I'm sure as sport bike riders we piss off a lot of other people, but I guess thats ok.(doing over speed limit, passing slow moving cars in corners, lane splitting etc) ....... hypocrites.
Bingo; you know, it's all just down to egocentrism. The truck driver who crosses the center line is thinking of his own short term interests first to the detriment of everyone else, the cyclists who are spread all over the road (not the ones doing it right like the ones in this thread's vid) are thinking of themselves and their pals over the other users of the road, and we, who are out on our 190mph superbikes scything through them all like dolphins through a pack of Manatees, are thinking of our own enjoyment. And usually, none of the actors gives too much thought to how they appear to those around them. Me first!
I recall many times just last weekend in the mountains of NC getting behind cars or long groups of Harleys or Gold Wings, and after being initially annoyed at getting held up and ruining my groove, I'd invariably check my speedo and notice THEY were doing the posted speed or thereabout. It was ME, cruising through on my Pani at 20+ over who was to blame for the conflict in speed. What felt super easy to me (and truly was, considering what the Pani can do), would have been seriously sketchy in or on any of those vehicles. Did I pass 'em? Yup, but I took my time and did it nice and easy, waving to every one of them who accommodated my doing so. Share the road, you know...
Thing is, we all could stand to remember that roads the world over are public spaces, used by a wide variety of people and types of vehicles for all sorts of reasons, and governed by laws evolved over many years to best suit the needs of all those users - only one of which is us. Encountering someone going slower than me is something that happens pretty much every time I operate a vehicle (even the pedal powered one), but I only get upset when I make the choice to be, and that's a self-inflicted pain in the ass.
Not an uncommon ailment I'd say...
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