I live and ride my bikes in Spain . Nowhere is the passion for bikes and moreover sports bikes greater, just go to the MotoGP in Jerez with 140,000 bikes and you will soon understand what i am rambling on about.... I have always owned a v twin and a straight four because I love both for very different reasons which everyone has mentioned. However I don't get Spanish school kids wanting to sit on my hp4, I don't get young guys asking if they can sit their girlfriend on my Bmw while they take a photo..... You park that panigale up and sure as .... when you come back there will be someone asking questions about my panigale.
My panigale stirs people's emotions, it's a very special bike, I feel proud to own my Italian beast, and that my Mexican friend is the real difference!!!
My panigale stirs people's emotions, it's a very special bike, I feel proud to own my Italian beast, and that my Mexican friend is the real difference!!!