Hard starting

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I thought I fell victim to this or some electrical gremlin today? I went to start the Pani up for my ride home from works, key in the ignition, on position, thumb the starter and nothing? Rest and repeat still nothing? WTF!!!? :mad: Grab the clutch, lift the kick stand, thumb the starter again and she comes to life. :) The bike was in first gear DOH!!!! :rolleyes: :eek:

Too funny. :)
Just to let everyone know, Im having this issue also up here in Canada and have less than 300 km on the bike. The bike struggles to start after hot and left in the sun, the smell of fuel is also present.
Marvic, thanks for your insight fullness on the hard start issue. But if the fuel pump is the source of the problem (as you said you have not had the problem since) why is your 1199 still in the shop? As you mentioned earlier regarding the charcoal canister .

Because I am already working on the next issue... OIL LEAK.....
Just to let everyone know, Im having this issue also up here in Canada and have less than 300 km on the bike. The bike struggles to start after hot and left in the sun, the smell of fuel is also present.

Have your dealer call Ducati Austin and see what they did. They can contact Michael Ables and Rory McGuire. It is definitely the fuel pump in my case and feel fairly certain that it is the problem on most of the bikes. However, if they never collect data, they will continue to guess and you will have to hope that they pull out the right shotgun when they replace the parts. I stand 100% on the Fuel Pump shotgun due to low delivery pressure.
Have your dealer call Ducati Austin and see what they did. They can contact Michael Ables and Rory McGuire. It is definitely the fuel pump in my case and feel fairly certain that it is the problem on most of the bikes. However, if they never collect data, they will continue to guess and you will have to hope that they pull out the right shotgun when they replace the parts. I stand 100% on the Fuel Pump shotgun due to low delivery pressure.

Hi Mavic, you may be right. I'm from the Philippines. Picked my bike from the dealer - Ducati Manila just last May 9. Our 1199 Panigales are Euro Versions. We dont have any charcoal canisters...and I still have my usual hard starting issues at times. There are instances that I dont have hard starting issues at all when I ride BUT, MOST of the time, I do.

Your Fuel Pump -Low Pressure fix makes sense. Mapping is not a problem...as I had the hard starting problem with my stock exhaust. I purchased Termignoni slip-ons and installed UP-MAP (USB flashdrive that came with the termis) thinking this would solve the problem but, still the hard starting issues persist.

-So its not the Mapping
-Its not the Charcoal Canister
-It not even the Battery...as my bike is on the "Deltran Battery Tender" always...and bike cranks hard repeatedly but just wont fire up at times.

I have mentioned about your thread to my Ducati Dealer and they will let me know. I the meantime I will just enjoy using my bike...for as long as it starts after a few cycles (B]3-5cycles..meaning- switch key on start position, wait for cycle, hit starter button...it cranks but does not fire up...this happens 3-5times).[/B] And, for as long as my bike's starter doesnt go kaput...then I will temporarily tolerate this issue on such an expensive motorcycle and hope Ducati comes up with an official fix.

I'm hoping your bike's hard starting issue has been resolved with the Fuel Pump replaced...please let us know re your starting issues as your mileage racks up....

1199 "S" w/ABS
Has to be a mapping issue, doesn't it? It's not electrical and the fuel pump....well....vapor lock? IDK. I can deal with the heat issue. The heat just reminds me that I am on a beautifull powerfull beast and I love it. My dealer told me that Ducati is working on it. Mt bike goes in Saturday for it's 1st service and the dealer said he would try "something" while it's apart. I will report after thw work is done.
Had 1 hard/no start on first crank at around 1200 miles. This was during my back and forth to Indy GP trip from Chicago about 190 miles each way.
After about 30 miles on the highway and few miles on smaller roads, stopped at a friend's place. He wanted to hear the bike again after about 40mins I reached. Tried starting it and would not start the first few tries. Gave it a little throttle and then started with an unusual noise but came back to normal soon. I should admit that it was a little embarrassing, but soon forgotten.
Fuel was at about 1/4th, temp was around 70F and bike had cooled down.

Spoke to the Ducati techs at the Panigale workshop on Ducati island about this. They did not have a clear answer other than telling me to take it to the dealer to check for error codes and the charcoal filter. They did say that a new starter motor with a better design is being installed in the newer bikes and the older ones that need replacement.

So far, I did not have the same issue again and hope it does not happen again.
Does anyone notice that if you give it throttle and it fires up that it won't idle for a few seconds
I have a real problem with hard starts. The thing I have noticed is when I sit it on any kind of pavement for even just a few minutes when it is hot out (80+ degrees) it will crank over and over for a couple minutes at times. But when I park it in the shade, no problems at the same temperature. Maybe the temp sensor is getting a false reading from the direct sunlight and/or the sun reflecting from pavement. Then maybe the computer is trying to fuel map it for that temp or something to that nature. Just a theory. But I have no problems with hard starts if I park in the shade.
absolutely something wrong with your bike. I've ridden it in all temps, left it parked in all temps, ran it on the track with track temp of 140, parked for 45 minutes between sessions and it fires up without difficulty.

