How to Reset Service Light with Melcodiag on Panigale V2

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Hey guys,
So I got the OBD, cables hooked it up, got the license and when I try to reset the computer doesn't give any error and the light on the OBD even go off, but the light does not reset. Am I doing something wrong here?
Hello everyone. I'm new to the group (and to the Ducati world) and I have a few questions about the reset oil service and reset desmoservice. I bought a Ducati Panigale 1199s, I bought the cable kit to connect the ECU to the PC complete with melcoDiag software (I have already requested and taken the license through JPdiag).The bike doesn't have any warning lights on at the moment, there are 4200KM left to the oil service, I still tried to reset the countdown, to test if the kit I bought worked... but nothing, I feel that the bike "processes" the required ls but remains at 4200km... Is this normal? Do I have to wait for the light to come on to reset? Thank you in advance for your reply :)
It’s probably been addressed elsewhere, but has anyone tried just a standard automotive OBD2 scanner (that works EU brand) with the adapter cable to see if it reads the bike?
Hey All,

I've decided to document how I managed to reset the first service light on my 22' Panigale V2 using Melcodiag

Melcodiag Link : Download page

Reader: Amazon product ASIN B07MQ8GHG3
Cable: Amazon product ASIN B09GX4PVQ1
  1. Download the Melcodiag software, unzip the folder, and then place it in the C:// folder on your windows machine
  2. After plugging the cable into your bikes port and into your computer, switch the Forscan tool to HS, and switch on the bike but don't start it
  3. Then open the Melcodiag software and click connect, if your VIN number doesn't pop up and the tool freezes, end the program with task manager, reopen it switch the port then try again, and repeat until the VIN number pops up
  4. After the VIN number pops up, the software should automatically open your browser to the registration page if not click the blue get license button
  5. Fill out the registration form and wait for the email (takes anywhere from minutes - 30 hours)
  6. After receiving the license, move the file to Melcodiag folder that we placed in the C:// folder earlier
  7. Restart the Melcodiag software and reconnect to your motorcycle
  8. Head over to the resets tab in the software
  9. Click Service interval reset.
  10. Wait 5 minutes and you should see the light disappear on the bike.
  11. Disconnect the cable and switch off and on the bike to confirm

Does this tool work for 2012 1199s?
interesting twist on the software. I followed all instructions as outline here and followed the link to request the registration. Turned off the ignition, disconnected the port and as I was getting ready close down the Melcodiag program I noticed the request registration link was gone as if I’d already received and installed the file in the root folder. 🤔

Without closing and reopening Melco I plugged back in, turned on the ignition and connected. In the reset menu none of the menu boxes were greyed out. Hit the annual service reset and it was changed 1yr forward.

Maybe a glitch but it appears the act of requesting the registration without actually receiving and installing it unlocked the program in my case. YMMV

FYI, Akra with upmap unaffected. Everything works
Just in case anyone is still having connectivity issues when first setting up...

In Windows (Device Manager), I set the COM port I was using for the cable to 38400 to match the default setting in Melco. After that, it connected fine, every time. Other speeds didn't work, even when matched in Windows.

Now I'm just waiting for the license to come through via email.
Hey All,

I've decided to document how I managed to reset the first service light on my 22' Panigale V2 using Melcodiag

Melcodiag Link : Download page

Reader: Amazon product ASIN B07MQ8GHG3
Cable: Amazon product ASIN B09GX4PVQ1
  1. Download the Melcodiag software, unzip the folder, and then place it in the C:// folder on your windows machine
  2. After plugging the cable into your bikes port and into your computer, switch the Forscan tool to HS, and switch on the bike but don't start it
  3. Then open the Melcodiag software and click connect, if your VIN number doesn't pop up and the tool freezes, end the program with task manager, reopen it switch the port then try again, and repeat until the VIN number pops up
  4. After the VIN number pops up, the software should automatically open your browser to the registration page if not click the blue get license button
  5. Fill out the registration form and wait for the email (takes anywhere from minutes - 30 hours)
  6. After receiving the license, move the file to Melcodiag folder that we placed in the C:// folder earlier
  7. Restart the Melcodiag software and reconnect to your motorcycle
  8. Head over to the resets tab in the software
  9. Click Service interval reset.
  10. Wait 5 minutes and you should see the light disappear on the bike.
  11. Disconnect the cable and switch off and on the bike to confirm
Can you share a license? Did I read it correctly, it can take 30 hours???
Hey All,

I've decided to document how I managed to reset the first service light on my 22' Panigale V2 using Melcodiag

Melcodiag Link : Download page

Reader: Amazon product ASIN B07MQ8GHG3
Cable: Amazon product ASIN B09GX4PVQ1
  1. Download the Melcodiag software, unzip the folder, and then place it in the C:// folder on your windows machine
  2. After plugging the cable into your bikes port and into your computer, switch the Forscan tool to HS, and switch on the bike but don't start it
  3. Then open the Melcodiag software and click connect, if your VIN number doesn't pop up and the tool freezes, end the program with task manager, reopen it switch the port then try again, and repeat until the VIN number pops up
  4. After the VIN number pops up, the software should automatically open your browser to the registration page if not click the blue get license button
  5. Fill out the registration form and wait for the email (takes anywhere from minutes - 30 hours)
  6. After receiving the license, move the file to Melcodiag folder that we placed in the C:// folder earlier
  7. Restart the Melcodiag software and reconnect to your motorcycle
  8. Head over to the resets tab in the software
  9. Click Service interval reset.
  10. Wait 5 minutes and you should see the light disappear on the bike.
  11. Disconnect the cable and switch off and on the bike to confirm
Thankyou sir! Worked perfectly on my 2022 Panigale V2 Bayliss. I just needed patience for the license, took 24 hours.

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