I always carry when I ride but I dont need a permit for mine
Disgusted at this subject. How you can joke about weapons in the light of recent events is awful. I am a serving military man of 24 years service and I think the USAs gun laws are at best ....... stupid. Just look up Pierce Morgan's interview with the dick head head of the NRA to justify this. Sorry for this fellow panigale owners bye bye.
My ex used to question why I carried. And then at 2 or 3pm in the afternoon on a nice sunny day right out in front of our house in San Francisco I was the victim of an attempted carjacking. He had a tire iron in his hand. I had a Glock 17 in my jacket. Guess who dropped the tire iron?
I understand why people don't own guns. And I understand why people who don't own think we're a paranoid lot. What I don't understand is why there are so many anti-gun people in the world who refuse to put "Gun Free Home" signs in front of their houses. Anyone?
I doubt anyone in my street has a gun . I think I would look a little strange if I had a sign .
That car jacking you spoke about would have made the news big time in my city guess I'm just lucky where I live . I would be paranoid as well by the sounds of it ?
to all the intercontinental folks around here. you can't transfer your society's opinion about what's right or wrong to some place else in the world.
try explaining your dog loving mommy in canada why they eat dogs in china.
every culture has its differences. i got to realize that in person, when i moved here. no books, and especially NOT THE MEDIA, could bring that close, to what it really feels like. i've been travelling a lot (japan, all over europe, GB, USA, ...) for my job and got to know a lot of people. but living somewhere is different.
so, the US has a lot of guns, so do other countries. you have the chance to carry in public here (concealed), with restrictions.
with me as a german (i refuse to call myself european) walking around here, i feel more threatened by some mom with 4 kids in her van, talking on the cell phone or a truck driver who hasn't slept enough and is about to take me out on the highway, than somebody carrying a gun, with a permit to do so (to carry , not to take me out).
and in europe: all you "guns are dangerous"-talkers. do this: take france as an example - go to paris, take the subway out to bobigny, or saint germain and roam around the streets there at night by yourself. i bet you won't meet somebody with a gun, but i also bet you wish you had one... (i've been ther in good company, and would never go there by myself) this goes for every major city in europe.
it is not guns (cars, trucks, poison, knives, ... endless list) that kill people, it's people that kill people.
so back to topic,
if i could fit a gun under my tight leathers and ensure it would be locked under any circumstances, i would carry it for certain rides into certain areas.
Sad to see all the inarticulate juvenile responses of the uninformed. Sure its a subjuct that creates polarization but it shouldnt. Look at the stats boys, murders per 100,000 USA is way down the list. 109th on the list, and every single one above the USA has a total ban on civilian owned guns. England and Austrialia's crime rates have risen every year since they banned guns. On and on. Do we have problems with nut cases creating horrific tragedy, we do as does everyone else. If some one is bent of destruction, gun laws make no difference. Look at Chicago. It is quite the safe working environment for the criminals. Gangs drugs whatever it fuels the violence, not just in the USA either. We have a problem with mental health system, parental responsibility, the breakdown of the family unit etc etc. we need to fix the problem not lay blame on inanimate objects. It someone hits another with a cricket bat do we cry out to ban them? No that would be "silly". We ask what the hell's wrong with him he just hit that guy with a bat!!!
But remember it makes no difference to me if you wish to own a gun or a hundred or not a one, if you are a responsible citizen. If you choose not to excercise your right to own or carry that's YOUR decision, sorry but you don't get to decide what's right for me.
Take a second and ask yourself why a policeman carries a gun. Is it to protect you? Not hardly, it is so they can protect themselves. So unless you have a personal policeman, who's protecting you and yours? I have the utmost respect for our policeman and serviceman and the ones I know are quite pro CCW.
I'm sure some of you will want continue to rant go ahead, I hope you never have a need to protect your children, because if you are not prepared, trained, and carrying all is lost.
Think about it, really think about it. Ever been scared walking down the streets?
What could you do?
Anyhow I love my Panigale and I don't carry when riding, no need on country roads. Hopefully you are all enjoying yours as well. Wish the snow would melt...
And Australia is a gun country also but they are dealing with it.Sad world where people need to carry guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!