Warming it up first is NOT proper procedures on the V4.
The V4 operates with a dry sump style system and multiple pumps. Proper procedure is to let the bike fully cool down before doing any draining. If you warm up the bike, a lot of the oil is still up in the motor and does not drain out.
This is the main reason why so many people overfill their V4 motor Ducatis. Conventional motorcycle wisdom does not apply to them. If you change the oil with the motor warm, you will not be able to accurately measure the amount you should be putting in. Furthermore, a lot of people are firing up the bike to get it warm after changing the oil and immediately checking the sight glass, which will read very low when the bike is warm. They throw more oil in and it is way overfilled at that point.
Proper procedure for the V4 is to let the bike fully cool (dealerships wait an hour if you rode it in) and then drain the oil. Ideally, pop the drain plug off and let it drain overnight. Fill it with the proper amount (checking with sightglass), fire the bike up, let it warm up to 3 bars or so, then shut it off. Wait another hour or so and look at the sightglass to check the oil level, top off if necessary.
It's lame but you just can't bang out a 15 minute oil change on these bikes like most others.