What I have noticed, on the 1103 bike, even with the Evo3 software TC upgrade, the TC is on so much, it's bonkers. The characteristics of the engines ARE very different, but once you get used to the differences, they ride very similarly (thanks to overly invasive TC).
With the dash display, I use it in the older setting, as I found seeing the revs more beneficial as I learnt the power delivery. In this setting, you get a yellow light when any electronic intervention is acting. I did one session yesterday, with the newer layout, which shows which electronic aid is acting. I was expecting a lot of wheelie control, especially as the circuit is very bumpy and there are a few instances of hard acceleration from low speed. In six laps, DWC acted once.
On the R, at the same circuit, with almost identical lap times, hardly any TC intervention (although, you can't feel it, so, I'm not sure how much actual intervention is really happening?