Perhaps you've got the same fuel pump issue mavic experienced? Do you have the charcoal canister in place, not sure that has anything to do with it, but no reason for your bike to start hard and mine to fire right up and I'm at over 2000 miles.

I have a real problem with hard starts. The thing I have noticed is when I sit it on any kind of pavement for even just a few minutes when it is hot out (80+ degrees) it will crank over and over for a couple minutes at times. But when I park it in the shade, no problems at the same temperature. Maybe the temp sensor is getting a false reading from the direct sunlight and/or the sun reflecting from pavement. Then maybe the computer is trying to fuel map it for that temp or something to that nature. Just a theory. But I have no problems with hard starts if I park in the shade.
Had 1 hard/no start on first crank at around 1200 miles. This was during my back and forth to Indy GP trip from Chicago about 190 miles each way.
After about 30 miles on the highway and few miles on smaller roads, stopped at a friend's place. He wanted to hear the bike again after about 40mins I reached. Tried starting it and would not start the first few tries. Gave it a little throttle and then started with an unusual noise but came back to normal soon. I should admit that it was a little embarrassing, but soon forgotten.
Fuel was at about 1/4th, temp was around 70F and bike had cooled down.

Spoke to the Ducati techs at the Panigale workshop on Ducati island about this. They did not have a clear answer other than telling me to take it to the dealer to check for error codes and the charcoal filter. They did say that a new starter motor with a better design is being installed in the newer bikes and the older ones that need replacement.

So far, I did not have the same issue again and hope it does not happen again.

This is my experience exactly. Not the friends house and not the roadtrip but the starting part. :) Happened to me exactly one time just like you said. Strange.
i experience hard starting after a long ride - even after the bike cooled off for 1/2 hr or more - but the strangest thing is that after a long ride with a gas fill up, it start up right away, no issues at all.
something to do with the pressure in the gas tank?
I was reading through this thread and was thinking the same thing as Mtich. Has anybody tried letting pressure out of the gas tank by opening the cap when there bike wont start, just curious if the fuel tank vent system maybe the problem.
if you remove the evap emission canister you won't have a pressure build up in the tank.

I was reading through this thread and was thinking the same thing as Mtich. Has anybody tried letting pressure out of the gas tank by opening the cap when there bike wont start, just curious if the fuel tank vent system maybe the problem.
solved the "hard starting" problem...before, it will not start when the gas tank half empty....must open the gas tank cap and start a few time before it is completely start....some time it wont idle....if you release the throtle, the rpm will drop and the bike shut down

i remove the Emission Can and run about 500km now....not a single hard starting issue.

hope this will be the end of it.
DAMN! I thought I was going to be one of the fortunate ones that says " I've never experienced this problem" but it happened to me yesterday. The funny part is that I was at the Ducati dealer when it happened. A beautiful warm (85*) day so I decided to take the back roads into town to the dealer and check on my back ordered (since May) carbon fiber ignition key cover. I hit some city traffic and bike temp went up to 210* as I pulled into the shops parking lot. No shade available so had to park under the bright, hot sun. I had a low fuel load, about 1.5 gallons. I was in the shop 20-25 minutes, came out and attempted to start her up. NOPE. Just kept turning over. I must of tried 15-25 times in the 5 minutes. At first I wasn't using any throttle (Fuel inj. your not suppose to) but seemed like she wasn't getting fuel so I cracked the throttle a tiny bit. She would stumble but didn't start up. I waited about one or two minutes and tried again. Finally, she started. I thought about shutting her down and going back into the shop to talk with the service guy about it but decided I didn't want to risk it happening again so I took off home. Oh crap, I need gas, so going to have to risk it now. I shut her down, filled up and hit the start button, fires right up. So thanks to this thread, I know what I need to do: remove charcoal emission canister. And if it happens before I get to that, i'll open the gas cap to vent fuel tank. Thanks Panigale owners for all the info. Keep it coming. Someone might need it someday.
ZVEZ, there is usually a check valve of some kind in the tank vent system though and it is normally built in to the fuel cap and on most bikes it is a tiny hole that could become clogged with debris so this is why I said to try to pop the cap to release pressure. I don't have my bike near me to look so I can't tell you if this is the case (I am away on work).
Just got mine this last weekend. Having the same issue. Typically after sitting more than a few minutes after riding. Letting sit for an hour, starts fine. 20-30 min, no start. Smell of fuel. Ambient temp doesn't seem to matter as it did the same thing at night as it did during the day while 20 degrees cooler outside. Anybody get a solution yet?
I have had this as well. It happens after sitting x minutes in a y tempature. I have determined it must be flooding, because I just give it full throttle and it starts right up.

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