I'm going to go back to a point I made somewhere else about how we shouldn't have to argue at all about which bike is the nicest on a DUCATI 1199 forum...
As Jariva said, if you don't like it... "why are you here?" This isn't a general motorcycle forum or even a sportbike forum, which they do have, and the argument about nicest bike belongs there. I like to see these comparisons too, but they aren't going to change the fact that I absolutely love riding the 1199 better, and shouldn't have to defend that here. This is a forum for Ducati enthusiasts, or at least the name of the forum would imply that... I'm not going to go onto the BMW or Aprilia forums and start making statements about why I think the Ducati is better, because I know the responses I'll get, and knowing that, but posting there anyway, is boarderline trolling IMO