All 3 modes of my 1199 came set to ebc 1. So is that the highest? Pulling out the manual now
ok first off i like the fact that the bike has a slipper clutch but i try not to use it at all as its expensive to replace if you depend on it. All you have to do is blip the throttle and you dont ever need to use a slipper clutch.
Spend the money on coaching instead . There is no need to replace the clutch in the 1199 or the 1299 .
Without being impolite, I've been riding since I was 18, I'm 41 now, not that age has anything to do with anything.. I've done blipping/braking/and downshifting for years; I prefer a slipper to go quick as do others. Each to their own I suppose. Appreciate your concern tho. You really shouldnt assume I'm not familiar with a certain technique. A low thread count doesnt mean I cant ride..
I tried it in #1 setting as that is how I recieved the bike and it was worse..
Ill start with the disclaimer that I did search for a little while before this thread.
After I got my bike home a few weeks ago and rode those 40 miles or so before the forks took a chit I set up the race mode parameters to my liking with EBC set to 3 or in lamens terms full slipper...