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What a load of crap. Innocent Russians and Ukranians are being murdered by American made weapons, bunch of people in Congress got insanely rich and hundreds of billions are missing by Zelensky accord.

What happened yesterday should have happened in 2014 to be honest
I would start decorating your bunker if I were you. What should have happened was Obama should have backed Putin off in the beginning. Serious mistake. If the US abandons NATO, if Putin lives, I would suggest you move.
What a load of crap. Innocent Russians and Ukranians are being murdered by American made weapons, bunch of people in Congress got insanely rich and hundreds of billions are missing by Zelensky accord.

What happened yesterday should have happened in 2014 to be honest
Classic MAGA. Whenever you don’t have a cogent answer, you crank up the Fox News lie machine and spew lies that you never have any facts to support. When you’re called out, just talk louder and spew lies as fast as you can get them out of your mouth.
I noticed you didn’t mention the Belarus Accords? What happened? Fox hasn’t cooked up a lie for an actual document that anyone can look up and clearly understand what it says. And as a bonus, they can see the President of the United States signature on the document. In the real world, this is known as a provable fact. To be honest, I never really thought you would go near an actual fact. It’s just not a MAGA thing. It’s easier to shovel your lies to the other knuckle draggers in the Trailer Park.
Now put on your thinking cap and come up with some other cliches you’ve recently heard on Fox. I know you’ve got some your dying to tell. I know, tell us how Ukraine started the war? Oh, I know… tell us about Donnie being the great negotiator.
Don’t worry, whenever you don’t know what else to say, just start screaming it’s all radical left fake news!
Pani seems to have a lot of moskal skin in the game.

Yeah, yesterday was an abomination. It was also obviously a set up. Shame that the US has ceded its spot as the global leader to Russia and China. The US is now a weaker nation because of this and we should be prepared to bend over like Trump and Vance and get gangbanged by authoritarian leaders.
Classic MAGA. Whenever you don’t have a cogent answer, you crank up the Fox News lie machine and spew lies that you never have any facts to support. When you’re called out, just talk louder and spew lies as fast as you can get them out of your mouth.
I noticed you didn’t mention the Belarus Accords? What happened? Fox hasn’t cooked up a lie for an actual document that anyone can look up and clearly understand what it says. And as a bonus, they can see the President of the United States signature on the document. In the real world, this is known as a provable fact. To be honest, I never really thought you would go near an actual fact. It’s just not a MAGA thing. It’s easier to shovel your lies to the other knuckle draggers in the Trailer Park.
Now put on your thinking cap and come up with some other cliches you’ve recently heard on Fox. I know you’ve got some your dying to tell. I know, tell us how Ukraine started the war? Oh, I know… tell us about Donnie being the great negotiator.
Don’t worry, whenever you don’t know what else to say, just start screaming it’s all radical left fake news!

Imagine Putin puts ICMBs on Cuba in 2022, what response would come out of the US ?

The rest of your post is just boring talk about the consequences.
Pani seems to have a lot of moskal skin in the game.

Yeah, yesterday was an abomination. It was also obviously a set up. Shame that the US has ceded its spot as the global leader to Russia and China. The US is now a weaker nation because of this and we should be prepared to bend over like Trump and Vance and get gangbanged by authoritarian leaders.

I think the US has finally got on track and brushed off mentally ill Biden

Next stop is to jail Pelosi for insider trading
I think the US has finally got on track
If the goal was for the US to lose any remaining respect that the world might have for them then yes, they are on track.

Putin will feel emboldened now and the shameful behaviour seen yesterday could have dire consequences.

As was mentioned earlier, Ukraine gave up its nuclear deterrent in return for security guarantees that turned out to be worthless. Now they are supposed to give up their territory, their resources and whatever else the US and Russia feel like taking, with nothing in return and no concessions by Putin and, of course, say thank you and don’t be ungrateful.

Trump’s deal seems like nothing more than an old-fashioned shake-down and Putin must be laughing his socks off as he watches all of this.

that turned out to be worthless.
not exactly

they killed bunch of their own people back in 2014

they accepted nuclear deal with NATO

so what Russia supposed to do ? Sit and wait for ICMBs to be installed at the border ? I think Putin said it before the war began, if there is smell of a fight, you hit first no matter what. Trump is the same.

I think everything will work out great for both parties.
But the whole debate here is a pinnacle of stupidity and blindness.

