Anyone 'carry' when riding?

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Most background checks only look for felony criminal record and domestic abuse, I don't believe they show mental health issues.
I thought this was a forum for and about the Ducati Panigale:confused: If ya wanna talk about guns amongst yaselves thats to all our American cousins why don"t you hook up on Twitter or a gun forum. And if you want to look at a helmet get a gay mag:D I think i"m gonna bail on this forum cos of the ..... that leaks in. Anything useful has dried up:rolleyes: I"m outta here.
As to the "just in case" scenario:

You fellows overseas might not have the highly dangerous urban threats that we must face on a daily basis. It's hard for you to relate. And you can be sure that those "threats" have unlicensed handguns. Bet on it. Can you imagine not being able to enjoy your cities without looking over your shoulders and or walking to the other side of the street everytme a percieved threat comes into view?

There were ~14,000 murders in the US in 2011 alone and a little over 9000 were committed with unlicensed handguns (bureau of FBI stats). In the 12 years of fighting in Iraq and 'Stan; there were aprox 3400 lives lost in all coalition forces combined. About 2200 or so were Americans.... In 12 years total.

Where exactly is the real warfare then, I ask you?

Thus, it is not that we are happy gunslingers, rather just exercising our rights to protect ourselves. Would we rather not have to live with those" threats" which may end our lives over petty crimes? Yes, I am sure most would.

Come walk a mile in our urban warfare shoes, then decide if you would like a little backup on your side or not. You'll be glad to have the right and the option. Of that I am positive.

"Just in case" does not equal paranoid. It's just having to deal with post apocalyptic societies without the apocalypse.

Jumping off of the soapbox. ;-)
I thought this was a forum for and about the Ducati Panigale:confused: If ya wanna talk about guns amongst yaselves thats to all our American cousins why don"t you hook up on Twitter or a gun forum. And if you want to look at a helmet get a gay mag:D I think i"m gonna bail on this forum cos of the ..... that leaks in. Anything useful has dried up:rolleyes: I"m outta here.

C-ya!! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!...(and please keep you gay closeted desires to yourself...what you do in your own time doesn't concern us)
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I am totally

Disgusted at this subject. How you can joke about weapons in the light of recent events is awful. I am a serving military man of 24 years service and I think the USAs gun laws are at best ....... stupid. Just look up Pierce Morgan's interview with the dick head head of the NRA to justify this. Sorry for this fellow panigale owners bye bye.
If someone still wanted to do mass murder they could always take a four wheel drive HD truck and drive it through a crowd, you could easily do alot of damage with a 400hp 800+lbs tq truck.

Agreed. But, you have to be licensed to drive a truck.
Disgusted at this subject. How you can joke about weapons in the light of recent events is awful. I am a serving military man of 24 years service and I think the USAs gun laws are at best ....... stupid. Just look up Pierce Morgan's interview with the dick head head of the NRA to justify this. Sorry for this fellow panigale owners bye bye.

You're entitled to your opinion and free to express it. Give thanks to your fellow US military for helping ensure you still have it. No reason to get vulgar. It shows your inability to articulate and substantiate your position in an intelligent and cohesive manner.

Have a nice day.
I can't speak for everybody, but I think some of us were trying to make light of this subject and hopefully derail it before it turned into the charles foxtrot that it did. No good will come of this thread and we will never come to any sort of consensus and with the departure of rational discussion I'd vote to shut this sucker down.
Disgusted at this subject. How you can joke about weapons in the light of recent events is awful. I am a serving military man of 24 years service and I think the USAs gun laws are at best ....... stupid. Just look up Pierce Morgan's interview with the dick head head of the NRA to justify this. Sorry for this fellow panigale owners bye bye.

Being a military man, are you still angry for losing American Revolution in 1776?Just imagine if the original thirteen colonies didn't have the right to carry guns we would still be under your country's rule. I could see why you think it's stupid. Served my country for 10 years and I think it's great the we have the right to keep and bear arms.

Had to say it. :D
Please accept my

Apology and yes you are right. Please tell me what corps you served in to enable our freedom fellow soldier? Again sorry fellow military man. Just got a little upset when you used statistics involving the numbers of brave Men and Women dying in Iraq/Afganistan to that dying in the US to justify your point. Again sorry sir
As to the "just in case" scenario:

You fellows overseas might not have the highly dangerous urban threats that we must face on a daily basis. It's hard for you to relate. And you can be sure that those "threats" have unlicensed handguns. Bet on it. Can you imagine not being able to enjoy your cities without looking over your shoulders and or walking to the other side of the street everytme a percieved threat comes into view?

