Ducati Panigale V4 916 25 Anniversario Build Thread

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I have never found the honda stuff here in Oz but I am with gnance on Plexus it is expensive here but really good. It gets my vote. BTW I am on a first name basis with Sherman at Proti. Have spend way too much money with him.

Hi BradP51,
I did not buy direct from ProTi but through Bellissimoto here in the USA, they give me good price since I am buying a lot and plan to replace all the bolts that ProTi offer as a kit (and some custom length bolt).
I can't sleep so I decided to take out my front yellow reflector and install the ProTi Titanium Bolt for Front Calipers with AELLA Titanium Brake Caliper SPACER and AELLA Titanium Brake Caliper Bolt WASHER.
The Aella Titanium Washer have a lips that kinda "center" the bolt, just like Spoon's Rigid Collar (for car).

Here are the pictures:
View attachment 30072

The ProTi Titanium Front and Rear Caliper Bolts (I only install the Front one tonight), it came with the Anti Seize Paste.
I also wonder what is that small round shape metal object on the top left corner of the packaging for... it only 1 pieces... if anyone know what it for, please tell me.
View attachment 30073

Aella Titanium Spacer and Washer:
View attachment 30074

Comparison in length between ProTi bolt and Stock bolt, looks like the ProTi is about 1 mm longer (thread length) which is perfect to compensate for the washer:
View attachment 30075

Install the washer onto ProTi bolt (notice the lips of the washer):
View attachment 30076

Top side, ProTi Bolt with AELLA Washer and Spacer, bottom side stock bolt with stock spacer, the ProTi/AELLA combo is so much nicer compare to stock... well I guess money doesn't lie :p
View attachment 30077

View attachment 30078

I also purchase a set of extra front fender ProTi bolt in Titanium Silver so I used it for my Ducati Performance Carbon License Plate bolts.
Left picture before, Right picture after:
Again, the ProTi bolt on the right picture is much nicer compare to plain black steel on the left...
View attachment 30079View attachment 30080
Thanks HKMP7,
Your build is also great and brings inspiration to me :)

By the way, Mr. Postman just deliver this Carbon rear brake reservoir bracket by Shift-Tech.
I need this bracket so I can avoid cutting the original plastic bracket.
So I plan to put the Ducati by Rizoma, Wave Clutch Reservoir for the rear brake. Since the Wave Clutch Reservoir is larger in diameter, I will have it custom mounted to the engine block using
several Rizoma rear view mirror bracket with ProTi bolts. That mean will CUT/CHOP the upper half of this Carbon bracket for that custom mounting :p
It will be fun :D

View attachment 30657

Since I don't know which combination of bracket that I will need, I just buy a bunch of them... they will come in handy anyway and they are cheap (some of them are on sale/clearance):
View attachment 30658

I almost forgot that this parts below already arrived few weeks ago, so...I know I need to prepare for the most painful part which is bleeding the brake, and because I plan to change all the banjo bolt with the ProTi Titanium Banjo Bolts, that mean I will need to bleed the clutch, front brake and rear brake...
so to make it easy I bought all this Stahlbus Quick Bleeder :p
Initially, I was also planning to replace all the brake and clutch line with the FrenTubo carbon fiber brake lines, until I notice that some of the stock line were actually solid pipe line,
which always better than any braided brake lines can be, so I decided to stay with the stock one.
Not to mention some of those line runs very close to the rear cylinder bank exhaust manifold.
Below is the picture of all the Stahlbus Quick Bleeder needed:
View attachment 30659

I have those Stahlbus bleeders too. Gecko put me onto them. Purchased about a 18 months ago and still not fitted them. Better get off my ass. I work two jobs that is my excuse.
BMW Alpina
You are going to want this well. 520 Titanium chain
Ok now the deviation is starting to get a bit weird. Everyone has a gold chain my friend. Snoop Dog and Shaq have a pile of them. Here’s you chance to step out of the box. If you are going to use the term “cost effective” at this point you may need to reevaluate.
Hi BradP51,
I did not buy direct from ProTi but through Bellissimoto here in the USA, they give me good price since I am buying a lot and plan to replace all the bolts that ProTi offer as a kit (and some custom length bolt).

I use the gold front caliper bolts and posted pics a long time ago. I used the OEM spacers and had them anodised in a gold colour but it looks more like brass and dull. The aim for my bike is to make it as light as possible. The rest of my Proti bolts are now the Titanium colour. I also had the large circlips for the rear axle nuts anodised in gold as well and they do not look too bad. I see you purchased some Aella ones that look like a bright silver or chrome. Did you happen to notice if your titanium Aella spacers are lighter or heavier than the OEM ones ? I am guessing the OEM will be lighter. I had the experience a few years ago that Ti is not always lighter and have researched a lot since then. Back in 2014 I purchased a CNC Ti front axle nut. (I still have it in the workshop as a spare.) Weighed it and then took the OEM one off and put the new one on. Then weighed the OEM alloy one, and guess what the OEM was lighter. I put the OEM one back on. I cannot remember the difference but I have it all recorded on a laptop and also a hard copy paper record. I will start up some pics soon as I have so much stuff to fit. I have full carbon fairings to painted to look OEM, full carbon tail also painted. I only recently fitted the Magnesium Marchesini in gold that I imported from WRS Italy back in 2017.

