The 3000 accessories insures aftermarket parts that you may add. For example, PC, pipe, carbonfiber etc. If your bike is stolen or totalled you will not get compensated for those things unless you have the additional coverage. Many policies offer it as standard equipment, so to speak, since so many people add things to their bikes. 3000 is what State Farms starts at. Given I have various rizoma bits already and plan to go with a PC and rearsets that 3000 will get eaten up quickly.
I own my bike outright, free and clear title, so no need to refinance but I was curious what their rate was. At 4.9 it is lower than what most places will finance a bike for unless you get some special deal through a dealer or credit union.
I beg to differ on the 785 statement. It provide lots of benefits beyond insurance rates. Like low credit card rates, low auto loan rates, low mortgage rates (mine is 3.4 on a 30 year note. get that with crappy credit)even employment. You would be very surprised who looks a your credit rating. Not saying it is fare or right but a reality. At 1100 a year I am pleased with that rate. I could have dropped it 120 per year to 980 if I had gone with a 1000.00 deductable. But, given that a simple tip could cost 2-3 grand on this bike I decided to mitigate my risk.
I have two items that keep me from getting any lower of a rate. First I am not married. Finally, the uninsured and under insured added a nice chunk. Uninsured is required in Arizona. Underinsured is a good bet as well since the state minimum requriements in Arizona is 10K liability. So in reality, both are necessary. The cost for one or both varies depending where you live. Here is Arizona there are A LOT of uninsured and way under insured motorist driving around. I won't go into why but can you say 1070? Like insurance for your home or car, rate are impacted by where you live. Those of us in Phoenix have two interesting stats that work against us. First is that auto theft (and bike theft) is quite high. Again, I won't go into why but can you say southern export market? Second, Phoenix is one of the worst metropolitan areas for motorcycle fatalities. On this I will say why, DUMB ASS car drivers and squids that drive off mountain roads.