Running in a new V4

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The point is no one is attacking you, stick to the topic. Ducati must have some data on bedding in components for a long service life on the street. For a race engine its completely different because they are going to get rebuilt after a few hours anyway, I think the OP has had some good advice from people who race- do the first 600- 1000k's approximately as per the manual then go for it.
Dont be a ........, people are not stupid and you are not the cleverest person to have ever lived.

I'm definitetly not claiming to be. But I'm not the one who woke up and chose violence this morning, though did I? The moron decided to flame me not once, but twice in a row for providing facts and evidence to a claim he believes.

People shouldn't be pricks to other people simply because presented data doesn't fit their worldview.

You had a well thought out and informed response based on that video. He was like "LOL U MAD BRO?" Literally not even trying to talk about the topic, ignoring the actual data and just attacking me persoanlly because that's what low intelligence people do when presented with evidence. People like him shouldn't be allowed to procreate.
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The point is no one is attacking you, stick to the topic. Ducati must have some data on bedding in components for a long service life on the street. For a race engine its completely different because they are going to get rebuilt after a few hours anyway, I think the OP has had some good advice from people who race- do the first 600- 1000k's approximately as per the manual then go for it.

I'm the one most closely sticking to the topic. I literally went back and posted even MORE info about the topic after he was too lazy to go through it, only to get flamed OFF TOPIC by that idiot. What are you even talking about?
Fire, apologies for the comment I deleted it because it makes me the ........ lol, bad form on my part- but from a mechanical perspective there must be some bedding in required, not much but enough to make Ducati and all other manufacturers recommend a short period.
Fire, apologies for the comment I deleted it because it makes me the ........ lol, bad form on my part- but from a mechanical perspective there must be some bedding in required, not much but enough to make Ducati and all other manufacturers recommend a short period.

No worries. I have no issue with you.

As the video concluded, the reason manufacturers do this is A) it's a hold over from when machining technology, lubricants and metallurgy simply weren't as good as today when it WAS a thing, which directly ties into B) There is no incentive for a manufacturer to change their policy from days of old and let their customers "go balls the to wall" because if something does get screwed up, they are on the hook to pay for it under warranty. There's literally no upside, only downside. So why change it?

However, if we are presenting anecdotal evidence. Then I have a friend who bought a brand new RSV4 last year to be his track toy and literally did all his break-in miles on the track (obviously running hard). He never had a single mile on the street. He has experienced no problems with the engine.

And on top that anecdote, how many people does anyone know who "JUST SENT IT, BRO!" and then wound up with cooked internals? I don't know anyone. I know plenty of people IRL and on the internet who claim to "ride it like you stole it off the lot” and have said they had no issues... So there's either a ton of people who did it and are ashamed to admit it because their .... blew up, or it's simply not an issue like overly cautious people think it is. Occam's razor would say it's the latter.
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Nah... I didnt do any break in and already had 2 warranty issue (Quick Shifter died on the highway and waterpump died at the track). No one cares.
Spin a bearing and see if Ducati cares.

But like the video you posted said, it doesn’t hurt to run it in by the book. However, it does give you a stronger leg to stand on if there’s any problems. If you don’t need the warranty, do what you want.
If you want any semblance of a warranty run it in per the manual. ECU logs rpm and gets reported to Ducati on first service

annoying... it's really hard to stay at 6k...

Edit: I hope it's 6k... I just went off my recollection. The sales guy told me 5,500 and I don't like reading the manual
Me: Here's a video that does a methodical, detailed, data-driven job of explaining why break-in isn't needed on modern engines.
You: I'm not even gonna click that.
Me: OK fine. I'll post the results of the video for you with an easy to read headline.
You: I'm gonna use ad hominem attacks because that's the only way I "win" arguments in my brain when I want to refute mountains of data for my own personal beliefs.

By all means though, please go back to rooting around in the mud where you are happy.

Well, my good friend fire, I may be misreading your posts. I didn't believe I had entered into an argument, with, anyone? Whilst we're on the topic, I generally don't try to 'win' an argument. But, I do try to resolve confrontation.

I, expressed, a 'personal' opinion. You can tell I did this, as I caveated my response to the OP.

You seem to have taken great umbrage, to my opinion.

I think you owe everyone on the forum an apology.

Or, am I not entitled to, an opinion?
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It’s an idiom, my guy.

An idiom? This dude exhibits classic Dunning-Kruger.