At the end of the day, it's a proxy war and the US who contributes 70% decides when it's over.
No we won't Putin will decide the end. Fat Donnie owes Putin lots of money, funneled thru the oligarchs. If he doesn't repay him with the east of Ukraine, we'll I wouldn't be shaking any Russians hands, or drinking anything in their presence if I were him.
not exactly

they killed bunch of their own people back in 2014

they accepted nuclear deal with NATO

so what Russia supposed to do ? Sit and wait for ICMBs to be installed at the border ? I think Putin said it before the war began, if there is smell of a fight, you hit first no matter what. Trump is the same.

I think everything will work out great for both parties.
Fat Donnie's a pu**sy. A bully and coward to his core.
Yesterday, I along with most of the civilized world witnessed what has to be the most humiliating, thuggish, inept and cowardly display by any American President and Vice President in American history. The longer I think about it, the madder I get. Literally, as the Ukrainian people are being murdered by subhuman Russians, the world watched America abandon all that it has stood for since its founding. When I think of the scarifies our forbearers have made, and now this betrayal of their sacrifices, I’m ashamed to be an American. On their best day, these two cowards wouldn’t last 5 minutes on the front lines in Ukraine. For these contemptible cowards to tell Ukraine they must give up, is reminiscent of Hitler telling the British that they had to surrender.
MAGA and Trump are to corrupt to honor or even understand the Belarus Accords which America signed in 1994. When the Soviet Union collapsed, America and the other European countries pledged to defend Ukraine against Russia, if they gave up their Nuclear weapons. Which Ukraine did. Ukraine doesn’t owe America anything. They already lived up to their end of the agreement. Now it’s our turn. Thirty years later MAGA and Trump come along, and they have no honor. Those of you who voted for these criminals are just as complicit in the Genocide being committed at this very moment against the Ukrainian people.
Go on, let me hear you rationalize this. Twist your lies and half truths so you can live with yourself. And when you’re done, actually read the Belarus Accords and tell the Ukrainian people that America won’t honor our commitment. Tell me that Russia would’ve still seized Crimea and invaded Ukraine if the Ukrainian’s had Nuclear weapons.
Your sanctimonious meltdown is a putrid mix of melodrama, ignorance, and Western chauvinism—the kind that’s soaked the earth in blood for centuries. I’ve served on the front lines, seen war’s butchery—torn bodies, dying kids—not your playhouse fantasy of “civilized world” tears. Spare me your armchair shame; it’s not righteous—it’s complicity in a vile parade of power, profit, and betrayal, wrapped in red-white-and-blue hypocrisy. I’m ashamed—of fools like you who’d rather howl about “cowardice” than face facts.
You wail over Trump and MAGA “abandoning” Ukraine, but where’s your rage at the West’s architects who rigged this disaster? The Budapest Memorandum—your precious Belarus Accords—wasn’t a holy vow to bleed for Ukraine; it was a limp 1994 “assurance,” not a war pact. Ukraine dumped its nukes for a handshake, not a suicide mission. Russia’s Crimea move and Donbas war? Sparked by NATO’s eastward shove—after Gorbachev got a 1990 promise of “not one inch”—and the U.S.’s $5 billion Maidan coup in 2014, Nuland cherry-picking leaders like it’s reality TV. Zelenskyy’s the latest stooge, banning parties, muzzling media, begging billions while Ukraine hemorrhages—1,000,000 dead, millions uprooted—for a spat you’ve bloated into apocalypse.
You slur Russians as “subhuman,” sobbing “genocide,” but what about Kyiv’s own filth? Since 2014, the Kyiv regime’s shelled its own east, killing 15,000 civilians—women, kids, grandparents—in Donbas, all before Russia’s big move. No tears for them? And Russia’s 27 million dead crushing Hitler in WWII—more than any nation—don’t earn your “subhuman” tag? You’re blind to the West’s Minsk farce—Merkel bragged in 2022 it was a ploy to arm Ukraine, not fix Donbas. Istanbul peace talks, 2022? Boris Johnson sank them to keep the war grinding, not to save souls. “America’s values”? Coups and lies? Our forebears didn’t die for BlackRock to drool over Kyiv’s wreckage or Lockheed to bank on HIMARS. Biden’s gang’s poured $200 billion into this slaughter, and you clap like it’s noble.
