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AAA, 6000miles, several tickets...



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You kidding me . They classify a Ducati as a sports bike .who would have thought .

Because a Hypermotard is a sport bike?
Because a Multistrada is a sport bike?
Because a Diavel is a sport bike?

Hate to tell ya but Ducati superbikes (all Ducatis) have been classified as standard bikes through Rider Insurance for over 10 years so your comment is ignorant to say the least...

If you insure 100 1199's maybe 5 of them may result in a claim. If you insure 100 R1's maybe 25 of them may result in a claim. Thats kinda how the insurance game works and that is why Ducati rates have always been so affordable through Riders Insurance Co in the Northeast United States....

Maybe you don't understand, that $3100 quote is the same for a 1200 Monster and a Multistrada and a Diavel- a cruiser for christ sake. I'm serious to know if more people who have Ducatis and Rider insurance will just drop the insurance company or leave the Ducati brand for something more affordable. I know we have a good amount of people on here that have Rider.

No, Statefarm is only good if no one else will take you... their rates are still doubled though.

I am 30, no record and have my full M. I am with Allstate, standalone, with several corporate discounts bundled. Full coverage is just over $1200/Y

6 months ago State Farm told me buzz off because i had one moving violation within 3 years :confused:

It was okay, their online quote was for $5,004.00 :p
I have riders with 200 and 250 deductibles, I pay $560 a year.

rrcap- when was your policy up for renewal? If it was before June 1 you have a surprise coming come renewal time. Giver rider a call and ask them to give you a new quote on the bike after its been "reclassified." I couldn't believe they have the nerve to tell thousands of bikes "yeah, your policy is now 4 times what it used to be." HAH!
Same thing here. I had Riders and it was the cheapest by far, but when my renewal came up this month the Panigale jumped waaaay up. I ditched them and just added my bikes to my Allstate policy where my cages, house and umbrella policy are. They ended up being cheaper with all the multi discounts in the long run anyway. It was a good thing while it lasted, but they don't do these things for no reason. I am sure once the actuarial data came in they realized that too many people were wrecking expensive Ducatis so they adjusted the rate tables accordingly.

Hey, I understand completely. S1000RR's too. The easy ride makes the bike obtainable for like $200 a month which any high school or college kids/young adult with a job can afford. Ive seen several wrecked 1199's and s1Krrs towed into the dealership by me in pieces. drop a honda= $3K in damage drop a Duc= $10K in damage. Crazy how the $$$ adds up quick. But a 4x increase is just completely unreasonable in my opinion. Unless they had 4x the wrecks...
ok here is my question and its logical. if you have xxxx bike and you paid xxx dollars for insurance and they triple your rates because of a reclassification how do they justify it. same rider same bike.

anyway i have state farm and i pay 900 a year for full coverage. however i dont pay the same bill every month. depending on the month i may pay 140 or i may pay 50 bucks.

i also only have my bike with them. they were 400 more for my car so i left my car with geico.

Mark Mark Mark, they didn't triple it. Quadrupled. I paid $730 for 12 months $250 collision $200 Comprehensive deductibles, minimum liability. Then it goes to $3100. Thats 4.24 times the cost. You can't justify 4.24 times any cost of what it was the day before. I can't believe Geico at $500 deductibles is "only" $1690 for me. I just tried Progressive and they want $5,004.00 a year. Yeah, OKAY!
DUDE what the hell, im 24 and have my ducati 1199 under rider. I pay 650 a year for full coverage on the bike. MY s1000rr under rider was 650 also for the whole year and i live in NJ. Thats insane you better double check. My brother pays 250 a year for his panigale under rider.
Because a Hypermotard is a sport bike?
Because a Multistrada is a sport bike?
Because a Diavel is a sport bike?

Hate to tell ya but Ducati superbikes (all Ducatis) have been classified as standard bikes through Rider Insurance for over 10 years so your comment is ignorant to say the least...

If you insure 100 1199's maybe 5 of them may result in a claim. If you insure 100 R1's maybe 25 of them may result in a claim. Thats kinda how the insurance game works and that is why Ducati rates have always been so affordable through Riders Insurance Co in the Northeast United States....

Maybe you don't understand, that $3100 quote is the same for a 1200 Monster and a Multistrada and a Diavel- a cruiser for christ sake. I'm serious to know if more people who have Ducatis and Rider insurance will just drop the insurance company or leave the Ducati brand for something more affordable. I know we have a good amount of people on here that have Rider.


You are riding a 1199 ? Pardon my ignorance . Maybe they are just trying to get rid of you .
Copied directly off my State Farm annual statement.

BODILY INJURY AND 100/300/50 $101.30
UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE 100/300/50 $137.59

The agent is a great guy Ive had ONLY bike insurance with for all my Ducati's and absolutely loves referrals too! He even covered me when I lived in Oklahoma of all places, and am sure can write a policy for ANY state.

