LOL what a ....... joke. I get all their little games and no big deal, however if You paid 1200 bucks for a hospitality pass and you are denied access to the event you paid for you should be issued an immediate refund.
Its blatantly obvious with many things like this taking place that the vax doesn’t do jack .... to prevent you from getting Covid nor does it prevent you from giving it to anyone else. If it did we would all be asked to show our vax bar codes and be on our way but no, they want proof you don’t have Covid which we all now know vaccinated and masked or not, you have zero control with regard to getting infected.
This is actually a good thing. It even more strongly solidifies position that no one their believes the vax protects anyone. You actions and your mandates not matching your words solidify your lies CDC.
This is another attempt to get you to wear a life vest on an unsinkable ship. This is effectively stating that no matter what you do, your weekend could be compromised and we’re not giving you a refund. I’m totally ok with the mandate but to spring this on people with no financial recourse, is ridiculous.