I am very much enjoying your build. Inspires me to post some pics of my pieces.
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Ok it’s an awful price but it’s pretty cool and if you don’t like showing up at the dance with the same dress as the rest of the girls, this will help.
Ok now the deviation is starting to get a bit weird. Everyone has a gold chain my friend. Snoop Dog and Shaq have a pile of them. Here’s you chance to step out of the box. If you are going to use the term “cost effective” at this point you may need to reevaluate.
Ok it’s an awful price but it’s pretty cool and if you don’t like showing up at the dance with the same dress as the rest of the girls, this will help.

Hello Endodoc,
The Titanium chain looks very close to the stock one in color, it did not provide differentiation or looks special for my "eye candy" purposes. I am sure it will benefit a lot for the people who track the bike, but as you know,
I am just doing all this for my "viewing pleasure" and gold will always be gold, whether snoop dog, shag wear it, or my lovely Ducati wear it, it still looks golden to me :D

Hi WyldCFH,
Thanks for the link,
I click on the link and if you configure for 120 chain links, its actually only $560 so price is not bad, but again, it did not fit my goal which is purely for cosmetic purposes and just for static display.
But of course, it got to looks "fast" even when it's standing still :D
I use the gold front caliper bolts and posted pics a long time ago. I used the OEM spacers and had them anodised in a gold colour but it looks more like brass and dull. The aim for my bike is to make it as light as possible. The rest of my Proti bolts are now the Titanium colour. I also had the large circlips for the rear axle nuts anodised in gold as well and they do not look too bad. I see you purchased some Aella ones that look like a bright silver or chrome. Did you happen to notice if your titanium Aella spacers are lighter or heavier than the OEM ones ? I am guessing the OEM will be lighter. I had the experience a few years ago that Ti is not always lighter and have researched a lot since then. Back in 2014 I purchased a CNC Ti front axle nut. (I still have it in the workshop as a spare.) Weighed it and then took the OEM one off and put the new one on. Then weighed the OEM alloy one, and guess what the OEM was lighter. I put the OEM one back on. I cannot remember the difference but I have it all recorded on a laptop and also a hard copy paper record. I will start up some pics soon as I have so much stuff to fit. I have full carbon fairings to painted to look OEM, full carbon tail also painted. I only recently fitted the Magnesium Marchesini in gold that I imported from WRS Italy back in 2017.

I am very much enjoying your build. Inspires me to post some pics of my pieces.

Hi BradP51,

I did not weight the AELLA Spacer vs. OEM Spacers, but I think you are right, because Titanium is heavier than aluminum alloy. I just like the AELLA because it has the right shiny color that match the ProTi Titanium Silver color, plus the AELLA have that nice grooves in the center (like waist).

I used to sell ValterMoto parts long time ago, and I remember installing all Valter Moto ergal bolts to my customer's Aprilia's including the engine bolts at night time when my mechanic went home and I am alone in my showroom...
So I missed that experience. Oh, I also install Titanium bolt from Graves racing for caliper bolt and rotor bolt of my customer Yamaha R6 (race prep) long long time ago,
so buying all this ProTi is just to recapture that memory and also they happened to look very nice. Weight loss is just a secondary benefit for my application.
I’m just giving you a hard time. I would encourage you to swap out the swingarm pivots though. The stock ones are a bit of an eyesore and the Ti units are not expensive View attachment 30756

Wow, there are a lot of Titanium Parts available that I did not know exist! Thanks for sharing this Endodoc. more things to learn every day.
I already have (and bought) a solution for this eyesore though from MotoCorse :D

Aluminium frame plugs kit (Nr.6) - Panigale V4 - Ducati - Brands


It's a 6 pieces set with the sub-frame bolt cover:
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Hi BradP51,

I did not weight the AELLA Spacer vs. OEM Spacers, but I think you are right, because Titanium is heavier than aluminum alloy. I just like the AELLA because it has the right shiny color that match the ProTi Titanium Silver color, plus the AELLA have that nice grooves in the center (like waist).

I used to sell ValterMoto parts long time ago, and I remember installing all Valter Moto ergal bolts to my customer's Aprilia's including the engine bolts at night time when my mechanic went home and I am alone in my showroom...
So I missed that experience. Oh, I also install Titanium bolt from Graves racing for caliper bolt and rotor bolt of my customer Yamaha R6 (race prep) long long time ago,
so buying all this ProTi is just to recapture that memory and also they happened to look very nice. Weight loss is just a secondary benefit for my application.

I understand exactly. We are at slightly different purposes. I like the look of the Aella spacers. I may even buy some. Must get back to repairing my lawn mower. LOL
Who sells the titanium pivot? They are on my list of things to make but sometimes it is cheaper to buy.

