More 1199 vs S1000RR Bull****

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Took the the S1000RR for a test ride.

Came back.

Immediately traded the Panigale for the 2014 RR Red Black and White.

In my opinion there is absolutely no contest between these bikes. Why?

The BMW is better built. Sitting on it in the showroom it felt balanced, in fact it felt lighter than the 1199 even though it isn't.

The riding position is much much better than the duc, in particular, you can actually grip the tank. The 1199 is not a riders bike in this regard.

Its smoother. Its faster. Its more nimble. It definitely handles better. its more economical. its cheaper. Its more comfortable, Its more predictable, Its turn in is sharp and accurate. For an average Joe rider like me it is soo much easier to ride. To get anywhere near the same accuracy from the big red Italian I had to commit way more.

It has better brakes by a big distance, it has better lights at night.

I am amazed that a company that hadn't really ever played a role in the sports bike market could get their first real entry so perfect. I think BMW have a problem now - that is how can a sports bike get any better?

I read a lot of comparisons between these bikes. The BMW normally wins. the reasons are now obvious. Over on the 1199 forum there are a lot of brand loyal folk like me. Ignorance is bliss........

nothing wrong here...

some people live all their life banging wild italian redheads and suddenly find out they're more into german blondes... :cool::D:p;) they might run and brake better (and have nicer "headlights at night", but what's life without a little drama)
Italian men don't walk up to gorgeous women and make small talk about the weather.

Likewise, we don't buy Ducatis because of turn-in, we buys Ducatis because Ducati. Others buy everything else because small penis.

Is the BMW a better bike? So say some. But that doesn't make it a better purchase.
This debate has raged for as long as this site has been here, and I've only been here a little over a year. Most of the comments are about the S1000RR's looks. The 2014 Red/Black/White color scheme is quite fetching, IMHO. I personally prefer the 1199's looks better and the technology/materials on display, but I still think this version of the S1000RR is pretty good looking - for a "conventional" sport bike.

Amazing how everybody on this site constantly freaks the .... out when the S1krr is mentioned. I'm not sure just where OP got his quote from, but 9/10 times when the 1199 is brought up on the s1k forums, they DON'T talk .... about it.... Lets get off our high horse fellow Ducati owners.......

We argue BMW vs Ducati 24/7, but hasn't the R1 kicked the .... out of BOTH of these bikes, at about $10K cheaper? Yeah....
This debate has raged for as long as this site has been here, and I've only been here a little over a year. Most of the comments are about the S1000RR's looks. The 2014 Red/Black/White color scheme is quite fetching, IMHO. I personally prefer the 1199's looks better and the technology/materials on display, but I still think this version of the S1000RR is pretty good looking - for a "conventional" sport bike.

Said the guy who didn't post a picture of her face....

The BMW is the hot chick at the gym who's body is a 10 but her face ....uurrgghh

Hey Florida have no idea....
hahaha! sunshinestate! what a gay dude!
I'll give you a rose!! your mole balla!!!
I'm flattered you see the gay within me:) Now come on over here and come see just how gay I can be my little huckleberry.
Amazing how everybody on this site constantly freaks the .... out when the S1krr is mentioned. I'm not sure just where OP got his quote from, but 9/10 times when the 1199 is brought up on the s1k forums, they DON'T talk .... about it.... Lets get off our high horse fellow Ducati owners.......

We argue BMW vs Ducati 24/7, but hasn't the R1 kicked the .... out of BOTH of these bikes, at about $10K cheaper? Yeah....

Funny i own a 2009 r1 and they make fun of her face too, but you are right the r1 does beat them both!! Lol
I'm not bashing the BMW, but if I remember correctly, the 1199 beat the BMW in terms of laps times in most puplications. That's where I spend my time on my Ducati. I came off of a Suzuki GSX-R 750, albeit 9 years ago, LOL.
For an average Joe rider like me it is soo much easier to ride.

And that's the end of it. The 1199 is definitely the more challenging ride. That's why I bought mine. BMW dealer called me two weeks ago to tell me the HP4 I made a deposit for back in September was going into production... no thanks. Found the bike I want.
Unless we are buying to competitively race for pink slips, any SS bike will give you a thrill from a purely objective standpoint. There is no shame in admitting we bought what we bought for emotional reasons and bragging rights that we simply own something that is to bikes what a Ferrari is to cars. Does anyone think Ferrari owners are stressing over the new Corvette Z06?
I just don't like nearly everything about the BMWs looks, the Panigale is just wet sex, to me.

That and I think all BMW owners are cocks, like who would buy a Beemer or a Merc when you could buy an Audi or a Porsche, just saying haha!

It's all personal preference :cool: Like Lambo or Ferrari, personal taste.......however Ferrari FTW lol, the 458 is also pure wet sex :D
Jeremy Clarkson would agree with you.....

Lol, wow I haven't seen that show in forever. Anyway, I am purely going on experience knowing some owners and meeting others. They all seem like the "keep up with the Jonses" type. There are of course always exceptions. Don't wanna piss off any BMW owners :p
After my first 1199 got stolen I did consider getting a HP4 or a 2014 s1kr, believe it or not s1000rr did deem very easy to ride, but it does still lack in looks. It is also becoming a very common bike nowadays though.

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