I've got to chime in and torture you one last time Wilkson. There is nothing hypothetical about it, the RSV4 is the proven better all around bike...get over it man. Your one of those guys that will take anything positive in an article or review about the bike your not in favour of...and say it's meaningless..but in the same breath..if a review is positive in favour of what you like..well then it's gospel. Forget the lap times...then...fair enough. You're gonna tell me and the people on the forum the 1199 is a better street motorcycle and daily rider...cmon..you know it's not true. The Aprilia is a way more liveable motorcyle, and you know it. Reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt..I totally agree. However, there are too many to say the Pani is less than great as a street motorcycle.Even a broken clock is right twice a day.There are people on this forum, that can't live with the bike..they all wrong too? Be a little subjective and not dismiss every opinion other than yours. Not everyone is going to like the same bike and there is brand loyalty and all that stuff...I get it. I guess all the positive stuff written about the RSV4 is meaningless cause Wilkson in Australia says so. High level racing means nothing...only Wilksons "feeder" series in Australia means anything. Get over yourself buddy...the Pani is a flawed bike..on and off the track. I'm pro Ducati...I spent my hard earned cash on the 1199 and I can call a spade a spade. I've had both bikes and I'm not saying everyone should like the Ape better. The duc is the nicer looking bike and there is something special in ownership of a Ducati.But to sit and say it's a better racer or street bike is total horse crap. I know that you know that to be true but are spewing crap and can't come to grips with it, so I'm no longer reading the post, save you're breath.