Who’s voted….😂😂

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Here’s the data. You anal-yze it.

Yeah, it shows what's OBVIOUS. The Country is on the Wrong Track because of the CURRENT administration.. NOT the incoming one. Like DUH Scooby Doo. Literally every metric favors Trump as well as getting rid of the Biden associated people.

The polls said the same thing before the election. Give it 6 months and you'll be eating your words because all those numbers will change. Did you even THINK before you thought about posting that??
Nice cognitive bias but incorrect interpretation. Good try though.

It means that Trump voters are easily manipulated. Biden is, as far as I know, still the president and Trump voters’ perception of the vote and economy were bad before the election and good after it. Nothing has changed except the outcome of the election. Trump voters won so they have rose tinted glasses. Same thing happens when it comes to other elections and this mythical migrant train.
Nice cognitive bias but incorrect interpretation. Good try though.

It means that Trump voters are easily manipulated. Biden is, as far as I know, still the president and Trump voters’ perception of the vote and economy were bad before the election and good after it. Nothing has changed except the outcome of the election. Trump voters won so they have rose tinted glasses. Same thing happens when it comes to other elections and this mythical migrant train.
Are you even from the US? Things are already changing because people aren’t as scared for the future. The stock market always surges when the Pubs are coming into power because confidence increases because people know things will get better - before the new president has even taken office. Putin is already slowing down the war on Ukraine because he knows Trump is going for place Real sanctions on him. Biden shut down our oil production and now we buy more oil from Russia. Putin takes the profits from that to fund his war on Ukraine. He”s murdering Ukrainians so he can steal their oil and then sell it to us. That means he is evil and all the people that support him. Do you really not know how the world is working? This is not a child’s thing or a topic for more gas lighting on the nightly news. People are dying because of your people’s insistent bull .....

Drugs flooding into the country.
Massive gangs taking up residence in all the major cities.
Am economy so taxed with inflation millions of people are simple giving up hope for their entire lives, all to put untold billions into the pockets of Covid big pharma.
The list is practically endless. That you support these things so wholeheartedly says an unfortunate amount about you.
Are you even from the US? Things are already changing because people aren’t as scared for the future. The stock market always surges when the Pubs are coming into power because confidence increases because people know things will get better - before the new president has even taken office. Putin is already slowing down the war on Ukraine because he knows Trump is going for place Real sanctions on him. Biden shut down our oil production and now we buy more oil from Russia. Putin takes the profits from that to fund his war on Ukraine. He”s murdering Ukrainians so he can steal their oil and then sell it to us. That means he is evil and all the people that support him. Do you really not know how the world is working? This is not a child’s thing or a topic for more gas lighting on the nightly news. People are dying because of your people’s insistent bull .....

Drugs flooding into the country.
Massive gangs taking up residence in all the major cities.
Am economy so taxed with inflation millions of people are simple giving up hope for their entire lives, all to put untold billions into the pockets of Covid big pharma.
The list is practically endless. That you support these things so wholeheartedly says an unfortunate amount about you.
Are you from the US? You sound like a Russian bot or an old crank from Florida watching too much Fox News/OAN.

