Thanks HKMP7,
Your build is also great and brings inspiration to me
By the way, Mr. Postman just deliver this Carbon rear brake reservoir bracket by Shift-Tech.
I need this bracket so I can avoid cutting the original plastic bracket.
So I plan to put the Ducati by Rizoma, Wave Clutch Reservoir for the rear brake. Since the Wave Clutch Reservoir is larger in diameter, I will have it custom mounted to the engine block using
several Rizoma rear view mirror bracket with ProTi bolts. That mean will CUT/CHOP the upper half of this Carbon bracket for that custom mounting

It will be fun
View attachment 30657
Since I don't know which combination of bracket that I will need, I just buy a bunch of them... they will come in handy anyway and they are cheap (some of them are on sale/clearance):
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I almost forgot that this parts below already arrived few weeks ago, so...I know I need to prepare for the most painful part which is bleeding the brake, and because I plan to change all the banjo bolt with the ProTi Titanium Banjo Bolts, that mean I will need to bleed the clutch, front brake and rear brake...
so to make it easy I bought all this Stahlbus Quick Bleeder

Initially, I was also planning to replace all the brake and clutch line with the FrenTubo carbon fiber brake lines, until I notice that some of the stock line were actually solid pipe line,
which always better than any braided brake lines can be, so I decided to stay with the stock one.
Not to mention some of those line runs very close to the rear cylinder bank exhaust manifold.
Below is the picture of all the Stahlbus Quick Bleeder needed:
View attachment 30659