Im thinking that if you get the upgrade, people may look at you and your Ducati differently and not think your as cool as you are without the update. Id stick with your stock "oven bake exhaust" if the part that you block with your legs when your riding is most concerning.
Joking aside, THis is a bike that you ride, for me Id rather be comfortable and be able to enjoy my bike rather than sit at a light baking and sweating my ass off over the heat under the seat. I mean most of this would not be noticed to the untrained eye other than the few real enthusiasts of Ducati. Most other eyes will stop at the DUCATI decals and thats the end of it.
Calm down and see what the update actually consists of and then decide if the update is for you. I think dark windshields look ...... on this bike, but over half of you love it, just like everything in life, to each their own. If your bikes heat is not an issue, then go pick up the parts for your update and keep them in a box in the garage and enjoy your bike as it is and drop this subject. I live in FLorida wheres its mainly always hot so anything i can do to cool this bitch down, Im all for it, Hell, Id install a ....... ICE BOX behind the radiator if i could just figure out out to keep the ice from melting in 1 minute

So all you ....... in Alaska and Snow Country, I understand where the heat is a good thing for you, but many of us in the "warm" states are looking for help!
I for one paid for a 2013 and If they are now sending out the newest 2013's with this update kit, IMO Id rather keep my bike as current as possible and i really dont mind the update because when im riding it, over 50% of the covers we are talking about will be blocked by me and the other 50% thats visable, is less important to me than the heat being redirected from my ...... NUTS!
Love you all! Mean It!