Hi Guys,
new here, first time Ducati owner and I felt absolutly in love:
View attachment 31295
already 1700km driven since one month of beeing happy owner.
But there is a BUT: from the first ride in a 20km takt -> DWC Error.. then it became a little better and today it just occurs on very bumby roads.
after aprox 500km i went to the garage. they took me ONE FULL WEEK my babe to analyse.... the battery contact was not properly fixed and the mentioned it could have been the reason why the EMU shows an error. They tested 20km and it didn occured again. .. after a few km by myself on a tour: again the error on a bumpy road and until today it error occured 5 times that i loose all electronical devices.
next week i have my next appointment with the Ducati garage to again analyse

Hope it is not an bigger issue...
actually i dont feel so comfortable considering the IMU is not properly working -> e.g will it maybe release the brake because it has by error the information the rearwheel lifts?!...

Let me know if sb. has some same experiences.
Or is it normal the electronics fails when you are driving with an sbk on a bumpy road? Unsure if the