Ukraine “doesn’t owe” us? Okay. But we don’t owe them our bones either. The Accords didn’t mandate forever war—your guilt does. Nukes might’ve deterred Russia, sure—but NATO’s taunts lit the match. I hate war. I’ve smelled the death, not just the propaganda you gorge on. You’re not honoring sacrifices; you’re pissing on them, craving more gore for your pride. Kyiv’s 15,000 civilian kills and Russia’s 27 million WWII ghosts laugh at your “Hitler” jab. Tell Ukrainians to die for your “commitment”? No—tell them peace takes balls, not your sanctimonious sniveling. You’re the one twisting lies to sleep. I rest easy knowing I’d stop this, not fuel it.
Your sanctimonious meltdown is a putrid mix of melodrama, ignorance, and Western chauvinism—the kind that’s soaked the earth in blood for centuries. I’ve served on the front lines, seen war’s butchery—torn bodies, dying kids—not your playhouse fantasy of “civilized world” tears. Spare me your armchair shame; it’s not righteous—it’s complicity in a vile parade of power, profit, and betrayal, wrapped in red-white-and-blue hypocrisy. I’m ashamed—of fools like you who’d rather howl about “cowardice” than face facts.
You wail over Trump and MAGA “abandoning” Ukraine, but where’s your rage at the West’s architects who rigged this disaster? The Budapest Memorandum—your precious Belarus Accords—wasn’t a holy vow to bleed for Ukraine; it was a limp 1994 “assurance,” not a war pact. Ukraine dumped its nukes for a handshake, not a suicide mission. Russia’s Crimea move and Donbas war? Sparked by NATO’s eastward shove—after Gorbachev got a 1990 promise of “not one inch”—and the U.S.’s $5 billion Maidan coup in 2014, Nuland cherry-picking leaders like it’s reality TV. Zelenskyy’s the latest stooge, banning parties, muzzling media, begging billions while Ukraine hemorrhages—1,000,000 dead, millions uprooted—for a spat you’ve bloated into apocalypse.
You slur Russians as “subhuman,” sobbing “genocide,” but what about Kyiv’s own filth? Since 2014, the Kyiv regime’s shelled its own east, killing 15,000 civilians—women, kids, grandparents—in Donbas, all before Russia’s big move. No tears for them? And Russia’s 27 million dead crushing Hitler in WWII—more than any nation—don’t earn your “subhuman” tag? You’re blind to the West’s Minsk farce—Merkel bragged in 2022 it was a ploy to arm Ukraine, not fix Donbas. Istanbul peace talks, 2022? Boris Johnson sank them to keep the war grinding, not to save souls. “America’s values”? Coups and lies? Our forebears didn’t die for BlackRock to drool over Kyiv’s wreckage or Lockheed to bank on HIMARS. Biden’s gang’s poured $200 billion into this slaughter, and you clap like it’s noble.
Ukraine “doesn’t owe” us? Okay. But we don’t owe them our bones either. The Accords didn’t mandate forever war—your guilt does. Nukes might’ve deterred Russia, sure—but NATO’s taunts lit the match. I hate war. I’ve smelled the death, not just the propaganda you gorge on. You’re not honoring sacrifices; you’re pissing on them, craving more gore for your pride. Kyiv’s 15,000 civilian kills and Russia’s 27 million WWII ghosts laugh at your “Hitler” jab. Tell Ukrainians to die for your “commitment”? No—tell them peace takes balls, not your sanctimonious sniveling. You’re the one twisting lies to sleep. I rest easy knowing I’d stop this, not fuel it.

Great summary!

Unfortunately the attention span of 99% of folks is top to bottom of their instagram or tiktok feeds these days. No one remembers 2014 already.

And when @spooky talks about his friends dislocated from Ukraine, no one remembers how many native Ukranian had been dislocated back in the days by ukranian army.
wow, you guys. most of us Canadians are horrified by happenings in US politics,
and US world policies. here in Southern Alberta, we even have trump supporters with big banners in their farms and ranches, including some who want to become part of the USA !
to me this is treasonous madness. so glad to hear that some of my US Brothers and Sisters are horrified as well !
Since 2014, the Kyiv regime’s shelled its own east, killing 15,000 civilians—women, kids, grandparents—in Donbas, all before Russia’s big move.
Russian invaded the Donbas, which was part of Ukraine's sovereign territory, in 2014. Russian then flooded it with separatists and citizens as cannon fodder. It's the same thing that's going on now. Not sure why a nation can't defend itself from invasion from another country.

It'd be like if Putin sent troops across the Bering Strait to retake Alaska. You'd be cool with that?

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