How to Reset Service Light with Melcodiag on Panigale V2

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Dec 13, 2021
Hilo, Hawaii
Hey All,

I've decided to document how I managed to reset the first service light on my 22' Panigale V2 using Melcodiag

Melcodiag Link : Download page

Reader: Amazon product ASIN B07MQ8GHG3
Cable: Amazon product ASIN B09GX4PVQ1
  1. Download the Melcodiag software, unzip the folder, and then place it in the C:// folder on your windows machine
  2. After plugging the cable into your bikes port and into your computer, switch the Forscan tool to HS, and switch on the bike but don't start it
  3. Then open the Melcodiag software and click connect, if your VIN number doesn't pop up and the tool freezes, end the program with task manager, reopen it switch the port then try again, and repeat until the VIN number pops up
  4. After the VIN number pops up, the software should automatically open your browser to the registration page if not click the blue get license button
  5. Fill out the registration form and wait for the email (takes anywhere from minutes - 30 hours)
  6. After receiving the license, move the file to Melcodiag folder that we placed in the C:// folder earlier
  7. Restart the Melcodiag software and reconnect to your motorcycle
  8. Head over to the resets tab in the software
  9. Click Service interval reset.
  10. Wait 5 minutes and you should see the light disappear on the bike.
  11. Disconnect the cable and switch off and on the bike to confirm
Unfortunately, I have tried many of times with no success. I keep getting this message. What com
number do you have?
The com port is going to correspond to whatever USB port the cable is plugged into. I think the speed will merely be the highest from the drop down menu
The com port is going to correspond to whatever USB port the cable is plugged into. I think the speed will merely be the highest from the drop down menu

Thank you, I will check it out tomorrow and let you guys know
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get it to work no matter what said and I put. Does anyone have any other ideas.
Playing with MelcoDiag on my Desktop with a different OBD adapter that I use with FORScan on my Ford Edge and with another program for an older Jeep Compass. I get the same error.


I think the problem is COM3, which is the port my computer assigned to the OBD device, is set to 38400 in MelcoDiag but 9600 in Windows Device Manager.


If I set both to 115200, I get a different error, probably because the OBD adapter isn't plugged into a motorcycle, so it can't read the CanBus.



I remember with whatever diagnostic program I was using for the Jeep, it gave specific instructions to get ELM (a communication protocol I think) to work you had to change the speed settings from the Windows default.

To get to Windows Device Manager if you are not familiar, press the Windows button on your keyboard and start typing "device."
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Thank you all for your help, have tried every speed possible. It just doesn’t work. It keeps giving me the same code. Does anyone know of a way to contact the people who work with JP Diag?
Playing with MelcoDiag on my Desktop with a different OBD adapter that I use with FORScan on my Ford Edge and with another program for an older Jeep Compass. I get the same error.

View attachment 50325

I think the problem is COM3, which is the port my computer assigned to the OBD device, is set to 38400 in MelcoDiag but 9600 in Windows Device Manager.

View attachment 50326

If I set both to 115200, I get a different error, probably because the OBD adapter isn't plugged into a motorcycle, so it can't read the CanBus.

View attachment 50327
View attachment 50328

I remember with whatever diagnostic program I was using for the Jeep, it gave specific instructions to get ELM (a communication protocol I think) to work you had to change the speed settings from the Windows default.

To get to Windows Device Manager if you are not familiar, press the Windows button on your keyboard and start typing

Your OBD II adapter is not communicating. (happens with the cloned China knockoff's). Buy a genuine one and it will sail through. Below is genuine one.


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You didn't read my post. My OBD adapter wasn't plugged into my bike. I was using it with a desktop computer to help resolve the elm communication error.

My OBD adapter has worked perfectly when used on a Ford Edge and a Jeep Compass when used with their respective diagnostic program.
You didn't read my post. My OBD adapter wasn't plugged into my bike. I was using it with a desktop computer to help resolve the elm communication error.

My OBD adapter has worked perfectly when used on a Ford Edge and a Jeep Compass when used with their respective diagnostic program.

Mine did too on My BMW GT 5 series car. It didnt on the Duc. I bought a genuine one and it works on both. Reset the annual service with Melco in a minute.
This should help: Choosing OBDII adapter – Car Scanner ELM OBD2
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To anyone facing a connectivity issue while trying the reset, there's absolutely no need to adjust the numbers in Melco. All errors are the result of a faulty obd reader. They vanish leading to a good connection once the reader is right.
You have to put quotes on faulty as in the particular device in question does not support ELM. The communication between devices is the principle issue. It is why I would NEVER suggest someone buy a bluetooth OBD device. That is a lot of communication between different mediums which will only drastically complicate things. Serial over USB (i.e. a COM port) is pretty ironed out by now.
I successfully reset my service reminder using the Euro 5 to OBD cable and a Bluetooth OBD adapter. It is OBDLink MX+, a bit more expensive, but did the job. When paired to my Windows laptop it creates two serial ports, and is used in the same manner as wired one. I first tried with a wired adapter (the one from post #2), but it didn't connect (possibly was defective), so I remembered I had this BT adapter and used it. I have used that BT adapter in the past to successfully flash my Triumph.

Thanks to MelcoDiag's author and the community that made it popular. Just saved myself a few hundred dollars on the first service, and have the piece of mind knowing that I did the job properly.

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