Alright, so problem 3 and 4 from the post above are solved. I made a .087" thick spacer to properly gap the rear wheel speed sensor. No more contact and no more crazy bouncing speed on the dash.
2nd problem seems to be the new clutch and just simple clutch drag. no biggie
New problems: I was able to take the bike around the block for two laps. It was running REALLY rough and surging and lurching. Then I got back to the shop and it just cut out.
Now it doesn't start at all. Turns over, but won't fire off.
So, I've pulled the plugs, they look good. Tested to make sure they're getting spark and they are. Sprayed starter fluid directly into the throttle bodies, with the plugs reinstalled and still no start. So it's not a fuel problem or spark problem.
This is puzzling. It's getting fuel, getting spark, getting air and has good compression. This is everything any 4-stroke motor needs to run. So on to sensors....
I swapped in known-good MAP sensors,... no start
Thinking timing could be the culprit, I swapped a known-good crank position sensor... no start.
My LAST attempt will be this afternoon. I'm going to put in a known-good voltage regulator, known-good coils and known good plug wires.
If anyone else has any ideas please let me know. If this doesn't work I'm trailer-ing it to a dealer to interrogate the ECU. Downfall is that my closest dealer is over two hours away.