I tend to agree with Randy,
please don't take everything Ducati says for granted. Or start from the premesis that they know best or will do what is the absolute best for the bike or their customer. Corporate interest are so huge that some realtionships are undebatable. Which in many cases leads to a good thing. But also a thing that can be improved upon. With sometimes simple things. Such as an air filter..
i like the way Wilco sort of has stumbled on the the results it gives.. stumbling onto something is the way most of all discoveries have been made.. seeing it first and then having to analyse as to why and how...

He did a great job with that!
Also take into account that even when not delivering 1 bhp more, the effect on riding can be huge. As dyno's only pull the full throttle result. But how it gets there and how it reacts on going to full throttle can make all the difference... that needs a 3D dyno to show on a graph...
but again, the seat of you pant may be all the dyno you need.. stick it in and ride it... no big deal.. not even het price of a rear tire..