Brainwashed Woman

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I've been sober 13 years . I owe that all to God .
It's been a journey from one horrible nightmare to a pretty good life.
Why would God create me? I don't know I'm not God.
I think God is so much more than what we can possibly comprehend.
I could see how someone could find proof of God in Einsteins special relativity, walking through the woods , climbing a mountain, surviving cancer ,,, etc etc.
I think I found absolute proof when My first child was born.
Even as an agnostic or atheist I cannot understand questioning God as if we could relate to him or understand him.
right now there are millions of computers around the earth trying to find the next prime number. God knows all of them even if they are infinite.
Hmmm, interesting, I don't think anyone here will change their beliefs because of the writings of a few, all we can do is be respectful and agree to disagree, even we simple minded should be able to manage that..... My theory on it all is that we forced our religious beliefs on all those that we 'conquered' on our way to world domination, the only people we couldn't change were the civilizations that were as advanced, or further advanced than our own.

I think if I were to follow any 'religion' at all the teachings of Buddha are those that resonate most with my own life beliefs, we reap what we sow and how we travel through life will be reflected in the legacy we leave behind.

A little heavy for a Tuesday morning, I should probably do some of what I am being paid for. Get back on the Pani and be as close to 'God' as we can get.

Hmmm, interesting, I don't think anyone here will change their beliefs because of the writings of a few, all we can do is be respectful and agree to disagree, even we simple minded should be able to manage that.....

Agree, these debates usually aren't very respectful

My theory on it all is that we forced our religious beliefs on all those that we 'conquered' on our way to world domination, the only people we couldn't change were the civilizations that were as advanced, or further advanced than our own.

I think if I were to follow any 'religion' at all the teachings of Buddha are those that resonate most with my own life beliefs, we reap what we sow and how we travel through life will be reflected in the legacy we leave behind.

Think of the what the world would be like if more people did this: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Hey Prince Albert..

That is why they call it faith. I built my faith on all the evidence that I got throughout all my life.. There are over 500 written accounts of Jesus's death, crucifixion and burial. Many ancient writings describe His trial and gruesome death by the Romans.. Many saw him after he had risen. There is a lot of evidence if you want to find it..

Psalm 14;1) States "The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God'

To ascribe the complex design of the universe and all it contains to random chance is the essence of true foolishness.
Personally I have never met an atheist that is not an evolutionist..By definition,an atheist can only embrace a natural , rather than supernatural, explanation for the origin of life and the universe in all its complexities because to do otherwise is to admit there is a creator.

Evolutionist tell us that it all started with the big bang . Well let's accept for a moment the atheist's hypothesis that amino acids are the result of lightning striking chemicals covering the earth billions of years ago.
What are the chances of the right amino acids randomly assembling together to produce a single protein molecule? Biochemist's tell us that the probability of a single protein molecule assembling by chance is 1 in 10 to the power of 161! ( Yes.. That is 1 followed by 161 zeros.. ) Remember what your science teacher said back in high school.. There are only 10 to the power of 70 atoms in the entire universe!!!
However to create a single cell you will need more than the creation of a single protein molecule.. A living cell requires hundreds of protein molecules coming together to support life. Given the complexity of a single cell (which could not have evolved over a period of time but had to have ALL it's functioning parts operational from the beginning) The prospect of this happening is very is very remote indeed! If you still hold to the belief that this happened (over and over for millions of years no less) then let me explain it in simpler terms..
That is like saying "given enough time, all the spare parts sitting in my garage will eventually evolve and assemble themselves into an brand new 1299 Panigale R LOL..

Oh well, That is all the proof I need that there is a God, How about you.....? Are you going to look at the True science or are you going to go by hypothesis and conjecture of some atheist that has bent the truth to fit his theory ..?