Let me know (PM) if anyone wants his info to see how well he can do? :D

Please PM me.
Queens, New York
36 years old
Renter, 780 credit score
No accidents in 18 years, no tickets in 14 years
Car license 19 years, motorcycle license 9 years
$1,000 Deductible
Full Coverage 2012 BMW S1000RR, 2013 1199 Pani Base
$2,150 a year and I checked EVERYWHERE. (Ducati $1140, BMW $1010)

Thank you for the very detailed analysis. You're lucky with those prices in NYC man. Ive met a lot of guys who said an 1199 was unobtainable only because companies wanted $8K for them- guys in their late 20's and 30's. Crazy to see how these rates are so drastically different all factors considered. I'm just wondering how in the hell my policy this year was only $7XX.00 with my age and deductibles. Well, I'll enjoy the remainder of this policy!
Queens, New York
36 years old
Renter, 780 credit score
No accidents in 18 years, no tickets in 14 years
Car license 19 years, motorcycle license 9 years
$1,000 Deductible
Full Coverage 2012 BMW S1000RR, 2013 1199 Pani Base
$2,150 a year and I checked EVERYWHERE. (Ducati $1140, BMW $1010)

Man, I just don't get it. Your age and credit score are close enough to mine where it's hard to see what else can be accounting for the difference. Are you Married or Single, they asked that too. If you're single maybe Married+Homeowner == "Safety First" in their mind somehow...
You are riding a 1199 ? Pardon my ignorance . Maybe they are just trying to get rid of you .

No, Rider reclassified all Ducatis as sport bikes. Rider doesn't tier them within the sport bike category. a 1200 diavel is the same as a 1200 1199. Makes no sense.
I'm not sure if you read the other comments here but this was across the company with all Ducati owners being affected, not just me. One moving violation and one accident claim on my record made no difference with Rider- you get one "free" of each.
Man, I just don't get it. Your age and credit score are close enough to mine where it's hard to see what else can be accounting for the difference. Are you Married or Single, they asked that too. If you're single maybe Married+Homeowner == "Safety First" in their mind somehow...

I'm still clearing my throat after reading $8,000 for the SL....good lord. I can't imagine owning a bike where after 5 years the insurance you've paid out is more money than the depreciated value of the bike. Either way, enjoy your SL. Lucky.

You wouldn't happen to be the guy in Group III who tracks his SL @ NJMP?
No, Rider reclassified all Ducatis as sport bikes. Rider doesn't tier them within the sport bike category. a 1200 diavel is the same as a 1200 1199. Makes no sense.
I'm not sure if you read the other comments here but this was across the company with all Ducati owners being affected, not just me. One moving violation and one accident claim on my record made no difference with Rider- you get one "free" of each.

I guess to a insurance company they are .
I'm still clearing my throat after reading $8,000 for the SL....good lord. I can't imagine owning a bike where after 5 years the insurance you've paid out is more money than the depreciated value of the bike.
Yeah, I could NOT believe that when I heard it... and Geico were the first I called, so I definitely felt bowel discomfort and was wondering just how bad it was going to hurt. Thankfully State Farm sorted me out.

As an aside, when the '03 Gixxer 1k came out it was the highest power:weight ratio of a production sportbike at the time, and I bought one brand new. I was in my mid-20s, had a few speeds on my record and paid something like $12k for the bike all in. One insurance company wanted me to pay $13k/year! Apparently they are required to quote you a number and that was the numerical way of saying "fsck off". I found cheaper in the end elsewhere (don't remember any of the other details, though).

You wouldn't happen to be the guy in Group III who tracks his SL @ NJMP?

Negative, Ghostrider. My SL will be on the track soon enough, I just need to sort out a replacement bodywork solution (and decide what else needs to come off, and how much I want to sign up for in terms of labor for swapping parts before/after each track day).

I got my SL at FBF, but Marcos at Ducati SoHo told me that they took delivery of TEN SLs! So there have to be a bunch around here somewhere...
ok get the tomatoes out... $500comp/500collison/100k per incident. State Farm $257 a year. Multi car discount. All my eggs in one basket. Clean record(knock on Wood) 780+credit score.

Downfall= live in Iowa. no curves.
Positives=low crime rate

I about .... my pants when I was quoted. Same as my slow ass HD.
State Farm was the lowest I found. When I moved to CA from KS my insurance quotes went from 1200 a year to 13,000 a year. Yes, 13,000. Check out State Farm.

FWIW, no claims, no accidents, clean record.
It's a daily gamble I've come to realize. In 2012 I called Progressive and received a ridiculous 4 digit quote. Called Geico got a decent under $800 quote for a year. Sometime last year this forum had this discussion again (this is third time) and I called Progressive again for some reason and they quoted me under $700 this time. I'm 39 yrs old was living in NC and have perfect credit and zero driving violations. As seen on the Today show this morning credit is a major factor in your quotes, btw. I have no clue what changes the quotes but it changes daily, and sales person to the next.
I have called State Farm again and again with no success. They like to have clients that stay with them for a long time and don't move around. Or that has been my experience.
I'm about to change to FL now that I've moved. Let's hope I don't have to do the dance again...
Update, went up by $15 monthly moving to the sunshine state.
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over 40, I pay about 80 a month for my PaniS in Los Angeles and another 80 a month for the MV F4RR to State Farm. Squeaky clean record since I started driving when I was 17.
Thank you for the very detailed analysis. You're lucky with those prices in NYC man. Ive met a lot of guys who said an 1199 was unobtainable only because companies wanted $8K for them- guys in their late 20's and 30's. Crazy to see how these rates are so drastically different all factors considered. I'm just wondering how in the hell my policy this year was only $7XX.00 with my age and deductibles. Well, I'll enjoy the remainder of this policy!

....... jokers at rider thought I was gonna pay 2100 a year to insure my HP4. .... off man why the .... would I pay that. It was like 600 bucks last year. Looking like 1400 a year through geico with multipolicy discounts since my car is there. Seems everyone is doing a lot of reclassifying lately as my car got re-classified and I'm paying 60 more a month.

I'm probably gonna sell the HP4 too at this rate. No way I'm paying that kind of coin

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