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Yeah the ........ at Laguna. WSBK weekends used to be so much fun before the rich folks starting bitching about the antics on cannery road. I'm also a big fan of laguna especially after they built the infield. I'm thinking trying to come by Claudio will be tough. If I were him I'd have a superleggera painted like a regular panigale and then have it stuffed with a 1103. And always fresh tires.
Here's May so far with random sun.
I've never been so social at the track. I'm usually the focused in the corner guy. So many red-flags, everyone is talking and trading and going out to eat. I'm getting to know professionals.
Hailed yesterday.

View attachment 49556

Yes all that.
You can have Sears. Some of it is great. 2 friends with massive head injuries later hitting the wall, (one in a car) I'll skip it.
Laguna is my fav by factors of 10. The asshats who built houses next to it trying to squashing it with sound restrictions need to be put out of their misery and everyone else's.
You should see Misano. The houses are across a small street, about 60 meters from the actual track. People are on their balconies on race day, like cool, a race. Party central with a beach. All the old ladies wave to the cyclists who roll in by the thousands, "Come to my shop." It's Christmas to the locals.
View attachment 49557

Soo many tracks closed in California due to that, I never understood how you could buy a house next to a track, KNOWING it was next to a track, then complain about the sound of the track.
Yeah the ........ at Laguna. WSBK weekends used to be so much fun before the rich folks starting bitching about the antics on cannery road. I'm also a big fan of laguna especially after they built the infield. I'm thinking trying to come by Claudio will be tough. If I were him I'd have a superleggera painted like a regular panigale and then have it stuffed with a 1103. And always fresh tires.

You literally just described my bike lol
Soo many tracks closed in California due to that, I never understood how you could buy a house next to a track, KNOWING it was next to a track, then complain about the sound of the track.

Funny since at Laguna you can pay 10K more for a sound day and get bumped from 92db to 105db. And thats measured at one spot. At the top you can blow 115db
and they don't care. It's just politics and money. I've done a private test day there before and it was open sound midweek so it is just the money factor. Now that they have new management we'll see what happens. They already have cut their track days this year by over half!
Soo many tracks closed in California due to that, I never understood how you could buy a house next to a track, KNOWING it was next to a track, then complain about the sound of the track.

What if we all pitched in for a bulldoser driver? Or backhoe? Ever see one of those take out one of those classic 90's California paper-stucco houses? 10 mins, it's flat.
Just leave a note.
"You don't live here now. Good bye.
from the Institution for the Eradication of Cultural Resource Devastating Asshats"🤣
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What if we all pitched in for a bulldoser driver? Or backhoe? Ever see one of those take out one of those classic 90's California paper-stucco houses? 10 mins, it's flat.
Just leave a note.
"You don't live here now. Good bye.
from the Institution for the Eradication of Cultural Resource Devastating Asshats"🤣

Bulldozer is too much work. Anyone got any Semtex on them?
Typical leftist NIMBY’ism. They do it with all sorts of .....

Considering that houses around the track are $4-5M, I’m not so sure they’re leftist. Liberals can’t afford those mortgages as they don’t have jobs and are looking for gov’t handouts. Typical NIMBY is far-right conservative as evidence by ya boy and girl Ken and Karen in St Louis haha

Even most the rich guys in california are pretty far left. Comes with way too much money. That's why I don't live there no more. Don't get me started. We got chased by MP's when the track was still on Ord. Before the infield. They figured out after a while to block the track. My friend was a short timer and was essentially incorrigible. They tossed me off the base.
Even most the rich guys in california are pretty far left. Comes with way too much money. That's why I don't live there no more. Don't get me started. We got chased by MP's when the track was still on Ord. Before the infield. They figured out after a while to block the track. My friend was a short timer and was essentially incorrigible. They tossed me off the base.

The richy rich that I know around the Bay Area may say they’re liberal to your face but they vote conservative esp when it comes to their money. Being a rich leftist makes no sense. Leftist implies communist tendencies. You don’t get rich being a nice guy and spreading your wealth.

Not sure how to wrap my head around your argument about rich leftists and getting chased out of Ft Ord by the army 🤷‍♂️
The rich lefty's use the same loopholes as all the other rich. They all live away from all the homeless which are now all over ca. I lived in Ca for 57 years. Born there. Norcal was heaven, lots of twisty secondary roads. That all went to .... after Hughes (the original core of the microchip industry). Lots of great roads that you can only use midweek and getting to them you have to dodge minivans. Heavily patrolled on the weekends. I left when the fu fund became self-sustaining. But I usually ride in the trinity at least once a year though it's simply so good.
Even most the rich guys in california are pretty far left. Comes with way too much money. That's why I don't live there no more. Don't get me started. We got chased by MP's when the track was still on Ord. Before the infield. They figured out after a while to block the track. My friend was a short timer and was essentially incorrigible. They tossed me off the base.

You got tossed off, on the base?
No they told me to take my motorcycle and leave. My point in all that was when the army owned laguna there weren't any rich living at the edges. Might have been due to the use of various ordinance on the base.
Oh that's the english tosser thing. I'm so sheltered. Think Charlie Daniel's longhaired country boy. Except my hound is red. Speaking of masturbation I've loaded another map so I'm going riding.

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