The bible is the Word of God. If God says there is a Hell..then there is a Hell.. Jesus mentioned Gehenna and Hell many times in his short life here on earth.. He wants all to believe him and follow him.. None are good enough to get into heaven without him.. Jesus was the only man on earth that claimed to be God.. Mohammed didn't The Budda didn't.(they are still in their graves.. Jesus is not because he rose on the third day.) Jesus satisfied over 300 prophesies from the old testament.. No other man has or will. I am putting my faith on what the Bible says. Jesus does not want any to perish but he won't force you to believe.

John 3;16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Whomever believes on the Son shall not perish but have everlasting life"

All you have to do is ask Him to come into your life.. Accept him as your savior You don't have to be a holy roller (I'm sure not LOL) You don't have to go to a specific Church, 9or any church for that matter).. It is not about "Religion" It is about a personal relationship with Christ. No one not even the Pope or Billy Graham or any of the Saints are good enough without Christ.

Nuff said this time..

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LOL @ ^

If you aren't one already, I'd highly recommend you get into stand up comedy. You'd attract a hell of a crowd. I'd attend no doubt!

The bible is man made. Like every other religious book. A person like you and me wrote some nonsense in a book at one point in time for the masses to follow.

If I got enough people brainwashed into my beliefs and called it the Panigaleism, as generations pass, more n more people believe in it and grows like a cult. Couple thousand years later, the people will believe what I created out of my ass and worship what I made up one day when I was bored and had nothing better to do and people will add to it little by little as generations pass, thus, the different versions of my Panigaleism arises.
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Religion can be such a heated subject and I certainly don't want to offend anyone... After I was dead for 9 seconds .... They resuscitated me and I have no recollection of a white light or tunnel of light..,

This has always been my compass because I had "risen " after my death back to life after the help of science ( doctors) no one was waiting for me on the other side, no light...nothing I've come to preach my "good news" to all of you...believe what you want but don't get to caught up in what you think is awaiting for you... I am lucky to be part of a group of few who have died and come back to life and can say .... It was "lights out" ... No Angels waiting for me, no family members, no Moses, no arch angel Gabriel or Jesus or God or the Devil.......

It's only Lights out ![emoji52]
If there's one thing I've learned, it's NEVER to let someone else's thoughts, opinions, or beliefs take up any space in my thoughts (trust me, space is at a premium) or influence what my beliefs and/or values are.

Whether that exacerbates the cliche of "ignorance is bliss" or not, it's for the best in my case... And also for the best of the other party in some cases.
The bible is man made.

This is the endlessly parroted quip of the ignorant. For 3500 years, the scripture has stood the test of time like no other text in history. To casually dismiss it all as "like anything else" is uninformed and lazy. Do the research, even the wiki page on the Dead Sea Scrolls has some good information, and I've been to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit to see text written hundreds of years before Christ detailing his life and death. Ancient scrolls of Isaiah read essentially word-for-word with modern English translations, it's astonishing.

Israel will draw the world to war and everything predicted will certainly happen exactly as foretold. The stage is rapidly being set, most won't even know what hit them.
I am lucky to be part of a group of few who have died and come back to life

No such group or person exists, just spurious claims.

Think God doesn't know if you're going to live or not - really? God controls your spirit, you don't, no human ultimately has any control of anything in terms of life or death or anything in a permanent or spiritual context. This life is truly a vapor.
No such group or person exists, just spurious claims.

Think God doesn't know if you're going to live or not - really? God controls your spirit, you don't, no human ultimately has any control of anything in terms of life or death or anything in a permanent or spiritual context. This life is truly a vapor.

But wait, I was clinically dead for 9 seconds, the electrocardiogram showed i had flatlined"¦
If it wasn't for the great men and women in the operating room who worked on me, i would not be here today , i would have remained dead"¦
Are you now saying that there is no such thing as individuals who have died to only be brought back to life by science(doctors) ?
Well said doubleO"¦.

