As an added bonus, because the battery was dead the data logger lost it's settings as it was without power, so I've no data from the weekend.
If I hadn't been going from the dealer to the track and instead had time to get the bike home then I would have noticed there was no power and been able to do something about it.
Annoying. More lessons learned...
As far as the track weekend goes, it's clear that I was trying too hard and not relaxing and letting things happen. Working on things at 80% and then having fun and letting it come together is what I was told to do and what I didn't do, although I'm still riding well within a big margin of safety (probably for too cautious).
I've seen the benefits of this approach before, with best laps coming in final sessions when I stopped working on technique and just went out to enjoy the final session or two. Obviously this weekend the best laps were the first session taking it easy to warm up and see how the track is and the second session just having some fun and getting up to speed before working on technique.
Oh well, it wasn't what I hoped for but still an improvement. If I'm consistently under two minutes without trying then there's a lot more to come if I let it happen instead of getting in my own way. I think body position must be improved though as I still had a couple of mm of the rear tyre left despite going faster, whereas I was previously using all of it with significantly slower laps. The front tyre now gets a lot hotter than before, so I guess I'm getting more confident with the brakes.
Hopefully the weather forecast for this weekend significantly improves for Brno...