Austin Racing Inconel Install - Part II

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AR failures were officially stated as common from the Spitlath guys, already quoted below on this forum, post #981:

So, race teams did have failures, the info has been "put up" as you requested. Please don't deny these failures, Rich already did that in the other forums and it just pissed people off there too and pushed more people AWAY from buying AR based on Rich's attitude and now yours. You both hurt AR's reputation with the way you attack members. If you want to hurt AR's sales even more, by all means keep writing antagonistic posts. On a side note, I actually LIKE the AR exhaust, and would've considered it based on looks and sound alone. I really do like the product itself. But I would never consider giving AR my money after I read Rich's responses and threats of lawsuits etc. The way to win back potential customers (which this forum is full of), is to show factual posts demonstrating the product's good qualities, the past racing success of AR, heck, pics of AR bikes winning races is good marketing, respond only professionally without taking anything personally, provide only answers without opinions if representing a company, don't badmouth other companies, etc... not by childishly attacking members.

Perfectly stated!
Don't hold your breath...:D I do not think that Rich is capable of such things... :rolleyes:

I can't believe how aggressive his followers are. I don't know if I would defend my own company as aggressively as bugsy is defending him. Especially when the evidence is right there for all to see:confused:
I can't believe how aggressive his followers are. I don't know if I would defend my own company as aggressively as bugsy is defending him. Especially when the evidence is right there for all to see:confused:

His supporters are as aggressive as he is (was)... Maybe they're the same people.. lol
I don't understand these statements, why did he keep using Akras if they were failing? AR is the only failure repoted to our forum so far.

  1. Never had a failure neither did many race teams around the globe I worked with.
  2. My race 1098 ate Akra headers at silly amounts.
I don't understand these statements, why did he keep using Akras if they were failing? AR is the only failure repoted to our forum so far.

  1. Never had a failure neither did many race teams around the globe I worked with.
  2. My race 1098 ate Akra headers at silly amounts.

I don't think he's concerned with actual facts interfering with his agenda driven fiction.
I don't understand these statements, why did he keep using Akras if they were failing? AR is the only failure repoted to our forum so far.

  1. Never had a failure neither did many race teams around the globe I worked with.
  2. My race 1098 ate Akra headers at silly amounts.

In the interests of full disclosure we did have a member that had a termi slips burn through..IIRC. but only one..Akras are really unavailable as of right now for the 1199 but I don't recall ever hearing of a failure of one of their pipes..
There's no doubt AR pipes have various uses.. No idea why anyone would deny the evidence..
In the interests of full disclosure we did have a member that had a termi slips burn through..IIRC. but only one..Akras are really unavailable as of right now for the 1199 but I don't recall ever hearing of a failure of one of their pipes..
There's no doubt AR pipes have various uses.. No idea why anyone would deny the evidence..

Back in my gixxer forum days, we had a few members have carbon fiber discoloration on some Akras, but that was the extent any "failures" I ever heard of, and that forum was much larger.
I would bet there are failures of various kinds for any brand if sold in mass quantities. Bugsy said only 100 or so AR pipes have been sold for the 1199. Hardly a major manufacturer in the big picture. I would look to the major racing organizations to see what is being used. Motogp, WSB, even here in the AMA...Akra has a HUGE presence. AR, not so much.
Back in my gixxer forum days, we had a few members have carbon fiber discoloration on some Akras, but that was the extent any "failures" I ever heard of, and that forum was much larger.

Yup...same thing happened on my CBR1000RR. Faded a bit, but structurally it was perfect.
I would bet there are failures of various kinds for any brand if sold in mass quantities. Bugsy said only 100 or so AR pipes have been sold for the 1199. Hardly a major manufacturer in the big picture. I would look to the major racing organizations to see what is being used. Motogp, WSB, even here in the AMA...Akra has a HUGE presence. AR, not so much.

Rich had said he sold the first 50 when he started a new group buy he got pissed and canceled, so I seriously doubt anywhere near 100 have sold - or ever will if they read this forum :)
Was contracted to use Akrapovich and the same with Arrow, both headers failed with regular consistency.
austin did not fail us.
You lot know nothing about product reliability when used in anger, that is very clear.

Splitlath ???

Stw, still waiting for you to back up your ........ :rolleyes:
Was contracted to use Akrapovich and the same with Arrow, both headers failed with regular consistency.
austin did not fail us.
You lot know nothing about product reliability when used in anger, that is very clear.

Splitlath ???

Stw, still waiting for you to back up your ........ :rolleyes:

What "........" are you referring too?? That AR pipes fail??
Was contracted to use Akrapovich and the same with Arrow, both headers failed with regular consistency.
austin did not fail us.
You lot know nothing about product reliability when used in anger, that is very clear.

Splitlath ???

Stw, still waiting for you to back up your ........ :rolleyes:

I think I know a lot more about product reliability than yourself, and so far AR has none.

We have one example here of an AR failure, none of Akrapovich.
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Was contracted to use Akrapovich and the same with Arrow, both headers failed with regular consistency.
AR did not fail us.
You lot know nothing about product reliability when used in anger, that is very clear.

Splitlath ???

Stw, still waiting for you to back up your ........ :rolleyes:

I don't know about product reliability?? Quite an assumption when you don't even know who you are talking to. I'm one of the engineers that designs powertrains like this... I currently manage a transmission design department for a company that designs engines and full powertrains for almost all the big manufactureres like GM, FORD, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, etc and their race teams, as well as F1, Indy, rally teams etc. I used to literally be the guy that would design parts to go into race bikes. Personally been the lead engineer on entire racing transmission projects. I interact with the engine design group quite frequently too, although no, I'm not an exhaust expert, but I'm assuming you don't have a phd in thermal dynamics, mechanics of materials, or flow simulation either? I can go on, but to say I "clearly" know nothing about product reliability is absurd to say the least. Just because you ride something means nothing about whether if you know what it takes to design it. What I state is generally fact not opinion. Everyone has failures at some point, akra, AR, Ducati, Ferrari, Termi, Toyota, etc. Just don't try to act like AR is some perfect gift from the heavens. Again, calling out members of this forum just pushes much of this Ducati community further away from ever buying an AR... So I'm not sure what the end goal is here... Draw more attention to threads like this that push more potential customers away?
Was contracted to use Akrapovich and the same with Arrow, both headers failed with regular consistency.
austin did not fail us.
You lot know nothing about product reliability when used in anger, that is very clear.

Splitlath ???

Stw, still waiting for you to back up your ........ :rolleyes:

As if you didn't know, here is the Splitlath Motorsports post that was involved in the argument that got Rich banned:

IF I'd have had an axe to grind with or about Rich, I'd have said so....but my post was based purely on the facts. I myself removed a number of cans from the Splitlath bikes which had failed, so I not only know that we DID have them fail, but also DYNO'd the bikes at various BSB rounds, and saw that CONSISTANTLY, in back to back tests on the same dyno within minutes of each other, the Akrapovic pipes produced MORE power and LESS noise ( "Austinracing exhausts outperform the Akra system's and we have not had 1 failure world wide" ) making this statement completely untrue...sorry Rich, thats not aimed personally, its just the facts of the how on EARTH you can claim your exhausts outperform Akra's, when you yourself, KNOWING we were using Akra's, INSISTED we put Austin Racing stickers on them, I just dont know. What I CAN say, is that in the end, Hudson Kennaugh INSISTED they were removed and Akrapovic systems used instead . Best you get off your soapbox."

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