- Stock market has been up before the election and will keep going up (unless Trump craters the economy with his across the board tariffs). I want the stock market to go up under Dems or Repubs
- Also, the war in Ukraine is not slowing down, it’s speeding up. Putin is trying to put in a last dash effort to secure as much land up to the Dnipro as possible to leverage negotiations
- I’m not worried about drugs or immigrants flooding the country. Could’ve been mitigated by Lankford’s immigration reform bill in 2023 but Trump cratered it for his own political gain
- Inflation is a result of Trump’s poor management of COVID. Less people could’ve died with less misinformation and him dragging his feet. I think you forget that Trump sent out stimulus checks for COVID which caused all this inflation. His name is on the check. But inflation was inevitable and was present worldwide due to the pandemic. The thing is, Biden brought down inflation faster than any other country
- I live in a major city but I don’t see any massive gangs taking over it. Though, I think the Bloods or Crips could run a better city
I might not agree with everything Rocket just posted (because I do a lot of studying of these things and don't just quote headlines) the truth is that in this election you had two choices: keep going down the same rabbit hole of inflation, invasion, infestation, lies, deceit Government over reach in every aspect of our lives, destruction of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and possibility of ANOTHER communist liberal judge on the Supreme Court, and losing our Nation. . . or go back to what actually worked before Lying Biden and his gang of lefty goons got into power. The World is a different place compared to 4 years ago, but what works, WORKS, and the quicker we can start to undo all the harm that has been done, the better for all AMERICANS...not the invaders, the weirdoes, the freaks, the post modernists that refuse to acknowledge the importance of Family, Country, Constitution and Law. If that means re-electing Trump, then so be it. Anybody from the Left will just make things worse, because that is what the Left does. They destroy everything in the name of their 'principles' but have nothing better to replace it with except misery, mediocrity, and fear mongering. No thanks. I'll take the last guy before I'll take the current insanity.
I might not agree with everything Rocket just posted (because I do a lot of studying of these things and don't just quote headlines) the truth is that in this election you had two choices: keep going down the same rabbit hole of inflation, invasion, infestation, lies, deceit Government over reach in every aspect of our lives, destruction of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and possibility of ANOTHER communist liberal judge on the Supreme Court, and losing our Nation. . . or go back to what actually worked before Lying Biden and his gang of lefty goons got into power. The World is a different place compared to 4 years ago, but what works, WORKS, and the quicker we can start to undo all the harm that has been done, the better for all AMERICANS...not the invaders, the weirdoes, the freaks, the post modernists that refuse to acknowledge the importance of Family, Country, Constitution and Law. If that means re-electing Trump, then so be it. Anybody from the Left will just make things worse, because that is what the Left does. They destroy everything in the name of their 'principles' but have nothing better to replace it with except misery, mediocrity, and fear mongering. No thanks. I'll take the last guy before I'll take the current insanity.
Remember you said this when Fat Donnie gives Putin Ukraine, walks away from our allies, starts a war in the middle east then realizes that leaving Europe to deal with Putin has left us with no allies. Hope you and yours are too old to be drafted. Fat Donnie is a narcistic sociopath. He's a grifter and within 2 or 3 years a whole bunch of people will be denying they voted for him. Project 2025 is the culmination of the destruction of the political power of the middle class that started with Reagan. SCOTUS is now predominately corporate whores. No american citizen will ever win another case against a major corporation. What did Fat Donnie ever do for the american people? Legislative achievement, tax break for the rich and corporations that be all. And he'll do it again. More tax breaks for him and his buddies so he can blow the deficit up some more. If you have children/grandchildren they're screwed. The US can keep printing money because oil is traded in dollars. When he starts his war that will be gone. And then we all be ...... because the US wouldn't be able to borrow money to fight the war he's started. You're clueless. Against stupidity there is no defense.
Oh where to begin. So many misconceptions so little time.
Ukraine has ALWAYS been 'Part of Russia, going back 1000 years. The WW2 fascist remnants currently in power caused this problem.
Wars have been in the Middle East ever since people have been alive. Colonialization (Thanks GB) and the forcing of Zionism into the region has only exacerbated that. Imagine that region without Sykes/Picot (you DO know what that is, don't you?) and Versailles (Again, you DO know what that is, right?) and Balfour (One more time, know what that is?). Perhaps we should just stop interfering. Ever thought that Britain and the US might actually be the problem rather than the solution? People in that Region hate us because we are there, not because we are leaving them alone.
You opinion about the SCOTUS is noted and ignored. That's your opinion, you are welcome to it.
Trump is not a Sociopath, I doubt you can define the word even if you googled it.
'Tax Break for the Rich' yet another leftist trope. Please. The upper 5% of wage earners pay 75% of all TOTAL taxes in this country, upper 1% of people in the USA pay HALF of the taxes, upper .1% pay 25% of all taxes all by themselves. That's a LOT of Taxes. Low-middle income people pay only 25% of all taxes in the USA. That means that people making less than 150K a year pay less than 25% of total taxes in the Country.
Oil is no longer paid for only in Dollars. BRICS has seen to that. You can't just print money without causing inflation and devaluing your currency. You do understand basic economics don't you? We are over 34 TRILLION dollars in debt. Adding to it just makes inflation worse. Biden and the Left can't conceive of that fact, or don't care.
Trump has never started a war, but he did end a couple. Blame Bush, Obama and Biden, all neocons, for the latest wars the US is involved in. I want us OUT of all the Wars, and some sanity to reign. It's certainly NOT happening NOW thanks to the idiots in power.

Calling me stupid means you already lost the discussion. Name calling proves lack of credibility because you have to descend to a 5 year old mentality to use that tactic. Debating 5 year-olds is easy. Just offer them Ice Cream, which is what Creepy Biden loves (along with sniffing little girls).
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Ukraine has ALWAYS been 'Part of Russia, going back 1000 years. The WW2 fascist remnants currently in power caused this problem.
If you are talking about those in power in Ukraine then I can’t even begin to say how wrong that is.

Middle Eastern countries that were colonised by GB were doing well until they were given back and then fell to religious nutters.

