..... and last I looked at the title it was "Heat Issues, addressed today by Ducati", this has nothing to do with who can and can't post what the feel is an issue. Ah the beauty of forums!
This has been mentioned several times but all we can do is wait and see. Nobody has even beta tested the product and graced us with his/her input. I wouldn't say it will be a 100% problem solver (this heat shield) but may oh say 15%
I just so happen to live in weather that stays in the 100's (talking Fahrenheit here) for weeks. Right now the high has only been 70, but yesterday stuck in traffic was uncomfortable, bearable, but uncomfortable. I only think I have issues under the seat.
I do have the DP racing seat on, and its slightly better at the transfer of heat than the stocker but I am not having issues on my thighs or anything, time will tell, it isn't that hot here yet, we have Arizona climates!!