"By Age: Older motorcyclists account for
more than half of all motorcyclist fatalities. NHTSA data show that in 2011,
56.0 percent of motorcyclists killed in crashes were age 40 or over, compared with 44.0 percent in 2002. The number of motorcyclists age 40 and over killed in crashes increased by 78 percent from 2002 to 2011. In contrast, fatalities among young motorcyclists have declined, relative to other age groups. In 2011 fatalities in the under 30-year-old group dropped to 26.5 percent of total motorcyclists killed in crashes from 31.9 percent in 2002. Fatalities among motorcyclists in the 30-to 39-year-old group fell to 17.9 percent in 2011 from 23.9 percent in 2002. NHTSA says that the average age of motorcycle riders killed in crashes was 42 in 2011.
Older riders appear to sustain more serious injuries than younger riders. Researchers from Brown University cited declines in vision and reaction time, along with the larger-sized bikes that older riders favor, which tend to roll over more often, and the increased fragility among older people as the causes. The study used data on riders age 20 and over who needed emergency medical care following motorcycle crashes from 2001 to 2008. The riders were put in three groups by age: 20 to 39, 40 to 59, and 60 and over. The data showed that while injury rates were rising for all age groups, the steepest rise occurred in the 60 and over group, who were two and a half times more likely to have serious injuries than the youngest group. They were three times more likely to be admitted to the hospital. The middle and older groups were also more likely to sustain fractures, dislocations and other injuries, such as brain damage, than the youngest group. The authors published findings in the journal Injury Prevention in February 2013. The study is entitled Injury patterns and severity among motorcyclists treated in US emergency departments, 2001-2008: a comparison of younger and older riders." from
Motorcycle Crashes | III
"Older motorcyclists (40 years and up) account for
75% of all motorcyclists' deaths over this 10-year period
with 42-years-old now the average age of a motorcycle rider killed on the U.S. roads in a traffic crash."