I respect all the individuals who participated in this discussion tonight, never a dull moment..
Please know that you are all in my prayers"¦;)
Religion can be such a heated subject and I certainly don't want to offend anyone... After I was dead for 9 seconds .... They resuscitated me and I have no recollection of a white light or tunnel of light..,

This has always been my compass because I had "risen " after my death back to life after the help of science ( doctors) no one was waiting for me on the other side, no light...nothing I've come to preach my "good news" to all of you...believe what you want but don't get to caught up in what you think is awaiting for you... I am lucky to be part of a group of few who have died and come back to life and can say .... It was "lights out" ... No Angels waiting for me, no family members, no Moses, no arch angel Gabriel or Jesus or God or the Devil.......

It's only Lights out ![emoji52]

Glad you made it back to us PA, I hope this wasn't the result of your first 'meeting' with the Hammer.
But wait, I was clinically dead for 9 seconds, the electrocardiogram showed i had flatlined…

Ok - not sure what that has to do with the spirit departing the body

Are you now saying that there is no such thing as individuals who have died to only be brought back to life by science(doctors) ?

I'm saying there is a difference from a spiritual perspective between being declared "dead" from a human/scientific standpoint and being separated from the body. There are many claims about this, but there is no credibility to any of them. Remember the little kid who claimed he died and went to heaven and wrote a book about it? Just this year he said he made it all up. People can have dreams.
We all have our views and opinions and that's where things lay.

It's more than just opinions - alot more.

There is one text - the most widely read in the world - that has stood the test of time for 3500 years. Nothing else is even in the same time zone with it. Period. The Koran is a joke and there isn't anything else.

There is only one text that predicts the future, and so far has a 100% accuracy rating. The Jews have been "regathered from many nations, after many days" - against all odds - they have recaptured Jersualem, again with overwhelming odds against them and vastly outnumbered. They are well positioned to draw the world to war, who can't see this coming with all that is going on? You are blissfully ignorant of these facts. You think it's all irrelevant nonsense, but you will be corrected - and it won't be pretty. All answer to the same Judge of All Men, whether you believe now or not won't change that future reality. Wishing it away or dismissing it is just a temporary distraction.

One thing I can't stand it's lazy minded people who just dismiss anything and everything without even digging into it and move on to the next drunken Friday then repeat until death shuts off the light, that's not me, there is nothing more important than spiritual truths and ultimate questions such as origins. Hell ain't a nice place to be, even if your friends will all be there.
It's more than just opinions - alot more.

There is one text - the most widely read in the world - that has stood the test of time for 3500 years. Nothing else is even in the same time zone with it. Period. The Koran is a joke and there isn't anything else.

There is only one text that predicts the future, and so far has a 100% accuracy rating. The Jews have been "regathered from many nations, after many days" - against all odds - they have recaptured Jersualem, again with overwhelming odds against them and vastly outnumbered. They are well positioned to draw the world to war, who can't see this coming with all that is going on? You are blissfully ignorant of these facts, but I'm not ignorant of them. You think it's all irrelevant nonsense, but you will be corrected - and it won't be pretty. All answer to the same Judge of All Men, whether you believe now or not won't change that future reality. Wishing it away or dismissing it is just a temporary distraction.

One thing I can't stand it's lazy minded people who just dismiss anything and everything without even digging into it and move on to there next drunken Friday then repeat until death shuts off the light, that's not me, there is nothing more important that spiritual truths and ultimate questions such as origins. Hell ain't a nice place to be, even if your friends will all be there.

Hmmm. But. Um... That's your opinion, right?
No, the Jews over the last 100 years and going forward has nothing to do with my opinion. They were the catalyst for WW2 and they will be the catalyst for a far more deadly conflict in the future. We haven't seen anything yet.
I'm no more ignorant than you are in this pointless argument. Seriously. Now your ass is just annoying. Was kinda fun a few posts ago but you're like a broken record, stuck in your own pile of .... you can't find a way out of.

Drop it already. No one really gives a .....

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