There are Bad News and Good News...
The Bad News is,

Today, Holley, EARL'S parent company made a mistake in labeling of their parts resulting in them sending me the "bracket" twice, but have not sent me the actual brake hardline straightening tools.
This pictures show the same part but with 2 different part# on their boxes... The bracket part# is 040, and the tool part# is 039. The Part# 040 is the bracket for tool with Part# 039 so that is where the confusion started.
This means, my Cooper Brake Hardline Project will be further delayed
The GOOD News:

a. MotoCorse Steering Stem Cover finally arrived along with the MotoCorse Titanium Oil Filler Plug (with the "M" Logo engraved) This 2 items only available at MotoCorse Japan, but since I bought them through Bellissimoto, which had to source them through MotoCorse Italy... well thus the months of delay, but hey better late then never
@bradp51 , I know you are curious on how this mount, so judging from the second picture below, that show the back of the cover, it looks like it will be hold by the stem NUT. I will update you once I installed them... in the next few weeks...
This MotoCorse Japan Titanium Oil Filler Plug really like jewelry, so shiny I got to wear dark glasses
Then... The long await Rizoma Veloce L Sport mirror arrived with it's bracket... well the bracket is Pair for left and right, however, I only received 1 Rizoma Veloce L Sport mirror today, so one more unit is still in back order status... oh well,
at least I can see how they looks like...
The SILVER Anodized Aluminum is a Perfect Match with the Rizoma Sport Ride by Wire Throttle Grip
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