LOL. Steven you and Craig and the rest of this group are seasoned professionals and very good at what you do and are world beaters in life no doubt. I grew up without a father and wanted to race BMX and mini bikes when I was 10. No father and no involvement from my mom meant I had to do for myself. I learned to build wheels and my own bikes and what not out of necessity. Ever since then I strive for self reliance in whatever I’m into to the point of obsession at times.
Today more than ever it seems we are plagued by reliance and supply issues while the people with raw materials, tools and skill sets make the rules. Modern day consumer slavery if you will. Just never wanted to be part of that and by doing, you just get better at doing and it cross pollinates into other areas and reshapes one’s confidence to enable more self reliance.
Some of the most valuable business lessons I learned was that of decentralized command, and strategic delegation of trading others time for my dollars so that my time could be spent on what was wanted not what was needed.
Another good one is “pick the six people you hang around, that’s who you are” choose wisely. Private/Corporate Aviation has been the stepping stone for everything. All of my contacts that were the catalyst for success came from Corp Aviation. I’ve been hanging out at FBOs since I was 15. Met some amazing people. Carry on man, you’re crushing it, bike looks fantastic, your biz is booming and you lead by example. We’ll done.