Well yes "esmirna" does have a habit of not bothering to read the content which leads to a misinterpreted context. The point was about having access to more options from a global perspective which is very appealing. A large segment of what is talked about on this board and others is modifying what you just bought from the dealer. My only intention in discussing this here was to voice some ideas with regard to the new motor coming out of Ducati and throw some ideas out there on some options. There is zero mention of me or anyone doing anything any better than anyone else. Just options. The ultimate experience for anyone buying a motorcycle or anything for that matter is that hopefully when you have made your purchase that the manufacturer delivered to you as close to what you envision as optimal to you as an individual. Motorcycles and cars are "cookie cutter" versions based on obvious factors. The next step is the customization phase and judging by the massive number of aftermarket suppliers, paints a rather obvious picture that many buyers are not completely satisfied with what the mfg has provided. My point is that it would be great if you could "buffet" your purchase and get exactly what you want that it would ultimately benefit everyone. Its that simple. Pick your power plant, suspension, wheels etc and you get the bike "you" without a garage full of spare parts and in many cases, you will save money and end up with a much nicer bike. Again, nothing about me just an idea that seems like it would solve a lot of issues.