endodoc, how'd you spend so much money? Did you go through the motor? Now you have a bike that can't be seen at night. Maybe that's how the bike has to pay for itself!
Mike I'm going to tell you a story......
There was this guy that married this super hot girl and was so happy. About a month later his buddy walks up to him and says @dude your girl is cheating on you. I'm ....... her, Mark's ....... her, everyone is having a ball". So he goes and divorces her and finds a fat chick that is real plain Jane and marries her. She is loyal and even wakes up to put the toothpaste on his toothbrush in the mornings.
Two months later his buddy is walking down the street and sees him with his ex-wife. His buddy runs up to him and says "WTF are you doing? She cheated on you with everyone!"
He looks at him straight in the face and says " I rather share my pie than eat .... alone."
You'll be back ��������
Best analogy ever lol. Thx bud needed a good laugh..
MMC... Looks good dude..
Best analogy ever lol. Thx bud needed a good laugh..
MMC... Looks good dude..
Well that's good to hear, at least it's a start. The more pix and paper proof you have the betters open it works out in your favour.
I love it they never find anything u made it up the pictures are fake gtfoh
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Received 2 calls from DNA today..
1st call gentleman was apologetic and is gonna make sure the bike gets taken care of.. So that's good..
2nd call same gentleman.. the service rep cant find any sign of oil leaking. so I am going to email him the pics of it. Going to the dealer tomorrow also..