Brainwashed Woman

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All claims of bacteria are always later proved to be contamination (i.e. originated from earth)
As much as I am enjoying the banter, you should probably give up on this now FZR, PA is starting to make you look a little foolish.
FZR unfortunately our conversation will end here ...

We can both agree to disagree on each others views... I wish you well and when you talk to your GOD next, please tell him to strike me down from the "heavens" so I know he exists ...;)
As much as I am enjoying the banter, you should probably give up on this now FZR, PA is starting to make you look a little foolish.

Nah - I make his beliefs look foolish, they just happen to be more popular in evolution indoctrinated 2015, but truth isn't based on a poll. Most people simply believe what they have heard, and/or what the majority believes. I was indoctrinated with evolution all through engineering school as well.

Alien life is laughable mythology. Truth always wins in time - I know the truth, I can only be proven right, my opposition will never prove anything they believe - not a thing.
Here's the predictions of common descent/evolution:

1. "Junk DNA" - debunked - rejected by even hard core Darwinists now
2. "Vestigial organs" - debunked, they keep finding engineering fuction for claimed useless organs, including the appendix (involved in immunity)
3. "Transitional forms" - debunked, all claimed "transitions" are later revealed to be creatures that were fully formed, but now extinct, they just appear strange. "Transition" by claim/fiat is the usual confirmation bias/circular reasoning

"Alien life" is just the next garbage prediction of failed evolutionary philosophy.

To quote the movie "Blade" - "some mother____ are always trying to ice skate uphill"
As for " the afterlife"
I have told many of my older relatives to contact me when they die when I was a kid.... To this day, no one had contacted me....
If they have, I don't see any signs... I've even left my computer running over night several times to catch " voices" running very sophisticated software .....
There was nothing on the read outs.... I eve. Said out loud before I went to bed that I gave full permission to contact me....

Ps- if you believe in God, that means you believe in the " devil" correct ?

So you set up recording equipment to hear sounds from your departed relatives. LOL. You have been watching too much Television and movies. LOL. Once dead the spirit is in one of two places. Once you die then comes judgment.
I didn't know that spirits knew how to work with computers. Most of the living have problems with them. LOL
I asked a church going bible thumper one time if they thought there was motorcycles in heaven . he responded point blank "no I don't think so"

I responded with a serious "thats ....... terrible" and "I'm sorry about the ....... part" LOL

so I ride like there is no tomorrow . :D
So you set up recording equipment to hear sounds from your departed relatives. LOL. You have been watching too much Television and movies. LOL. Once dead the spirit is in one of two places. Once you die then comes judgment.
I didn't know that spirits knew how to work with computers. Most of the living have problems with them. LOL

Sounds great, so now give me your data to back this up…and no quotes from the man written so called God "inspired" Bible…

How do you know the "spirit is in one of two places," did you die and find this out from first hand experience?

…Such Nonsense…..:p
FZr ... Why do you have to "please" God?

You only have one life, don't be a parrot repeat what is told to you...

The very fact that you ride a $25,000 1299 shows me that you have already broken one of Moses's commandments written by your "God"...
"'Thou Shalt Not Have Any Gods Before Me".. Jesus was supposedly a beggar and probably didn't believe in Mammon.. And yet you ride this flashy bike ..i can also see you have a flashy red car in your avatar..You could have very well purchased a cheap inexpensive frugal Honda or Yamaha and yet you went for a God of "Gold" ...... ?

Hey Albert..

Obviously you haven't read the Bible.. Jesus was NOT a beggar. NO where in the bible is he described as a beggar. He was a carpenter..
When asked about if it was lawful for Jews to pay taxes to Caesar? Jesus replied... "Who's face is on the coin" The people replied Caesar. then he responded "Then render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's"
BTW. He healed beggars and cripples, he preached and hung out with all types of sinners be it beggars or tax collectors or the Pharisee's ( the top Jewish religious leaders of the day) The Pharisees were the ones behind him being Crucified since he was upsetting their social status and power.
Jesus told the people that is was not about keeping the laws (of whom the Pharisee's were in charge of upholding and therefore had great status).. It was about a relationship with Him. :)

I guess It doesn't really matter to tell you this because you have closed you mind to anything other than what you perceive as relevant in your world. You are obviously a very bright fellow and very well educated. However you have obviously been taught by very liberal professors etc and have been subjected to their "logic"

As far as signs you request. Just look around you. The world can be very bad since it is run by sin. but it is also beautiful.. Satan is the prince of this world..His time will come also someday. He was once the most beautiful angel but he rebelled and took 1/3 of the angels in heaven with him to make war on God and earth.. Nothing happens unless God wills it.. I cannot answer about Gods will and it is not my right or anyone else's right to do so. The problem with man is he uses his limited realm of experience and the dimensions he lives in to judge what he believes. He is like an ant on the ground. From the ants perspective /world, all he can see is limited to the horizontal and vertical plane within his sight and senses of smell and feeling. the ant has no idea of anything bigger in the world because his dimensional reality is limited. (Man used to think that the world was flat remember?) Columbus got his inspiration from the bible and knew the world was round...