Iraq was as stable as it could be under Hussain - then enter the US (to protect the US Dollar - same with Libya), with Blair lying to Parliament to drag us into it, destabilising the region. Then the irony of Blair becoming the ‘peace envoy’ to the Middle East. :rolleyes:

Honestly, it’s all the same sh1te, just different arseholes. 🤷‍♂️
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The last time I checked they were a back door outlet for the DNC and George Soros. Hardly a reputable source for anything except communist propaganda and woke insanity vitriol.

What do you expect from California residents?
In one of your earlier posts you referenced a report, www.leelanau.gov, as proof for your claims that the Democrats stole the 2020 election. The report uses subtle tactics to give it the appearance of legitimacy. It uses a similar style as academic and legal documents. The same font with lots of official looking footnotes. I scrolled midway into the document and picked a random footnote from some guy named Kevin Moncla. Then I noticed his name appears frequently in the authoritative footnotes. It seems that he’s a regular on Rumble. He also heads the “Election Oversight Group, LLC”. Sounds very official, but his grift is to write a few letters to election officials and then begs for money from the MAGA cult as they line up for Trump’s rallies. He’s right in there with the T-shirt and gold coin vendors. He has one other claim to fame. He plead guilty and was ordered to pay over 3 million dollars to the victims of one of his other schemes. He video tapes people using the bathroom and sells the videos to the other perverts on Rumble and wherever else he finds them. Once again, this was just a random search of one of the “experts” you reference as proof the election was stolen. I know, it’s Fake News and the Deep State disparaging MAGA.
This is a Ducati owner’s forum, yet I notice you use the Marine Corps logo ax your emoji. Most Ducati owners use a picture of their pride and joy as their emoji. You don’t list any Ducati in your profile. Did you get bored on Rumble and Truth Social and decide to spread your lies on other platforms? I’ve heard those KTM owners are dumb as dirt. Why don’t you share your thoughts with them.
If you are talking about those in power in Ukraine then I can’t even begin to say how wrong that is.

Middle Eastern countries that were colonised by GB were doing well until they were given back and then fell to religious nutters.

Iraq was as stable as it could be under Hussain - then enter the US (to protect the US Dollar - same with Libya), with Blair lying to Parliament to drag us into it, destabilising the region. Then the irony of Blair becoming the ‘peace envoy’ to the Middle East. :rolleyes:

Honestly, it’s all the same sh1te, just different arseholes. 🤷‍♂️
The revolution of 2014 that deposed Viktor Yanukovych led to usurpation of powers and a CIA sponsored coup against his regime, which ultimately led to the election of the little comedian Zelensky. Neo-Nazi's and Fascists are/were the dominant controlling force in his government and have continued oppression/genocide/war against the ethnic Russian population since 2014. Remember that? The current situation is all because of Russia's reaction to that continued oppression and continued military actions by the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi's. They could have had peace in 2022, but the UK nixed that idea and convinced Zelensky to keep fighting. Half a million dead, trillions spent, and Ukraine losing 1/3 of it's territory all because the US/UK/NATO keep intervening, and we're on the verge of WW3. Peace in 2022. Wish it had happened.

The ME 'countries' have not been stable since their inception because of the continued US/UK interventions in their policies. The Iran/Iraq war was funded on BOTH sides by the US and UK, to the ultimate degradation of both regimes. Iraq's debt and inability to pay for the 8-year war (at the behest of the US btw) led to the invasion of Kuwait, and everything that has transpired since then. It's just like every foreign venture the US/UK/France have engaged in since WW2.. colonialization, civil war, invasion, War, destruction of current government, rinse and repeat ad nauseum. The US 'coalition' is not in the region for the 'War on Terror", they are there for the oil they are getting for free robbing it from the Syrian and Iraqi oil fields while funding 'opposition groups' like Al Qaeda and Isis (ALL the Jihadi groups) to keep the Syrian and Iraqi governments busy and try to destroy them. Even Turkey is helping with that.

If the US leaves, the wars stop. simple as that.
Crazy. Usually you don’t own an asset when you have a debt against it, so who owns the US? 😉
Whoever holds our debt. China, IMF, Japan, name a country that has invested in US Bonds...or through the magic of internal government banking, we owe it to ourselves and will never pay it back.
In one of your earlier posts you referenced a report, www.leelanau.gov, as proof for your claims that the Democrats stole the 2020 election. The report uses subtle tactics to give it the appearance of legitimacy. It uses a similar style as academic and legal documents. The same font with lots of official looking footnotes. I scrolled midway into the document and picked a random footnote from some guy named Kevin Moncla. Then I noticed his name appears frequently in the authoritative footnotes. It seems that he’s a regular on Rumble. He also heads the “Election Oversight Group, LLC”. Sounds very official, but his grift is to write a few letters to election officials and then begs for money from the MAGA cult as they line up for Trump’s rallies. He’s right in there with the T-shirt and gold coin vendors. He has one other claim to fame. He plead guilty and was ordered to pay over 3 million dollars to the victims of one of his other schemes. He video tapes people using the bathroom and sells the videos to the other perverts on Rumble and wherever else he finds them. Once again, this was just a random search of one of the “experts” you reference as proof the election was stolen. I know, it’s Fake News and the Deep State disparaging MAGA.
This is a Ducati owner’s forum, yet I notice you use the Marine Corps logo ax your emoji. Most Ducati owners use a picture of their pride and joy as their emoji. You don’t list any Ducati in your profile. Did you get bored on Rumble and Truth Social and decide to spread your lies on other platforms? I’ve heard those KTM owners are dumb as dirt. Why don’t you share your thoughts with them.
you really should look at my other posts. I have a very nice 1199.

