This is what happened:
Calgary Ducati (owned by Wild Motorcycles) didn't want the brand anymore. Just too much headaches with DNA and their rep. This was what the owners actually said. So, they dumped it off to Shaganappi Motorsports (SM).
SM had the brand for all but a few months in late 2012. They (SM) told me themselves that Ducati wanted a certain quality of showroom, however, the upgrades would be too expensive. Rather than provide SM with dealership status until a new dealership could be setup, DNA pulled their status, leaving the entire Calgary market high and dry (+1.1mil population).
How do I know this? Because my unit was with Calgary Ducati since Fall 2012 waiting for parts/repair. Delay upon delay, I never knew what was happening till Calgary Ducati one day said, "not our business anymore - your bike is with Shaganappi". More delays, this time with the new dealer. Eventually, SM says, "Can't fix your bike, DNA took away our dealer status."
After hours of phone calls and countless emails between dealerships and DNA, my bike was eventually taken by Argyll who completed the job - wait for it - five months after it was first dropped off.
DNA won't give any info on future dealership support for Calgary. They didn't even bother to tell anyone that there is no longer an authorized dealer in the area. In the process, they left many customers' units at dealerships that could not complete any work.
Last I talked to DNA, their solution is that units that need things such as warranty work will have to go through Argyll.