You guys have got to be kidding, the church has no moral high ground here at all, every major war in history has been fought under a religious banner and we shouldn't even mention the fact that .......... appears to be a subject taught at the seminary, shall we discuss Billy Graham and the thousands of other television evangelists that have wealth beyond most peoples dreams and are moral vacuums themselves. The church has lost all credibility in modern times, if it ever had any to begin with.
Evidently you have never read much more about Billy Graham than what some liberal magazine has written.. LOL Yes you are right there is a lot of hypocrisy in the church and everywhere else in the world..
Being a Christian is not about belonging to a certain church or being "religious" It is about a personal relationship with Christ.. There will and will always be evil in the world..! We are all born into sin.. Do what you will and rationalize it anyway you want. After all, that is what really got Evolution into the mainstream. Those that wanted to live the way they wanted and not face the Creator simply invented or adopted the theory of Evolution because it freed them to be what they wanted to be and not face and consequences.
If there is no God then you can do what you want right? . One day you will have to stand before God and explain yourself.
He will ask you one thing What did you do with my Son.. Did you accept him as your savior ? I sent him down to earth to live a sinless life and to become the sacrificial lamb as propitiation to pay the sins of all mankind that believe in him.. Did you accept him?
Just because you don't believe in something doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist.. Many will say Prove there is a God..Well I cannot prove there is a God with direct empirical evidence that you require.. In other words he has not drifted down from Heaven and got on CNN etc LOL.. All I have to do is look around and notice what I see around me and the miracle that is the fact that we all exist with all the things God provided for us.. Just look around you. . That is a lot of evidence my friend it is enough for me at least..
. (Well you can always claim that I cannot actually prove God exists).
However you cannot prove God doesn't exist can you..?? We have to look at the evidence at hand. MY faith is based on the evidence that is all around me. It is not based on the church or "religious" people.. You base your faith on evolution (which is not provable ) and the evidence shows that.. You have to have much more faith to believe in evolution LOL.. I believe in a Creator that made all things You believe that over millions of years we all evolved from the goo to you huh! LOL
To each his own.. The way I look at it is this... If I try to live by God's moral code and belief in God (and one day I find out that I was wrong) at the very least I had a good moral guideline to try to live right.
If you choose not to believe and you are wrong then you will be in a very bad place for eternity! Are you THAT sure about your beliefs..?
do your own research . Your eternity depends on it..
I like all men on this earth am a terrible sinner, but I have an advocate that has paid the price for my sins..His name is Jesus Christ. I accepted Him a long time ago and I am not afraid to die.
I am sure I will bring down a lot of heat and be called a holy roller etc.. Personally It doesn't bother me. I will never back down on my beliefs
I am guilty as the next person when it comes to many sinful things. I am not special in any way when it comes to trying t live a moral life. I have weaknesses like everyone.
This whole thing started because of a posted a video of some lady that was well meaning if not eloquent in her delivery..! Well I think the real loser here was Dawkins.. to me He was the nut job..