Hey guys, what a great thread this turned out to be LOL. One of our employees started it and never made us aware to reply. So we're here now, glad it's still active so I can reply to the old stuff and new stuff.
It’s an odd bunch… Lots of .... talking. Lot’s of trolling and people that take keyboard warrior-ing way to seriously.
Here’s a bit of an example. Read at your discretion.
Definitely an odd reaction, but I can play ball, we've been in this since the original S1000RR forum days and even date back to the old NASIOC subaru days, can't get much worse than that

I tried both brentuning and the competitor from Germany. I have had a full akra undertail exhaust with the ducati tuning. I didn't dyno measure my motorcycle. Brentuning made the bike so fun and easy to ride, smooth probably mich better for someone who wants to use it for circuit. I personally prefer the Brentuning.
No significant change with the other tune.
Thanks for the feedback, seems like duessen does a good job for many customers, glad he's active and can provide lots of knowledge for you guys, that's awesome, glad he has the free time to be able to do that for you all!
What an incredibly arrogant statement. I guess everyone else is just flat stupid?
Which part of that did we say anyone else is stupid? Because one group has an understanding, that makes the others inherently stupid? Interesting thought process.
Welp, another forum invaded by the ....-talking team of wannabees. I’ve been “around” long enough to see the beginning and the “end” of it on several forums. Take your .... back to where you came from because too many people actually “know” way more than enough to ignore your “business” as ......... The tuning may even have improved somewhat, but the “business” part is still broken…
…and if there are people who have a good experience with it, then good for them. I know too much.
Wannabees! That's awesome. I guess tuning 5000 bikes a year for the past decade makes us wannabees. I'd love to know what the "too much" is!
How much $$ and what gains are expected? Also how do you tune without a dyno? 2012 1199s Panigale.
Depends on the bike, 1199's are great when tuned, lots of rideability fixes on that bike that it desperately needs and 8-12HP or so over stock!
I know a couple guys that are very happy with Brentune on their V4s, and it can never hurt to have more simple and effective solutions available, so I hope they do well. I'm considering them for a tune on a SFV4S with either a stage2/slip-on or full Termis.
I'd like to hear from any other V4 guys that got a Brentune.
It's funny coming into an echo chamber like this forum. I have so many positive customer experiences and interactions on a weekly basis, then I come in here and you'd think I personally slapped some of these members mothers. I'm just glad for our real customers who have properly tuned bikes and support and don't require forums for validation.
You do realize that you guys don’t exactly have the best track record or reputation with Ducati enthusiasts right?
My guess is that you are a knew sales rep with Bren and don’t know the actual history and reputation of the company with KNOWLEDGABLE Ducati guys, and that you wholeheartedly believe your company’s training and orientation materials.
Your tunes have a reputation for being under-cooked canned tunes that are beset with glitchiness without much refinement or riding improvements.
There are people on here, myself included, that have used your company’s tunes and others tunes on the same bike, and yours are junk compared to other tuners like Deussen. Who puts out an incredibly detail and refined tune.
Unfortunately you are coming to a forum where people have real world experience with the severely lacking Bren tunes IN REAL LIFE.
Your real world reputation is so bad that when a new Ducati owner comes here that bought a Bren tune before we have a chance to educate them we all kind give a collective sigh and think to ourselves: “Another one suckered into the Bren tune marketing machine…before we could inform them…poor guy.”
That’s the reputation you have to deal with here….you could over come it by actually starting to provide high quality detailed sophisticated tunes that work well for our members in real life, and over come your bad reputation…but that’s gunna take a lot of work on your company’s part, and you don’t add to your credibility when you say things like “we are the only ones providing great tunes” when many of us know from DIRECT experience that there are in fact MUCH better tunes out there than your firm has typically supplied.
So if you want to sell tunes here, don’t START by making demonstrably false claims lol
I think most Ducati guys are pretty knowledgeable in general. So the mapping is "under cooked" which I assume means low power? We'd love for you to PM us your order number and email so we can look into what went sideways here. We'll check it out and get back to you and the forum with some answers.
We get you may have had a bad experience (pending the PM with info) but that's not common. 25% of our business is Ducati and we have what, 5 wildly outspoken forum members here trying to drag us?
My experience with BrenTune was you order the device, then like normal you pull the VIN and current map off the bike with the device, then send it to Bren to get the tune…from there it all goes down hill, took nearly a month for them to send back my tune…when it came there was a disclosure saying essentially its a beta version that they think will do well on my bike…and that I should run it and give them feedback, so they can correct/revise the tune as they get reports back on it…it ran like ...., and would often stall out at lights etc., and was choppy and peaky everywhere else with little to no noticeable gain accept that it literally made the bike harder to ride.
So I did as requested, gave feedback and asked for an updated tune….i put the Akro UpMap back on that was a way better tune…after 3 or 4 weeks without hearing back from them I gave up on them and chalked the whole thing up as a wasted $700.
A year later Deussen came along, all of us gave him .... and put him through the ringer as a ‘new tuner’, but he calmly handled our forum ........ with clear and concise answers demonstrating his technical knowledge. So I gave him a shot. Got the device 2 days after ordering it, pull the VIN and current map off the bike and sent it to him, had my tune within 48 hours, the bike ran like OEM, the throttle was more smoothed out and I had a lot more power throughout the mid-range at my next track day…the bike was both easier to ride and had more fun grunt coming off an apex.
Completely different experiences…on the same bike, between the two tuners.
The only people who say good things about a BrenTune are people being paid by them or newbs that just got their bike and don’t know enough to know how ...... the tune is, or how to ride the bike fast, and come on here bragging about a BrenTune and their new clear clutch cover in the same sentence.
So rather than using our money back guarantee, you decided to chalk it up as a loss and complain about it on the internet?
BTMOTO is some hot garbage 🗑. Don't waste your money on trash.
What was your order number, we can check what happened and get back to the forum?
I didn't read the entire thread TBH and tune related threads always tend to be inflammatory somehow, but I'll throw in my 2 cents on BT.
I always run full systems and always a tune, but in majority of cases I keep it simple. Buy Akra and flash with Akra tune. No custom, no nothing. Never been disappointed. A different case when Akra map is simply not available and that is the case with BMW. I'm sure some tuners are more successful with certain brands than the others, but I can honestly say BT Tune on my 2024 M1000XR is great (first time I purchased one from by the way). No delays, no issues, followed instruction and bike runs great and power is much improved. For those who do not know - OEM maps on BMW 1000s are crap.
PS. I am not paid by BT, rider capable of full throttle and I do run clear clutch cover LOL
Thanks for the kind words and we believe our Ducati products are just as good as our BMW products, regardless of what the echo chamber here says.
What was your order number? We'll check out what happened and get back to the forum.
Nobody cares… and no one, but you who has ever use them say positive things about them.
Is this your 15th post about us in this thread? We're married, sorry