We are the same way.. we have very limited dimensions to base our perception of reality and scientific proof. So you go ahead and make fun of us Christians and mock God. Some day you will get the proof you seek but it will be too late.
Hopefully it will not because I would never wish that on anyone. Eternity is a LONG LONG time.. It is beyond time..

God will not show himself to you because you have shut Him out. ** He doesn't have to prove to you that he exists. If you choose to not believe that is your prerogative.. However you will bow before him one day. "It comes upon man to die once , Then comes the judgment"
We are all guilty of sin and will all suffer unless we accept the payment that was paid for us Christ.. It is a free gift but first you have to get over yourself and your ego and admit that you need Him.. In the end you will find out.. (So far the mortality rates among human beings is at the 100% level LOL)...

We will wait and see.. If I'm wrong then at least I have a guideline to live by to keep me centered .. If I'm right then there will be many that will wish they had believed!
In Hell "Everyone is a believer".. OF course you don't believe in Hell right?.. You did however send out a message on a reply to me with a demons picture on it and said that you are a "Satanist"... I am sure that was in jest (hopefully) however Satanist's also believe in God.. They just choose another master..

I remember in 1981 When John Lennon was Shot and was in the hospital being operated on.. I distinctly remember his wife Yoko Ono asking everyone to "pray for him".
That struck me a odd since he and Yoko never believed in God or any higher power..! they were basically Buddhist and they believed that all men should strive to be humble and eshew all worldly goods. and "Follow the Noble Eightfold Path Of Buddhism) etc etc. which in it self if funny since they obviously had a lot of worldly stuff LOL..

It is amazing how people often come to God in the last ditch effort when they are dying or in imminent danger of dying.
There is an old saying .. "There are very few Atheist's in foxholes during battle"

In the end we all die.. In the end, we will all find out who was right and who was wrong.. The wrong decision now could be an ETERNAL mistake..

I think you somehow want to really know if there is a God since you have stated several times that you asked for signs on your computer and talking to dead relatives etc. and you seem very interested in this topic. I think there is a spiritual side to you that really want to know God.....
However I noticed that you did not respond to the remarks I and FZ made earlier about the odds of cellular mutation and the odds of evolutionary changes just from a cellular level..?

Hard to really explain isn't it from a "scientific" mathematic standpoint.

No hard feelings intended .. I'm just hitting the ball back into your court.

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As much as I am enjoying the banter, you should probably give up on this now FZR, PA is starting to make you look a little foolish.

Watch this.. Worlds most famous Atheist accepts Existance of God because of Science..

Well Here is one of your most famous atheist that realized the folly of his way..

This is also another eye opener..

I imagine this will not be watched by most of you agnostics or atheist because you will be afraid to find out you are wrong.. That would be a real problem..

Just watched it....
It is a good video and I'm happy Speedy that you have taken to the time to bring something with a bit more validity as opposed to your last offering of "Once dead the spirit is in one of two places" nonsense to this argument.

It's always at the end of lives or when individuals are incarcerated and sentenced to death that they magically find "God"....

Flew is at the end if his life, I can't speak for his actions but it's most uncanny that he did a 180 degree turn in thought....

Unfortunately I can't get the other video to play but I'll try to watch it ....

Good work Speedy

Now only if you could get your God to appear to the masses and show in fact that he does exist, I will concede in my view like that Flew...
But until then
I'll stay skeptical and a non believer ...
I can't respond to FZR's comments because they are beyond my scope and comprehension of mankind's existence. I am no expert in that field so I dare not comment on it.. All I want is your God to come and contact me and all of us non believers ASAP ...

Since this has never happened in my lifetime, I can't believe in something that I can't see materialize in front of me or is not documented in Science literature that has been studied and verified as a positive ..

As for Jesus being a beggar.... Any one who preaches in my opinion is considered a beggar as they are begging for your attention and "membership" in their set dogma..
By default that makes me a beggar (and you too)
This is a great article akin to my feelings for the validity for an existence of God..

Argument from ignorance

Arguments similar to, "Belief in proposition X is justified because you can't prove it's not true," are based on the premise that belief in something is justified until sufficient evidence refutes its existence (i.e. argument from ignorance). In this case, the theist is asserting that belief in God is justified even without evidence. While this view may seem reasonable to those who already accept the existence of God, this approach to belief merely represents a form of compartmentalization. If we were to broadly accept the general premise (i.e., "belief is warranted because you can't prove a negative"), we would be unable to develop any useful picture of reality because every claim would be necessarily accepted as true until it was disproved. This is a burden that is impossible to meet when dealing with supernatural claims. The theist is compartmentalizing his or her supernatural beliefs and applying standards different from those applied to other beliefs. To put it more bluntly, a rational person does not seriously claim that leprechauns or unicorns must be assumed to exist because we have not disproved their existence.

