you doing 3 dyno runs:
1. base
2. full system
3. full system + air filter
I never claimed it is a big power gain or faster. We all know it is max 1-2hp at high rpm if anything. I don't know why anybody would expect a big gain from air filter. All I said was the throttle feels different and sounds louder at high rpm (which is all I really wanted). And stop taking what I said out of context. I said it is easier to get 3rd gear lift now(I think panigale can get 3rd gear lift just fine stock) ...but I actually think it is related to my swing arm change than the air filter. And I didn't get the dip when accelerating from low rpm. Maybe it is the way I was riding? This is just what I felt in a few days...not an objective test by any means.
My issue is you coming in here acting like you know about an air filter you have never used based on your "test" on MWR filter. Which is also wrong because you have no idea what the air filter actually did since you had full system + filter installed/tested at the same time.
If you actually used the sprint filter and find it makes no difference, I have no problem with that. And I believe what Blade Runner said...because he actually tried it.