Does it bother you that I'm am more proud of 20 years in the Marine Corps than a Ducati 1199?
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The revolution of 2014 that deposed Viktor Yanukovych led to usurpation of powers and a CIA sponsored coup against his regime, which ultimately led to the election of the little comedian Zelensky. Neo-Nazi's and Fascists are/were the dominant controlling force in his government and have continued oppression/genocide/war against the ethnic Russian population since 2014.
Neo-Nazis and Fascists… :rolleyes: 🤣

That sounds like a repetition of Putin’s version of events in the Tucker Carlson ‘interview’.

I only know what my family members and their friends say about that particular part of history (they live / lived in Eastern Ukraine). It doesn’t match your version, but what would they know, right?

So I’m not sure where you get your facts from but my understanding comes from people who lived through it.
If the US leaves, the wars stop. simple as that.
True, aside from the fact that they’ll go back to fighting each other. You’ve seen how things are in South Africa these days? Zimbabwe? Those places have done great running things for themselves.
Neo-Nazis and Fascists… :rolleyes: 🤣

That sounds like a repetition of Putin’s version of events in the Tucker Carlson ‘interview’.

I only know what my family members and their friends say about that particular part of history (they live / lived in Eastern Ukraine). It doesn’t match your version, but what would they know, right?

So I’m not sure where you get your facts from but my understanding comes from people who lived through it.

True, aside from the fact that they’ll go back to fighting each other. You’ve seen how things are in South Africa these days? Zimbabwe? Those places have done great running things for themselves.
Well, I got all my information, at the time things happened, from a different point of view. Current histories that I read show a very white-washed story of what really occured. It's kind of like what happened in Bosnia. People see certain things because it's all they have access to. I have friends in my area who left Bosnia during that time, though they still maintain contact with relatives. The husband goes back every year for 3-4 months to be with his Mother and family. They speak Russian in their home, if that tells you anything, and Selma, their daughter, rides with me and the guys. She has a gsxr600. Selma is also a Cop.

As for the Middle East descending into chaos if the Western countries pull out, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Their culture goes back almost 4000 years and they've become 'comfortable' with living together. It's only when outside influences crop up and start funding 'opposition forces' that things go haywire. Give them a chance i think they will surprise you. Even Iran and Saudi Arabia have come to terms lately. I saw that coming about 4-5 years ago, it just had to happen, but most of the World was taken by surprise.

You'll never know if you never give them the chance. An FBI SA I'm friendly with once told me the ME countries were about 2 generations behind the West in terms of their Social situation. Looking back 40-50 years ago, to my Youth, I'm thinking that might actually be a GOOD thing. We've already made all the stupid mistakes. I'm sure they were watching and saying NO WAY.
Current histories that I read show a very white-washed story of what really occured.
But you don’t know what really occurred. I don’t know from personal experience, but I do know from very close family members living through it. Neo Nazis and fascists leading the country is nonsense. Committing genocide against their own people is nonsense.

Regardless of what you think the Wests involvement is or was, Putin has invaded a sovereign country… Again…
Technically, yes. But Crimea and parts of Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, and Zaporizhzhya Oblasts are now 'Russified', so I guess we could also call it 'recapturing lost territory' after that part of Historic RUSSIA was sliced off into it's own little enclave of a country. What does "Ukraine" mean in Russian? I'm sure you know. 😁
Technically, yes. But Crimea and parts of Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, and Zaporizhzhya Oblasts are now 'Russified', so I guess we could also call it 'recapturing lost territory' after that part of Historic RUSSIA was sliced off into it's own little enclave of a country. What does "Ukraine" mean in Russian? I'm sure you know. 😁
By this logic, the UK, France, and Spain should be able to “recapture lost territory” by invading the US. Actually, the US gov’t should relinquish power to the Native Americans since they were here first. It’s called a slippery slope for a reason… Ukraine was peacefully split off from the Soviet Union and if Ukraine want to be a sovereign nation, more power to them especially if it means making Putin look weak.

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