Tellingly, apologists typically apply this premise only to questions pertaining to their particular religion — and not to questions pertaining to other religions. The Christian who argues, "You can't prove God doesn't exist," would almost certainly reject such an argument from a Hindu who says, "You can't prove Vishnu doesn't exist!" This compartmentalization, in which one's cherished beliefs are subjected to a special set of standards, is a form of special pleading.

Burden of Proof

Apologists have the burden of proof for the existence of god since they are making a knowledge claim and their view is unfalsifiable. Philosopher Bertrand Russell compared the attempt to disprove god to attempting to disprove the existence of a celestial teapot. Since it is impractical to expect a disproof of either and are therefore unfalsifiable, the burden of proof cannot lay with the skeptic.
Religion is a crutch, which breeds irrationality and circular logic. You can't argue with someone who will ultimately resort to "faith" as the reason behind their thinking. Nor can you enlighten this person with logic that would ultimately unravel that faith - it generally works the other way, contorting their faith to support whatever new evidence is brought to light.

It's a fool's game to argue with someone who whose definition of open-minded is allowing for blind faith.

As for the Bible - too many times have its proponents used both the argument that it's a word of god and the word of man, depending on which is more convenient. The Bible fails on many levels, most importantly in that it is not even internally consistent. How can only claim a book has all of the answers when it doesn't even agree with itself?
A List Of Biblical Contradictions

Science is not perfect. We do not have all of the answers. There will always be gaps and flaws as we seek to learn and grow and understand our universe - but the beauty of science is that it will adapt based on new data coming to light in order to build a wholly consistent theory. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence to detract from any theory.

Some religious folk are good at heart, and just want to use religion as a tool for us to treat each other better. Having a societal structure by which we all treat each other with respect is a noble goal - but not when it comes at the cost of the pursuit of knowledge in the name of science. Sadly, the notion of a soul, spirit, and afterlife is an extraordinarily dangerous one: it is what enables religious lunacy such a suicide bombers, who can carry out their mission with impunity as reward awaits them "on the other side"
Religion is a crutch, which breeds irrationality and circular logic. You can't argue with someone who will ultimately resort to "faith" as the reason behind their thinking. Nor can you enlighten this person with logic that would ultimately unravel that faith - it generally works the other way, contorting their faith to support whatever new evidence is brought to light.

It's a fool's game to argue with someone who whose definition of open-minded is allowing for blind faith.

As for the Bible - too many times have its proponents used both the argument that it's a word of god and the word of man, depending on which is more convenient. The Bible fails on many levels, most importantly in that it is not even internally consistent. How can only claim a book has all of the answers when it doesn't even agree with itself?
A List Of Biblical Contradictions

Science is not perfect. We do not have all of the answers. There will always be gaps and flaws as we seek to learn and grow and understand our universe - but the beauty of science is that it will adapt based on new data coming to light in order to build a wholly consistent theory. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence to detract from any theory.

Some religious folk are good at heart, and just want to use religion as a tool for us to treat each other better. Having a societal structure by which we all treat each other with respect is a noble goal - but not when it comes at the cost of the pursuit of knowledge in the name of science. Sadly, the notion of a soul, spirit, and afterlife is an extraordinarily dangerous one: it is what enables religious lunacy such a suicide bombers, who can carry out their mission with impunity as reward awaits them "on the other side"

God isn't against science. Or vice versa. Plenty of religious scientists out there. We laugh at the ones, on either side, that formulate an entire theory from one single clue. Like the obsolete "Red Shift" nonsense.

I also laugh at the idiot's that think Genesis is a cook book on how to make a universe. It isn't. A day can't be a day, before days existed. Startling how many better Chistians misinterpret that, and put more meaning into it than what there actually is.

Many people do twist the bible up. But even fewer have actually read it.

I don't waste my time trying to turn non believers. But I'm here if they need me. Just ask away. I don't resort to faith. I'm not irrational, and I'm quite strong in science. But I believe. Although, believe is not the word I use.

Perverse evil religions may create terrorists and religious fanatics. But Christianity ain't that, and ya'll know it. And that religion is the basis of most of our morals and ethical code.
-murder is perfectly fine without religion in the way.

As for the contradiction thing. That page is obviously worded by someone that has no idea what they're doing. Likely really hasn't read more than one Bible. and is just looking, hard, for any excuse to tear into it. I don't have time for all that.

But let's take one contradiction they listed. Something about God being the God of war, or cordoning a war. And then being spoke of as the God of peace. It's not a contradiction at all. God is the God of ALL. Pretty simple. Even a rookie atheist can do better.
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