There were ~14,000 murders in the US in 2011 alone and a little over 9000 were committed with unlicensed handguns (bureau of FBI stats). In the 12 years of fighting in Iraq and 'Stan; there were aprox 3400 lives lost in all coalition forces combined. About 2200 or so were Americans.... In 12 years total.

Where exactly is the real warfare then, I ask you?

Thus, it is not that we are happy gunslingers, rather just exercising our rights to protect ourselves. Would we rather not have to live with those" threats" which may end our lives over petty crimes? Yes, I am sure most would.

Come walk a mile in our urban warfare shoes, then decide if you would like a little backup on your side or not. You'll be glad to have the right and the option. Of that I am positive.

"Just in case" does not equal paranoid. It's just having to deal with post apocalyptic societies without the apocalypse.

Jumping off of the soapbox. ;-)

I heard in the US there are Zombies is this true ?
Disgusted at this subject. How you can joke about weapons in the light of recent events is awful. I am a serving military man of 24 years service and I think the USAs gun laws are at best ....... stupid. Just look up Pierce Morgan's interview with the dick head head of the NRA to justify this. Sorry for this fellow panigale owners bye bye.

Just curious, when was the last time you needed it on a ride?! I've ridden parts of the US and never felt the need to 'carry'.

Probably best to put this one down to cultural differences i think! My last post on the topic.

I've never needed the insurance on my truck, boat, or Panigale but it's good to have just in case!

It's not for when I'm on the bike. I'm a responsible gun owner, 10 years in the military as an EOD tech with tons of weapons training. I carry for when I'm not on the bike. Be it a gas station, break down situation, or any other unforeseen circumstance.

Florida Internet Cafe Robbery ends with Assailants Shot and Running for Dear Life! - YouTube

Long story, but in a nutshell...vehicle trouble towing a trailer with his wife and mother-in-law, stopped off the interstate to try and get it sorted out, three men pulled guns and he protected his family.

WALTERBORO - Serviceman defends family, shoots robber - Local -
I can't speak for everybody, but I think some of us were trying to make light of this subject and hopefully derail it before it turned into the charles foxtrot that it did. No good will come of this thread and we will never come to any sort of consensus and with the departure of rational discussion I'd vote to shut this sucker down.

Ha- good luck with that!
I can't speak for everybody, but I think some of us were trying to make light of this subject and hopefully derail it before it turned into the charles foxtrot that it did. No good will come of this thread and we will never come to any sort of consensus and with the departure of rational discussion I'd vote to shut this sucker down.

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.

Thomas Jefferson
Sad to see all the inarticulate juvenile responses of the uninformed. Sure its a subjuct that creates polarization but it shouldnt. Look at the stats boys, murders per 100,000 USA is way down the list. 109th on the list, and every single one above the USA has a total ban on civilian owned guns. England and Austrialia's crime rates have risen every year since they banned guns. On and on. Do we have problems with nut cases creating horrific tragedy, we do as does everyone else. If some one is bent of destruction, gun laws make no difference. Look at Chicago. It is quite the safe working environment for the criminals. Gangs drugs whatever it fuels the violence, not just in the USA either. We have a problem with mental health system, parental responsibility, the breakdown of the family unit etc etc. we need to fix the problem not lay blame on inanimate objects. It someone hits another with a cricket bat do we cry out to ban them? No that would be "silly". We ask what the hell's wrong with him he just hit that guy with a bat!!!

But remember it makes no difference to me if you wish to own a gun or a hundred or not a one, if you are a responsible citizen. If you choose not to excercise your right to own or carry that's YOUR decision, sorry but you don't get to decide what's right for me.

Take a second and ask yourself why a policeman carries a gun. Is it to protect you? Not hardly, it is so they can protect themselves. So unless you have a personal policeman, who's protecting you and yours? I have the utmost respect for our policeman and serviceman and the ones I know are quite pro CCW.

I'm sure some of you will want continue to rant go ahead, I hope you never have a need to protect your children, because if you are not prepared, trained, and carrying all is lost.

Think about it, really think about it. Ever been scared walking down the streets?

What could you do?

Anyhow I love my Panigale and I don't carry when riding, no need on country roads. Hopefully you are all enjoying yours as well. Wish the snow would melt...

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