I have all the 1198 mirrors in stock, the above mock up on the Panigale 1199 is just an exercise. Looks good , but they won't work as rear view mirrors on the Panigale. They require hand fitment and trimming on the inside of the alu mount.
I don't have the new Panigale mirrors in the USA, yet. As the US distributor I can have mirrors drop shipped from the factory in Bologna to anywhere. The cost is ~$30 for Priority mail from Italy.
Very similar mirror to the #3 Panigale mirror , side by side the Stock Panigale mirror :
and then next to the 1198 mirrors. The aftermarket mirrors don't vibrate as much as the stock, using a ball socket design, the spring tension is tighter as opposed to the stock design (captive mirror is a fixed shell which Ducati used on the 998,999,1098 and now the 1199)