Hi Bruce Wayne,
I found the older post from endodoc, it looks like Podium Racing supplied that part for for the 1299: Ducati Titanium
or for just the pivot bolts: Best Ducati Titanium, Lightweight, Strong & Good Looking Design
I don't know whether it is the same size as the V4, but maybe if you contacted Podium Racing they can provide the information.
Here is Podium racing current Titanium offering for V4: Panigale V4 - Podium Racing Online
Now I remember, I visited this page before when I looks for all the supplier of Ti Bolts. They have front axle in Titanium.
If I am not mistaken HKMP7 also bought some Ti parts from Podium racing and they are located not far from HKMP7 home in Arizona.

However, as endodoc posted on this thread (link below), the surface have wear out marks after 3,000 miles most likely due to the harness property of titanium.
1199/1299 Titanium swing arm pivot bolt report (photo)
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Yes so the podium pieces hold up well with regard to structural strength and integrity however the drive side is a needle bearing assembly and Ti is not the best bearing surface compared to steel so the drive side becomes work hardened and pitted after a while. Coating the part may help. Since then I have had the shafts made by another manufacturer (same company that makes the axles). The drive side now has a tool steel sleeve pressed over the bearing surface. Problem solved. Many of the rear end components on share the 99 V4 platform. Not sure if these do. I’d need to get my hands on one
Hi Bruce Wayne,
I found the older post from endodoc, it looks like Podium Racing supplied that part for for the 1299: Ducati Titanium
or for just the pivot bolts: Best Ducati Titanium, Lightweight, Strong & Good Looking Design
I don't know whether it is the same size as the V4, but maybe if you contacted Podium Racing they can provide the information.
Here is Podium racing current Titanium offering for V4: Panigale V4 - Podium Racing Online
Now I remember, I visited this page before when I looks for all the supplier of Ti Bolts. They have front axle in Titanium.
If I am not mistaken HKMP7 also bought some Ti parts from Podium racing and they are located not far from HKMP7 home in Arizona.

However, as endodoc posted on this thread (link below), the surface have wear out marks after 3,000 miles most likely due to the harness property of titanium.
1199/1299 Titanium swing arm pivot bolt report (photo)
I have the podium racing front axle already shhh. DM me
Yes so the podium pieces hold up well with regard to structural strength and integrity however the drive side is a needle bearing assembly and Ti is not the best bearing surface compared to steel so the drive side becomes work hardened and pitted after a while. Coating the part may help. Since then I have had the shafts made by another manufacturer (same company that makes the axles). The drive side now has a tool steel sleeve pressed over the bearing surface. Problem solved. Many of the rear end components on share the 99 V4 platform. Not sure if these do. I’d need to get my hands on one

Hi endodoc,

I am curious,
When you custom machined all this parts, do you order it as a one-off? I imagine it will not be cost effective for you to order just one set,... or if I am not mistaken you have an engineering firm in Irvine?
so do you also have some CNC machine in house?

At this moment, I work in Industrial Automation sector, representing Robotic Arms, Linear Stage, Control System, Vision System, Laser Marking equipment etc.
So I visited many engineering firm, integration companies and machine shops (both mass produce and prototype) so high mixed, low quantity always make the price goes up high.

and how do you make the model? did you use CMM combine with 3D vision to model the original part before you submit the CAD to your supplier or your supplier take care of all the measurement for you (turn key from start to finish)?

I build a custom 6 piston Brembo brake system for my Honda Fit a few years ago, and I need to custom made the bracket for the caliper, and the rotor hat,
but measuring those bracket/hat was not that complicated, so I just measure manually, then draw them and give it to machine shop.
Here is my thread on that project: My Front Brembo Gran Turismo 6 Piston Type III Rotor - Unofficial Honda FIT Forums
At that time, my 2 sons were younger, but now my 2 sons had learn to use CAD software so it will be much easier if I need to do this project using CAD. :p
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Good question. First off I am a Titanium fanatic. My background is aerospace, I flew in the navy and for Hughes/Raytheon as a test an eval platform engineer so I have always been bitten by the tech. Yes among other interests i have an innovation and development company working with the DOD and recently Amazon. We do not have capabilities outside small machine Lathe Mill etc)capabilities in house however our partner company which is 15 min away in Santa Ana is a full multi axis CNC, 3D shop with aerospace certs including welding and composite materials. The Titanium components I use are made in Baden Germany in an aerospace house. I do have input with respect to the design which I do on Solidworks but have no input past what I am trying to achieve, The manufacturer takes care of all of that. I do not sell components. I order multiple sets of what I need for spares and to facilitate the volume discount. If there are components left over and someone needs something then it's theirs. That doesn't mean that i do not order one off items. I do all the time but for things like axles, steering stems, slave rods etc I usually order 10 of each. I would like to make my own stuff and I have access to the shop at any time but my OCD coupled with a host of other mental deficiencies present themselves whenever I get the itch. It's really procrastination. All of my small magnesium and Ti components I make myself on the Unimat. I really want to get into composite materials. Im playing with it now.

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