Waving as you pass another rider?

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Waving as you pass another rider?

  • Waive to all riders

    Votes: 149 76.0%
  • Waive to riders on same style bike

    Votes: 39 19.9%
  • Waive to riders on same brand bike

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • Waive to no one

    Votes: 6 3.1%

  • Total voters
I wave to all riders if possible and if not I'll give a head nod. Harley riders tend to wave first where I'm from but it's a military city so it's just all out of respect for all riders out there.
Harley riders don't wave back because they can only see riders who vibrate at the same frequency.

And if you think Harley riders are bad, try waving at cops on motorbikes. :)
I try to wave to all riders, since i have sportbikes and a harley, but no love usually from the harley people when i am on the Ducati's which is about 90% of the time.

I dont understand why that part of our culture has been slowly disappearing. there are still a lot less of us riders than cars and as it gets more dangerous to ride, you would think other riders would be more friendly.
I don't wave to cops anymore they never wave back. I wave to Harley's but only if they wave first. I wave to all others, tourers, enduro's, scooters :)
Two finger salute, to most riders! I've noticed about 7 -10 riders wave back, scooters don't count sorry, especially the three wheel variety, can ams trikes things get no love!! :p
I will give the low biker wave to any rider that is on the road and has the love of being on two wheels as much as me. If they don't wave back, oh well. The biker cops in my area are cool as hell so I always wave at them. I live in the Temecula area and at rush hour, you can be in traffic for hours. I alwasy run into these two CHiP's that I safely lane split behind just about every other day . They fly in between the cars with the sirens and lights going and I haul ass right behind them.
Haha hoe herkenbaar :p
haha.. lachen toch :)

I wave to anyone on two wheels (no scooters allthough I make a mistake every once in a while) Harley guys suck! I never even bothered waving at them. Don't like the stuck up attitude, especially when it comes from a mid life crisis wannabee bad boy who is actually an acocuntant type of guy! So nope... no love for them! I wave to all other sport riders!
"the nod" is also another funny phenomenon riders very often do instead of waving. It is a funny thing when you come to think about it. It says so much in so little words. something like: "Yo dude, what's up? I see you...nice bike you have there... yeah thank you I like it to, quite some horses in this baby. Enjoying your ride? Yeah, me to... hell of a day to ride isn't it. Look at all these suckers in their cars, yeah I know.... I'll see you around, enjoy your ride and have a nice day!!!

all that in just a "nod"
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A nod is more for me "I saw you but my two hands are too busy cornering like hell in order to escape from the cops behind me for giving you a proper wave."
either a nod or the occasional wave or leg out, do this to most riders except scooters

+1. Nodding - but not to scooters.

I find that most sport bike riders return/initiate the greeting, but a lot of cruiser/tourer types don't seem to - for shame!
A nod to all costs me nothing, even to learners. If a nod from a sport biker makes even one learner feel proud and accepted, it's worth the little effort on my part.

Harley riders get nothing, unless I know them.
Depends on the situation for me.

Will wave / nod to anyone on a bike when I'm out for a blast or on the motorway. But I don't wave to bikes when commuting to work every day, it's just not practical for London bikers as we'd literally be waving every 5 seconds to every commuter, scooter and courier....I often have a chat at the lights though if I'm on the Pani.

Funny, no-one seems to chat when I'm on my knackered old Honda.....
I will give the low biker wave to any rider that is on the road and has the love of being on two wheels as much as me. If they don't wave back, oh well. The biker cops in my area are cool as hell so I always wave at them. I live in the Temecula area and at rush hour, you can be in traffic for hours. I alwasy run into these two CHiP's that I safely lane split behind just about every other day . They fly in between the cars with the sirens and lights going and I haul ass right behind them.

I'm with you on the wave to all, but the HD guys have such a BA...I've been riding HD's since I was 14. I've come to notice only the old time hard core HD guys wave...the weekend warrior (the put my chaps and vest and Harley owners group patch on!) HD guys are too cool for the room...maybe they're just scared to take a hand of the bar and wave...who know or really cares.

On the flip side, all sport riders give me back the low wave
I try to give the two finger peace wave to the side for everyone. Sometimes I question myself about the Harley guys and when they don't wave back I think... What a douche!
I just got sick of waving to Harley riders and not getting a signal back on my 2005 CBR 600RR so I said .... it, wave stare and drool at my Pani S while I go bye... I'm done

I wave to everyone on 2 wheels, sportbike riders, harley guys, scooter guys, and bicyclist. But the last two does not wave back, they give me a confused look instead. And for cops on bike I just pat my helmet and point at them, sometimes they laugh.
All Bikes with exception of tea-shirt/shorts brigade, usually the nod but more often drop the toe like the French. Try not to ignore learners either as we were all there at some point.

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