What perplexes me is that we know running in per the manual is probably the easiest and least problematic (I didn’t say best) method of running in a bike yet for some reason we feel the need to reinvent the wheel. I don’t get this mentality.
It’s an idiom, my guy.

Strange then that when I look up the definition of idiom I find:

“A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light ).”

Your assertion that another member committed “violence” against you seems inconsistent with this definition, and actually seems more consistent with an intentional mischaracterization with the desired outcome of assuming the role of the victim.

It’s a shame because until egregiously mischaracterizing the expression of a counter-opinion as “violence”, you were supporting your opinion very reasonably.
Not that my opinion carries much weight, but i would think that if the break-in procedure was so critical to the motor’s function and longevity, the manufacturers would lock the ecu and rev limit for the first 600 miles. In fact, I think bmw does this on the new s1000rr.
They say 6k knowing full well the market they are selling into and the 6k will be exceeded but it puts the brakes on to stop people going full blast new out of the box.
Strange then that when I look up the definition of idiom I find:

“A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light ).”

Your assertion that another member committed “violence” against you seems inconsistent with this definition, and actually seems more consistent with an intentional mischaracterization with the desired outcome of assuming the role of the victim.

It’s a shame because until egregiously mischaracterizing the expression of a counter-opinion as “violence”, you were supporting your opinion very reasonably.

So instead of Googling the actual idiom I used to learn what it means, you Googled "idiom" and decided because you've never heard of the idiom I used before it must not be an idiom? This is the hill you want to die on? (That's an idiom too btw, sounds really violent, eh? Bet you heard of it though...)

Ok well I'll give you some links then: up and chose violence
Language is fluid and evolves as new generations grow up and cultural norms change. That's how idioms work. It's just the nature of conversation.
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An idiom? This dude exhibits classic Dunning-Kruger.

What perplexes me is that we know running in per the manual is probably the easiest and least problematic (I didn’t say best) method of running in a bike yet for some reason we feel the need to reinvent the wheel. I don’t get this mentality.

Because, as the video proves. It doesn't matter. Also... what? I don't think you're using Dunning-Kruger effect the way you think you are. See above re:Idiom.

Well, my good friend fire, I may be misreading your posts. I didn't believe I had entered into an argument, with, anyone? Whilst we're on the topic, I generally don't try to 'win' an argument. But, I do try to resolve confrontation.

I, expressed, a 'personal' opinion. You can tell I did this, as I caveated my response to the OP.

You seem to have taken great umbrage, to my opinion.

I think you owe everyone on the forum an apology.

Or, am I not entitled to, an opinion?

The thread is a conversation of what's the best way to run in a new bike. I bring a video that uses facts-based evidence and mountains of data using the scientific method to show "it doesn't matter, run it hard or follow the manual, the results are the same". You respond with "I'm gonna be sticking my fingers in my ears and not even gonna click on it..." Then, I try to show you the same evidence, now easily digestible and you say "You're trying to show me more data? Well now I'm gonna use jokes to personally attack you (ad hominem) and completely side step talking about any of the data presented."

Is your response a distillation of the root of what's wrong with humanity? Absolutely. "Ignore facts and data. Go with what I feel internally. Attack anyone personally who challenges my internal compass to deflect from the fact I have no actual data to support my opinion" Now you're doing the "it's just like... my opinion, bro. We all got 'em." Nah, .... your unsubstantiated opinion, bro. It's turbo garbage. Come back with some data like an actual adult.
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Spin a bearing and see if Ducati cares.

But like the video you posted said, it doesn’t hurt to run it in by the book. However, it does give you a stronger leg to stand on if there’s any problems. If you don’t need the warranty, do what you want.

Do you actually know someone who has spun a bearing and then Ducati or (any Manufacturer for that matter) said "well you didn't follow our break-in period so your warranty is void on this fix"? Or is this more of a what-if scenario that only works theoretically? Thrity or forty years ago? Sure. Today? Seems incredibly unlikely to be a thing in the real world.
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Engine break-in is a but a legend that applied to very old vehicles a long long time ago.

But don't take word for it... watch science prove it.

For the record I have watched the video previously. The only issue I take with it in this specific context is that its not a Ducati engine, let alone a V4 from a Panigale. There was another video, I think from Fortnine, where they tested first service oil from 12 new bikes getting run in.

ETA: The video I'm talking about is linked below.

Aprillia was 10, Ducati was 11, and dead last in 12 was a Chinese brand you likely never heard of.


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